Relationship Dream


It has been awhile since I had this dream, but I still remember it as clear as day. I was sitting with a good friend in his apartment. Around his computer like we always do and he turns arounds and tell me how much he cares for me and love me.
The dream sounds pretty cut and dry, but unfortunately with this guy, what I dreamt has not became reality. But, at the time I was having this dream it was so real like I was right there when it was all happening. And I'd never had those type of dreams before in my life. So, I'm just wanting some dream anaysis.

psychic sue

Do you really like this Guy? Do you hope that this might happen?

If so, then this is a simple wish-fullfilment dream. Your sub-conscious is acting out the scenario of what you hope might happen.

The computer could be a mataphor for communication. Perhaps you should talk to him more, and maybe even broach the subject of a relationship?

If you don't fancy this guy at all, then I would think it is a dream telling you to face up to something in your life that you don't want to face up to.

Just my tuppence worth.

Sue x