reading the c/c

isthmus nekoi

Pollux> Yes, I love Bunning's site, and her take on the c/c positions helped me a lot too. (*lol* I too very much prefer the psyche perspective over 'crown'/'basis' :p) Luckily Bunning's writing was one of the 1st things I read on c/c. She's also pretty good w/trying to make connections - I like how she lists opposing and corellating cards in her meanings section, and her whole concept of telling a story... that pretty much sums up my approach: in telling a narrative, you're pulling subjective but comprehensible structures from chaos.
I've heard of 78DW before, but now that you mention it in this context, I've got to read it ^_^ Plus, it's the same author for the Vertigo book isn't it? She's great! Do you have the addy to her website?


CC Position 9

I'm always curious when doing a CC reading what turns up in position 9. I ususally take this card as and "Advice or Warning Card". If I get a negative vibe, its a warning to adjust my/Querant's behavior. If its positive I see it as a point of hope or a goal upon which to meditate. For example, I kept getting the Princess of Swords in this position when I did readings on my current relationship. First of all, in the Spiral deck, this card creeps me out - she looks like an evil, sharp-tongued little snip of a child!! Eeewww!! Anyway, I took this as a warning to keep my words kind and not put my foot in my mouth while keeping my thoughts and speech fresh and clever. One other time I got the 4 of Wands in Pos. 9 which to me is a positive card and gave me a goal to work towards.

This card always helps me understand card 10. Again, if the final outcome is less than desireable, I need to either heed the advice or focus on the positive vision to alter any negative consequences. Like "you should work towrds this (pos. 9) or else...(pos. 10). Building upon the above example, following the Princess/Swords was the 4 of Swords, to me, confiming me to take a rest from my thoughts and stop intellectualizing (that darn Aquarius Moon at work again!!)

I agree with many of you on Joan Bunning - her online course is where I began my Tarot study. I love her way of combining the postions to create a cohesive - yet somehow complx (as life is!) - story.

I feel most comfortable with this spread and I always resort to it. The only other spread I may use is a five-card linear. I use this from time to time if only to study elemental dignities.

~ january

isthmus nekoi

I like the advice intepretation of pos 9 too. I tend to read it as what has been overlooked. (Of course, the best advice would point you in that direction; what you're forgetting, different perspective etc).

I like to use the 3 card spread, the 15 card chaos once in a blue moon (I find c/c more to the point though), and the calendar spread. Before I knew about calendar though, I did a year themed reading on the c/c. 7 was winter, 8 was spring, 9 was summer and 10 was fall. I did 2 spreads side by side, Vertigo on the left, Rider on the right. It worked out pretty well but of course, calendar has a better structure for a yearly throw.


position 6/near future

Another position in the CC that I question is the 6th card/near future/before you. Sometimes I feel that this card can indicate something that has already happened and its effects will be experienced for a bit. For example, The Tower shows in the near future. The querant informs the reader that they had a devastating experience just yesterday. Should the querant be told that even though the event happened just hours ago, the lessons and efects of the card will need to be embraced?

Another time, I laid out the 3 of Cups in position 6. I see this card as parties, celebrations, joy... just something to celebrate!!! My cousin, being the querant, informed me that just the previous evening she went to a wedding and it really got her thinking about marriage and can't get it off her mind. Hmmm...

What has helped me immensely in deciphering readings is the Permutations in Tarot for Your Self (Greer). I've learned to pull apart the cards and get a feel for the different energies surrounding a situation.

~ january

isthmus nekoi

That's really interesting... perhaps the position could also hold immediate influence instead of incoming... I had trouble differentiating b/w that position (it's 5 for me) and the outcome at first. b/c 5 belongs to the circle I saw it as an *influence* and related to the personal and 10 in the staff is the total outcome which has an element of the impersonal. 5 can either aid or prevent 10.


