reading request I got...


i'm speechless.

"Will my relationship now flourish to the next level."

obviously the person feels they are not in control of their destiny, right? how do I answer? Only one card reading.

Muir Aingeal

You're only doing a one card reading for that question? I don't see what is wrong with that question myself. I would use more than one card though.


For me, one card would be enough as there are different factors that would influence the outcome.


gorgeousbutterfly said:
i'm speechless.

"Will my relationship now flourish to the next level."

obviously the person feels they are not in control of their destiny, right? how do I answer? Only one card reading.
They are not fully in control when it comes to relationships. It takes two to tango.


Can you help them rephrase - e.g. "What can I do to help my relationship flourish to the next level?" with an accompanying spiel about learning to take control of your life and Tarot not giving set-in-stone answers, blah-de-blah.

\m/ Kat


I agree with Kat. The original question is too passive; make it active, and the reading will zing to life.


It seems to answer that question you would need a yes no spread, hard with one card but not impossible.
In all fairness though I agree with Kat, the question really needs turned around to something a little more empowering to the quarrent.


I think this kind of question is common - most of the world is interested in relationship stuff. But, it's difficult cause it's a "yes-no", so reword, yes. I would probably start with one card, & then do a clarifier or two.


I'd do like Kat but rephrase - "What can I do to take it to the next level ?"

I have NO problems with one-carders.

Le Fanu

Surely "what do I need to know about the next phase of my relationship?" is less passive? All relationships have phases, so no harm done.

One carders are fine. I use them for everything

And I'm a great fan of the "what do I need to know" format. So much more open-ended...