Regaining control

Demon Goddess

I often do my fun readings to learn how the cards talk to me and why they talk to me the way I do... Why not inform someone who chooses that deck that you cannot expect that the question they want ask will be answered because that decks talks of it's own accord, they might find that appealing in and of itself.

One thing I learned about Tarot... let your cards be your guide and your expectations will fall by the wayside. It seems to me that only once I was able to do that did my tarot truly come alive for me... And this, even moreso this week than ever before in my personal history. That said, although the cards are nothing but cardboard, ink and wax, I assure you there is certainly something more to my Revelations deck than meets the eye.

I don't believe in the dead being channelable, nor do I believe that they come back after life, I'm open to the concept but given nothing to lead me in that direction that makes sense... I find it hard to believe. By the same token my "new" spirit guide told me this week that SHE guides my Revelations deck, but that SHE is not the one who guides my Navigator... So, that tells me that I have more than one "spirit guide"... I don't quite understand the whole concept of spirit guides, yet, but I don't believe that they are "dead people". And now I'm rambling, so, I'll hit the submit button and shush now.


And now for some useless frivolity:

Troublesome cat deck?

Bring in the Dog deck. That should straighten them out. Woof!

Or if you're a Monty Python fan:

It sounds to me like your cats have not been sufficiently confused...

Call...Confuse-A-Cat! It's all in a days work for.......CONFUSE-A-CAT!

But seriously folks:

I agree that the cards in of themselves have no feelings or personalties beyond that which our perception applies. You have what you call a Cat People deck. Naturally you perceive this deck to have the aloof personality of a cat. Therefore this influences the way you read the cards. Try to clear your mind of pre-conceived ideas and read the deck without considering it the "Cat Deck" and perhaps you will get more of a variety with your readings.

Easier said than done I'm afraid. You may just have to retire the darn thing.

Cheers and good luck!


Well, if your Cat People deck continues to give you trouble, re-home it. Give it and the Meow Mix and kitty litter it came with to someone else. That will show it!


Grizabella said:
Well, if your Cat People deck continues to give you trouble, re-home it. Give it and the Meow Mix and kitty litter it came with to someone else. That will show it!

I did that once. I bought the Cat People deck because the pictures were lovely & I thought we'd get along, being a relative cat lover. But we couldn't quite get along, so I gave the deck, book, & box set to my mother, who was a budding enthusiast & completely cat-obsessed, so of course she loved it.
For years, I thought nothing of the deck, & then for some reason, I traded another deck (my old dragons in fact) for it because of a nagging poke in the back of my head. The artwork is still stunning, & the cat is no longer mute as I've grown in understanding, but when someone says "Tell me about my finances" & I get The Lovers, 2 of Cups, & Death, & my intuition is screaming "RELATIONSHIP TROUBLE!! RELATIONSHIP TROUBLE!!" I COULD make the associations with her financial picture, but that's not what I'm being "told" about. Am I making sense?
I don't necessarily want to disown them, and if they'll only ever be good for general readings, that's fine too. I was just hoping there was some way to make them behave a little more politely. LOL


This was the second deck I ever owned, and the one that started my deck collection (I had given the other away years ago). I bought it because the artwork is stunning. Being new to Tarot, I had trouble figuring out the meanings of the cards without the book.

Years later, & having had the benefit of study & other decks for comparison, I have to say that this deck doesn't picture the meanings very well. I'm not surprised that you have trouble reading it. I think that you'd pretty much have to project your own meanings onto the cards to use it at all.


I think I read somewhere that it's a Thoth based deck. Maybe that's the trouble, if you're used to RWS. And then, too, they're based on that really intricate book she's written to go with the deck. I've had it and traded it a couple of times. I think it's kind of a novelty deck.


Thoth based? Well, that does answer why I got nowhere with it. I haven't spent much time with the Thoth, I've spent most of my time with the RWS based decks.


I've glanced over the thoth, but that deck intimidates the hell out of me. I have & have had a wide variety of decks, some of which I've traded off or lost over the years, & I love variety. In fact, I plan to start doing more readings with my shapeshifter tarot. But I digress.

I can read the cards well enough, partly due to memorization, partly due to assigning my own symbolism & chuck the book. While not my favorite deck by any stretch, I do not particularly dislike this deck. I have no plans of disowning it. I guess I'll just accept it for what it is & only use it for general readings.


rabidwolfie said:
the cat is no longer mute as I've grown in understanding, but when someone says "Tell me about my finances" & I get The Lovers, 2 of Cups, & Death, & my intuition is screaming "RELATIONSHIP TROUBLE!! RELATIONSHIP TROUBLE!!" I COULD make the associations with her financial picture, but that's not what I'm being "told" about. Am I making sense?

What it sounds to me is that this particular deck (without getting to deep into how and why) are very much no-nonsense deck. It really tells you what needs to be told, no matter the question... But I guess noone who is curious about money want to hear that their relationshps are about to crash. But a broken heart COULD be a big moneyspender if you try to mend it....

My suggestion once again is to be really careful to when you use it. Dont use it when specific quesions are asked. But use it for more general questions are asked or the current have no clue whats going on around him. I have a hunch that the deck will really shine in that kind of situation!


karenquilter said:
Thoth based? Well, that does answer why I got nowhere with it. I haven't spent much time with the Thoth, I've spent most of my time with the RWS based decks.

I tried and tried and tried to "get" the Haindl deck for several years. Finally I found out it's Thoth based and then it all became clear to me why I couldn't make it work for me. Now I just don't even try with that one.