CC fan here. (dodges rocks)

The points that people seem to be continually bringing up as negatives for the CC (cards that seem to oppose each other, confusions on exactly how to interpret a given card position, etc.) I find to be the very points that serve to illuminate. You just need to think about them; they eventually yield to persistent cogitation.

I had thought dislike for the CC practically a universal opinion here, until this thread gained a few more responses. I personally love the CC. Use it all the time, and find it immensely helpful for obtaining insights.

Has the 'shadow card' been pointed out here? This is the one on the bottom of the deck after the shuffling and cutting is complete. It's not part of the spread, obviously, but some sources say that this bottom card provides a sidelight onto the question. I think of it as a stage-whisper from behind the scenery.


I love the CC.

The 6th card is the future influences. I read it like this:
If the card is a cup then it means that the next water sign comming up will be the month the event will occur. If the Cup is in the sixth position now and it is time for Scorpio. You can predict the event happening within the next week or until Nov 21. Look at the number on the card. If you get the five of cups you look at romance frustrations happening November 5, or the next five days from today because five weeks will not be Scorpio transit any more. The reason I say this is because the sixth card predicts what is to happen in the next six month. The next six months if the card is a cup will be april, so it could be in March ( Pisces)he will experience frustrations but, I doubt it. If the card is a sword in the six position look at January 23 ( Aquarius/Air) until Febuary 19 for the event to happen. Etc.Etc..
Now for the Ninth Card. That is how a person truly feels. An example would be


Concerning the card that crosses.
If the Card that crosses is pointing to the Past which is card 4 then the past influence is still around. You will read the card that crosses upright or reversed if the card it is pointing to is upright or reversed. An example will be the 3 of swords in the past position upright. Supposed the card crossing is the Sun. You will read the Sun as upright. If it is in the future(6 position and upright read the sun as upright.

Concerning the 9th card. That is card to see the persons true feelings. An example would be the 3 of swords in the 9th position and the question is about relationships. Looking at the persons 7th card would indicatte how they are feeling right now. So let us put the two of cups in the 7th position.
Here goes. You will say the person is on cloud nine about a relationship. Perhaps they may have recieved a phone call from the person or they just saw them. Currently they are feeling in love and really good about the romance.....But let us look at the 9th card. That is how they really feel and that means that deep down in side they are hurting ad truly feel that the relationship is not going to work out and are going through pain.

isthmus nekoi

I think us c/c fans are in the minority here :p

Yes, rota, I agree, life situations are never clean cut and fit to order. Life is messy, and only full of contradictions from a limited conscious viewpoint. I don't believe that the Shadow card has been touched upon, but if I recall correctly, Meewah mentioned in the other c/c thread about doing a single card throw beforehand, and I myself look at the bottom card that was the result of clearing the deck from the last reading before the next throw...

I've stopped reading the crossing card as upright/reversed. I just read the thing right to left as if it is a page in a book. Usually a little story of development will come up there, temporally linking the past and future cards flanking the cross.


I think it is interesting that what we call 'the Celtic Cross spread' is in fact a large number of related spreads, with a common pattern for laying out and with similarities of meaning.

I've used the Bunning version, and the 78DW version, and now I'm experimenting with my own version, which moves away from divination and into a snapshot of the present. It goes like this:

1. The question. I let the cards tell me what the spread is about.
2. Clarifying the question. Sometimes I read this as an obstacle, sometimes as simple clarification, but I decide in advance of laying the cards which it will be.
3. The past/ the basis of the situation. What is underlying it.
4. What is moving out of the situation.
5. What is coming into the situation 'from above'. What the universe, or spirit, is sending.
6. Where I'm heading. (Me being my only 'querent' at present :) )
7. What is within me - my personal qualities/feelings/knowledge about the situation that others may not be aware of.
8. Others view of the situation and of me within it.
9. What is hidden from all of us at present.
10. Advice.

It's going OK at the moment. But I'm sure there are changes that can and will be made. I love the way the Celtic Cross is so flexible like that.