represent the actual....


what card would represent the actual birth of a child? i could see the page of cups. would any of the aces represent the actual birth? just wondering.....


The Devil in the Maat Tarot shows a woman bent over in childbirth with light emanating from between her legs as she cradles the baby's head during the birthing process. You can't get any more literal than that. But of course that only applies to a specific card in a specific deck....



yes, specific cards, in different decks, that also. just trying to get a better take on all of this. thanks.


On Biddy Tarot, they have birth associated with the Ace of Wands. It would make sense that an Ace could signify a literal birth.


Ace of Cups and Ace of Wands. The Sun.


thanks all for a little more insight on this. appreciated!


The World is.


I think the cards are different for everyone. For me, I got the Sun in a spread once that wasn't necessarily about pregnancy, but the person's pregnancy/birth was important to the question being asked...thus The Sun.

I would also probably look for "active" cards like Wands -- especially the 8 of Wands.


The Aeon card in the Haindl Tarot certainly could. Could also be the Empress in general as she is often pregnant in images.



The Hanged Man in the Ancestral Path and the Ace of Wands in the Circle of Life also show a baby still unborn. They don't show the actual birth of the baby, though. There's also a card in Daughters of the Moon showing a baby being born to a woman on an elephant.

Those are all cards that actually have a picture of a birth or a baby ready to be born.