Reading Environment


this is a very cool thread.


I just use a throw on the table and spread the cards.


If you want to avoid scents, then be sure to study up a little bit on color symbolism because you're going to be setting your scene that way instead of with aromas. Also studying a bit on symbolism might be a good thing, too. Sound is also good for setting a mood. Music softly playing in the background might help. I like how nisaba has used the dark with the light, cobwebby effect on her table.

As for myself, I don't do anything really spectacular. I have a pretty Halloweenish tablecloth that's primarily orange with black bats printed on it that's great for Halloween. To go with it, I have a wonderful big bag with Halloween print that coordinates to the table cloth and it's big enough to hold a Halloween tarot deck, a Bohemian Gothic regular, a Bohemian Gothic silver, and my beloved VR Gold as well as the tablecloth when it's not in use. The table cloth is big enough to fit my medium sized round dining table, so I put that on and just sit the bag full of decks on the table. In the middle of the table I have a selection of little colorful pumpkins and gourds in a spiderweb wire basket with a wire spider on the side and that's an October Halloween decoration for whether I'm reading for friends and family, for Halloween night free readings for neighbors or to sit and have coffee plus it's really nice for the season in general. I can add a big fat candle or a cluster of small ones for Halloween night readings to add atmosphere and move the basket of stuff out of the way for the readings.

Aside from all that, I just figure my deck and me is enough. (Just noticed I left that sentence hanging and posted the post. Criminy! What was I {not} thinking? ) I don't usually do anything else except just spread out the cards and read them.


The only thngs I bring to the reading environment, are the cards and myself (and a spread-cloth).

No music, no scents, no candles no nada. If the sitter 'needs' extras, they should provide...


I don't do face to face - so it is highly variable,. Face to face reading I have had - no set up was done at all; it was just a matter of (to take the most recent example) pushing the breakfast things across the table to make space for the cards.... and we both still had coffee beside us !


It depends on where I am. If I'm not at home, I use a clean cloth (my own or someone else's) on which to layout the cards. I do a fair amount of reading, but I don't do it for a living and this influences my methods. I want people to feel comfortable with the tarot--by itself. So I use a very plain approach. (I live in a Bible-intensive area.)
At home I use candles but on a sideboard, not on the reading table. Non-scented, dripless candles, that is. Their color goes with the decor and the season, so it varies. I'm very careful with scents and try to be as neutral as possible (no personal perfume, no incense) because you just don't know how people will react. One exception: sometimes I'll sprinkle cinnamon in the kitchen oven about 20 minutes before someone is due to arrive. It makes the house smell lived-in in a nice way and I shut the door on it a few minutes later.



I was reading about scents and herbs, and cinnamon is said to be used for purification, Meditation; Divination; Energy, etc.


I don't use much preparation when setting the scene for my personal readings. The thing I only use all the time is the lovely silk scarf I use as a cover for the table where I lay the cards. :)


I'm not much of a shopper so I don't know how long these have been available, but there are all size candles now that have a little battery and the flame is beautiful, but safe.

If you wanted candles And saftey I'd get 3 of the pillar sized ones. The light is down about 1/2 way and it illuminates the candle beautifully. They are pretty cheap too.


i'm finding this all interesting.. b/c people really keep it simple in general. I don't know why I thought I'd find more that added the bells and whistles, whether or not they're needed. Right now i keep it simple as well, but am finding the need for a little more atmosphere when i read for friends. the flameless candle idea is a good one too.