ROC Dec - Sparkles1234 and SassyInkPen


Sparkles1234 and SassyInkPen's Thread

1. Please complete all readings and feedbacks by Saturday, December 31, 2016.

2. Please don't leave your partner hanging, check out the Dumping your Partner - Strikes & Exclusions Explained rules.

3. Please PM Fortuna for questions or if you encounter scheduling, partner, or other issues.


December's Suggested Spread:

I think this month's thread is influenced by a lot of things that have happened to me in the last few weeks. Gratefulness, not taking things for granted, and becoming aware of all the wonderful gifts and blessings in each moment of each day have all come to play in my life, in such a big way.

This month, the suggested spread is about the gifts or blessings you have received this year... Whether this year has not been easy or has been your best, there is always a gift or blessing from each experience, good or bad.

Three Gifts This Year by Fortuna

1.........2......... 3
4 (Base/Shadow)

1-3: These cards represents the gifts or blessings you received this year, and you can work with your partner by putting a focus on each of the card. (i.e. 1 could be about love, 2 could be about work, 3 could be about another focus.) You could also get a general reading as well, and let the cards surprise you.

4 (Base/Shadow card - this is the bottom card of the deck): This is something that's holding you back from experiencing or identifying the three gifts that have come into your life this year.


Important Notes:
1. If you would like to do a different spread, please keep it to 3-5 cards, and clear this with your partner beforehand.
2. Readers have final choice of the oracle deck used, but can allow sitter to choose.
3. For partners doing the Intuitive Option: After the oracle reading, please provide your intuitive impressions within the write-up or after in its own section.
4. Please stay in communication with your partner, and PM when you have posted your reading, feedback, or if you are experiencing scheduling issues. Please do not wait until the last minute to post readings and feedbacks.
5. Have fun and let's ROC!


Hi, Sparkles - Happy to be paired with you!

I've not done an exchange before, but I have read many of the threads, so I think I have a pretty good idea of the rules and how it goes.

I have three oracle decks and love them all, so you can choose which one appeals most to you:

The Wisdom of the Oracle
The Messenger Oracle (Ravynne Phelan)
Vintage Wisdom Oracle

I think the spread speaks for itself, so I don't need any particular focus on the positions. However, if you would like to create a focus when you read for me, please do.

For your reading, please let me know which deck you'd like me to use, and if you want any special focus.

I'm looking forward to this!


Hi, Sparkles - Happy to be paired with you!

I've not done an exchange before, but I have read many of the threads, so I think I have a pretty good idea of the rules and how it goes.

I have three oracle decks and love them all, so you can choose which one appeals most to you:

The Wisdom of the Oracle
The Messenger Oracle (Ravynne Phelan)
Vintage Wisdom Oracle

I think the spread speaks for itself, so I don't need any particular focus on the positions. However, if you would like to create a focus when you read for me, please do.

For your reading, please let me know which deck you'd like me to use, and if you want any special focus.

I'm looking forward to this!

Hey SassyInkPen, equally happy to exchange with you!

I have 2 Oracle decks
The Wisdom of the Oracle
Madame Endora's fortune cards

Let me know which deck would you prefer.

For my reading i will let you choose whichever deck you are drawn to and whether or not you would like to put a focus on the cards.

Im excited to read for you :D


Hey SassyInkPen, equally happy to exchange with you!

I have 2 Oracle decks
The Wisdom of the Oracle
Madame Endora's fortune cards

Let me know which deck would you prefer.

For my reading i will let you choose whichever deck you are drawn to and whether or not you would like to put a focus on the cards.

Im excited to read for you :D

Either would be fine, so whichever works for you. Madame Endora's might be fun - I've not seen much of those cards so it would be something new for me.

I should be able to do your reading post in a few days.



Either would be fine, so whichever works for you. Madame Endora's might be fun - I've not seen much of those cards so it would be something new for me.

