Quick Pentacles question.


So it seems (to me) like the focus is almost always on money/work/wealth matters when it comes to Pents; aren't we meant to throw the whole body & health thing into the mix, too?

Do YOU ever consider health issues when reading a Pent card (depending on the card, question, position in spread etc)?


In other decks, the pentacles are replaced by stones. A very grounded, basic needs sort of understanding where we are concentrating, as you say, on the body, health matters but also on food, shelter, clothing, jobs and all the basic, fundamental things we need to survive, hence the association with money since that can buy us all these things.


Of course, but can it not also STRICTLY mean the body and nothing else? Can one of the Pents cards not be indicating a particular part of the body? I feel like there's hardly ever any indication to that (in favour of money and wealth).


Of course it can, just as it can mean just money but I guess its up to the reader to connect the dots and feel what the overall reading is telling them. Is it a reading about health or a reading about finances or buying a house or a career move???


Parasphere said:
So it seems (to me) like the focus is almost always on money/work/wealth matters when it comes to Pents; aren't we meant to throw the whole body & health thing into the mix, too?
We aren't *meant* to do anything.

Parasphere said:
Do YOU ever consider health issues when reading a Pent card (depending on the card, question, position in spread etc)?
If it turns up in a health-related position, then yes. I do the same with majors and all the other minors, too.


Parasphere said:
Of course, but can it not also STRICTLY mean the body and nothing else? Can one of the Pents cards not be indicating a particular part of the body? I feel like there's hardly ever any indication to that (in favour of money and wealth).
In an individual reading, yes. Not as a permanent meaning. Nothing is ever a permanent meaning. And yes, other cards from other suits can indicate bits of the body, too. For instance, I often have the Two Cups come up in health positions where clients desperately need to drink more water (and/or less alcohol) or have a history of kidney problems, or have puffy ankles and shadows under the eyes and other visible signs of kidney dysfunction.

In such cases I tell them to go to their doctors and ask about such-and-such an organ (in the case of the Two Cups, the kidneys).


Oh yeah, I understand it's not permanent. I just thought that there's usually more focus on interpreting Pents in terms of money than health and body :)

Cheers for your input, Milfoil and Nisaba!


Parasphere said:
Do YOU ever consider health issues when reading a Pent card (depending on the card, question, position in spread etc)?
Yes, certainly: health, wealth, education, security, stability, any physical-plane issue.

Pentacles are down-to-earth, sensual (tangible, touchable) and "real." Health energies of any kind (mind, spirit, body) are often signified by Pentacles.

p.s. But as the others said, they are never strictly any one thing.


I think of Pentacles in terms of resources, which includes all types of resources. Money and financial resources are often the most visible and tangible. For me, since I have had major medical issues, I definitely look at Pents as health/body related. Guarding one's health is often the first thing I see with the 4 of Pents, whereas others' first thoughts are miserliness.


Parasphere said:
I just thought that there's usually more focus on interpreting Pents in terms of money than health and body :)

It depends upon the question, doesn't it? If its a financial/work related question then obviously one takes pents for cash.

But if its a health question then one looks at them in a health related way.

More people ask about money and work than about health. Health questions are on a kind of black list here, many readers feel it is wrong to try to read health related questions, always suggesting that the querent should be talking to a doctor and not playing with tarot cards.

But when people ask legal questions, nobody says go talk with the judge and not us.