quick question about readings...


I use 3/4 cards for a reading...

What I know-
What I don't know-
What I need to know-

I then sometimes add a 4th card.. Advice/Guidance Or "Overall Message I need to know".

IF I use a spread.. it is printed or written out. I also don't usually do spreads with many cards. I think that is why it is so important to be very specific with how you word your questions. If you are very specific then you won't need a 50 card spread! :D



saleeneh said:
That is exactly how I do it.. I just start with 3-5 cards then I get the story. I too could never remember spreads.. I would have to take a cheat sheet with me and that wouldnt give any querent confidence! Ha ha...that is too funny.

but I have to say this is why it is difficult for me to post in "your readings' because first I cant remember what the question was and what cards I got in what order..I just remember my impressions.

I would suggest that it will be something like with me.....I forget bits, and that makes me lack confidence, so I don't post much and it ends up a vicious circle all cos of a bad memory...

But I've started to join in with the exchanges/readings posts, and I find that if I write everything down first....just jot bits as I read the question or whatever that I answering, then it's not too bad and I can get away with it....the note jogs my memory back to my initial reaction...:)

Try it and join in and post, cos after a few posts not only will your confidence grow, but you'll find that folks are really kind and will understand if you go back two or three times to edit like I do....:)

Ang x


I don't use a set spread. I draw cards until I know I am done.


Same here I tend to use on average 5 cards in a row or horseshoe type pattern with no set positions as such - sometimes I'll draw another 2 underneath for extra bits of info, depends if I feel it's needed :) I find for me personally If I start using positional meanings I get a bit stilted & my readings don't flow I just lay out the cards & see what comes & I've learned to trust what I feel is right.

:) MM



I think it does not matter how much a querant is determined to only ask one specific question the cards will answer exactly what is needed.. not always what is wanted...........something that may be hidden......

I usually work with the cards in sets of 3... each 3 cards give one very specific message with a bit more indepth info.......how does each card relate to the others.. how do they tie in together......? usually then i get 7 messages specifically to the client.......works really well.......21 cards.. need any further info another set of 3 cards........
I do like the Seasonal spread with the Native American themed tarot...
23 cards......

split into The Heart of the situation, question...
The Winter-dark
Autumn-leaving behind......

You will find the sitters will be happy if you really gave them the message they neeeded to hear......

take care


wonderful insight guys!!

Now my next quesiton is going to be; Do you feel guilty or frustrated that you are not doing what the querent is paying you to do if you give them a reading and dont get their stated question answered but other information? Just thought I would throw this out there too while I was at it!


No I don't feel guilty - not at all. I give them the message they are supposed to receive.

But as I said before I take what I get and then once I deliver that I go for the first question again.... usually they get the answer.


If the reading really seems to scream a particular message which is unrelated to their question, my job is to communicate what the cards are saying, so I communicate it... and usually when that's happened, the client has validated that what I had to say was relevant to something else going on for them.
Sometimes, a card or two will feel separate from the rest of the spread.. like they are talking about something else, and then I speak about them as if they are.

but...... that doesn't happen to often for me, because I really believe that any card in the deck could potentially answer any kind of question about any situation, and to me the client's question, together with the spread position, provide a context for interpretting the card, which automatically relates it to what they asked.
I think that the question can drastically alter the meaning of any card, and often while I'm doing a spread, I reflect on whether or not I'm still answering the initial question, and try to keep on task.

One activity I've done in a Tarot class I taught was to make a long list of questions, and then as a group we think of ways that a single card could provide an answer to all of the questions. This is helpful to stretch ideas about what cards mean, particularly for cards which I tend to generally interpret in the same way whenever I see them..
for example, if different clients were to ask, "what is the root of my financial problems?", "Should I move to a new home?", "what kind of spiritual practices should I embark on?", "where is my lost necklace?", and "how do I get my dog to stop chewing the furniture?" and in each case the Lovers card came up, it would mean something a little different in each case.
This has also been a useful excercise when I've gotten myself into a box of thinking a particular card is 'good' or 'bad'.


Years back I did a reading for a friend of ours, who asked about her spritual path.

The reading came up with dang near every disk in the deck. The whole reading was about work.

This pattern kept going for a couple years.

She wanted to know about her spritual path - the cards told her to drill down on her career (which she hated).

The cards also indicated that new stuff was 'around the corner'.

One day she decided to go to School to become a vet (goal to be a holistic vet).

The cards changed.

And when she asked how she was gonna pay for it...the cards pointed back to that work issue - now I'm not gonna spill the beans on the particulars, but she figured out how to go to school full time and still work - and get paid for dang near full time work. Because she drilled down when she was supposed to.

Zorya used to say, “If we are too attached to a perceived outcome, we may miss opportunities, or what is truly meant for us.”

True stuff that...


I am so grateful I asked these questions

thank you so much for all your wisdom all of you. I am soaking up all your words!