Reader's Block? (Nervous, Angry, and Confused!)


Chara said:
First of all (even though I wrote this last, because I read it while on the response page :D), Umbrae...thank you for your reply. Helpful, as always. :D usual. :)
Dear Chara;
To begin with, I beg your forgiveness ahead of time. But if you’d really like to move forward, and enjoy the view from your plateau, I have a suggestion (note – this is a suggestion, please disregard the language where it may appear as a mandate, it is not, nor is it intended to be).

Do a little homework.

Print out your thesis post. Circle every negative word or sentence; every ‘can not’ ‘have not’, remove all ego based statements, and all judgmental statements.

Ego loves drama. Ego hates finding out it's not the know all end all - and will fight anything it senses as an oncoming Tower moment. Ego believes that power is 'needed'. Ego is blind.

Fear, is a reptilian reaction; it is ‘fight or flight’, it is a really really low and long wavelength, it’s massive masculine energy – that has been pulled up into the heart space (which is why it feels so wrong, with the heart flutters and all that crap that some folks run to big Pharma to solve).

Your ego is telling you how to read Tarot (or in this case that you cannot read Tarot). Your ego is telling you a lie. It's all in your thesis post.

Pull that stuff into your heart space and you will come to a dead stop.

That said – YOU are the only real power in the universe. Uncle Al told us, “Every man and every woman is a star.” It’s all there, in your upright form. Two suits above, two suits below.

Move that Emperor energy down where its supposed to go – all the power, all the aggression – move it down. That’s where you manifest.

The heart space? All you want to do there is open open open – your heart space projects your reality.

Like a Rose.

Roots below – never touch sunlight.

The leaves - never touch the dark.

Both are required.

In balance.

In balance the plateau vanishes.

Be well. Act wise. Embrace nothingness.


Thank you for your suggestion :D It definitely came across as such...and I will follow it!


Chara, if you don't know, which deck you should choose-use your pendulum!
Lay them out in a semi circle and let the pendulum select one.
Or put one card from every deck in an envelope, mix them, fan them out and let the pendulum find the right choice!