Return of the Thoth to the West



I have it on good authority that the Thoth deck will be making its reappearance on the west side of the Atlantic very soon, via Stuart Kaplan and USG. Look for it to hit the shelves on our shores in the coming weeks.



Will this be the newer printing?

Le Fanu

cardlady22 said:
Will this be the newer printing?
What's the newer printing? presumably it'll be the AG Muller shrinkwrapped one in a U.S Games box, no?

Le Fanu

That's the Urania-Verlag edition, but as it's a German-only edition, it probably isn't the one that Kaplan is importing. I'm guessing it's the standard blue box AG Muller version.

The Urania-Verlag version is beautiful though. Must get mine out for another look. Gives you a different perspective of the colouring.


For a long time, the US Games web site was showing the deck as out of stock. Now it's available again. The price changed a little bit for the large one ($25 instead of $22).

By the look of the boxes and the pictures, it's the same edition that they were selling previously.


I couldn't wait any longer so i ordered mine from europe but that's good to hear. By the way Magister Templi have you really attained that grade?


The local Faery Shop ( :D ) in my town still has em - med and small size, friend just got one, med , rainbox U. hexagram, $36.

Hmmm, I might go up and see if she has any left after this .... and auction it!

Greg Stanton

What I HEARD (don't know if it's true) is that the OTO sued several publishers, including US Games, claiming that the Thoth tarot images were their intellectual property. This is why the deck has not been available for some time.

If it's true, I will have lost what very little respect I had left for that organization. Both authors of that deck are dead -- it was their property. So is the OTO exactly like the Church of Scientology now? Run by bullies with spurious claims on the legacy of its guru? I hope the OTO lost and that US Games and other publishers are not paying them for the "rights".


Thoth back in the shops

Well that's good news for sure. We don't have it too easy in the my neck of the woods either. It's been hard to find in the Dutch and Belgian shops for the last 12 months. There are still some old copies knocking around if you're really lucky. And there is always E-Bay.

I am not a big fan of the new German edition. Nice box and all, but the cards are not "trim-friendly" as the sizing is not precise enough.

Well done USG.