reading- Personal examples-


Hi guys!

I would like to have some of your personal examples for readings. What I mean is that it would be interesting and instructive to know which cards you got (quick example) for a given reading that made sens to the querent (or for yourself).

I feel that we often give technical definitions (which is good, we need solid basics!), but it would be nice to learn about some specific example (for spread) that made sens/were relevant to you. It can be some card combination or what inspires you :)

Also, do you feel that you intuition is stronger in your ''best'' reading?


PMing you a reading I did:grin:

I would have to say yes. My intuition is working better in the best readings, that is what makes them the best ones for me. :grin:

I also find that the best readings for me just bring me to tears. They are so powerful and touching I end up crying as I am typing the words (I only read via e-mail). I know what it touches ME deeply, that I have been touched by something deeply profound. The querent pretty well always says the same after one those readings, how profound it was. I know when I am in tears that I am heading in that direction. LOL



Long Reply Posts are still worth reading ! :p_Chariot,Tower,Magician,Death

I've been getting these cards on repeat a lot. The past week or two and then the past three days they've been in each reading.

I've been looking out for car accidents and crashes.
One of the people I asked about, for whom I got the rxTower and Chariot, had their car broken into but nothing was stolen except a small camera.

I've been asking about souls and people's relations a lot and theses cards have made sense to me but not necessarily in the actions that have occurred, especially in the placements.

For instance, the person who is usually represented by the Magician,Emperor and King of Swords has been being represented by soul cards.
The other parties have been being represented by his cards, which I've found odd.
Also, the three of swords which always reads to me as either physical,mental and emotional pain or as loved ones separated has been coming up as the 'issues' and 'challenges' card.

Then, today I saw in the news that John Nash, whom I've always felt a connection to, has dies in a car crash. His wife also died in the crash.

I think that because I was asking specifically for messages from the spirits and about soul mates and possible problems, this message was coloured by this noted couple whom I always think of when thinking of scientists,computer coders and introverted men with emotional issues...I've even been thinking of J.Nash lately because I've been feeling so introverted and having issues with communication and wondering what people are thinking; worrying I may be being a little paranoid. "A Beautiful Mind", the movie based on the book about his college years, opened my eyes to understanding the men in my life I knew like him but also myself and my own introverted,imaginative, neurotic self. It is still one of my favorite films.

My latest reading,a clarifying reading I did yesterday night :
Q : "Am I correct about his soul?"
1.Question : rx Queen Cups
2. Effecting Influence: Knight Swords
3.Higher Knowledge: rx 8 swords
4. Dark Influence: Ace Pentacles
5. Recent Effecting Actions: Knight Pentacles
6. Near Future: Magician
7.My Interpretation of This Issue: rx 4 Cups
8. His/Outside People's Prerogative: rx Devil
9. Issues/For and Against : Tower
10. The next half year: rx 3 Swords

*To me, this reading was about
- a man's youth affecting his current state and his narrow escape from evil influences and continuing battle with them
- letting go of what is being held onto that is self-serving but unhealthy
- pain being addressed and people who need each other being together because separation causes them too much pain
- but also these cards (rx devil,3 swords,4 cups) also speak to me about "damned if you do, damned if you don't" it hurts them to be together and they feel bound to each other for better or worse, too much pain to be apart but it still will hurt to be together.
- The Ace of Pentacles to me is always about the physical item or person being there in person...for instance "will he visit?" Ace of pentacles means definitely you will be physically with him, even if it's passing him without seeing him on the street *haha*

Anyway, I thought this was interesting.
Other's questions and thoughts are welcome !