I should be able to do your reading post in a few days.



I will do your reading in the coming week :)


Reading for Saasyinkpen

For your reading I was drawn to use both the decks, Madame endora fortune cards and Wisdom of oracle. I didn't assign focus to any of the cards.

Card 1: New life, hourglass
Card 2: The tribe, wizard
Card 3: Blessed, gryphon
Shadow: breathe, serpent

Regarding the blessings and gifts this year, I see birth of new ideas and opportunities. It was like a breath of fresh air in your Iife that highlighted a new perspective for you. You were able to fulfill your dreams or perhaps took an initiative towards your desires. It was a magical time that led you to the optimistic path. You realized that time is precious and you should take a step forward before it was too late. I see you have become affiliated with a group of like minded people. They gave you a sense of belonging, of family and friends. It has brought you much joy and happiness. You seem to be inspired by it and want to continuously contribute to it. This had enabled you to be yourself and did what your heart told you to. This was like a transitional period. You have been using your knowledge and skills to help others. I'm also getting that an advisor or mentor has been there in your life who assisted you in your path and to look at things more clearly. I'm sensing that something unexpected that you could never thought of happened this year. You felt blessed and your troubles came to rest. Honor, respect and good luck was bestowed upon you. You may have felt difficulty in expressing your gratitude. Everything happened with the intervention of the Spirit and Divine. I see that all these blessings came your way because you didn't let yourself get drown in the bitter realities of life but you have been patient along the way. Your have trusted your intuition and your hard work brought fruitful results. You have shed your old habits and have embraced the new you. Overall I see that this year has been a good year for you and you didn't let the negativity of life get the best of you. You felt blessed and uplifted by embracing new opportunities that came your way. I hope this resonates. May you have wonderful times this coming year!


Here is your reading. For this one I chose The Messenger Oracle by Ravynne Phelan. I decided not to give any particular focus to the various card positions and just let them tell me what gifts you've received or developed this year.

(I will be posting a photo in a separate post here, if I can make it work, but I didn't want to risk having it break up the text or make it unreadable

Three Gifts This Year:

There's a lot of feminine energy and emotional focus in these cards, with a central theme of coming into who you are more fully. An evolution of sorts in which you are learning to trust yourself and realize the strengths you possess.

Gift 1) “Heed the Messages” - The ability to see and hear the truth in spite of fear or discomfort, and the strength to deal with it. You are developing the ability to face things head on and see the situation clearly for what it is, to trust in your own intuition.

Gift 2) “Embrace the Feminine” - A greater capacity for nurturing and creativity. You may be experiencing a stronger connection to nature, or to home, to those things that bring out your feminine energies and allow you to tap into your intuition and emotions, allowing you to be more receptive and compassionate. Maybe even a greater ability to allow yourself to feel your emotions and really experience them.

Gift 3) “Know Your Power” - The power to choose. You have a choice in all things, and from an emotional standpoint, this means you have the power to choose how you will react to situations. You may not be able to control what happens in life, but you have the power to choose how you feel about things – or at least the power to change how you feel. Although it's difficult to control your first reactions, you have the ability to decide whether or not you will hold onto anger or sadness, and which things you will dwell on vs. which things you will let go. Circumstances don't have power over you, you have power over how you will deal with them.

Shadow) “Know You Belong” - At the moment you may not feel capable of using or expressing these gifts. You may feel that these things don't describe you, that you don't deserve these things, or that you are not really able to do these things. This card is telling you that you are – you are able to embrace these qualities and bring them to serve you in your everyday life. You do have the ability to face situations head on, being honest and true with yourself, and to choose how you will be affected by them and what path you can take to carry you through them.

These gifts don't come easy or free, but they are well within your reach if you are willing to work for them and accept that they ARE something you are capable of being.


I really enjoyed this - I mostly only read for myself and there's something kind of liberating in reading for someone else.


Here is (an attempted) photo of your spread:


  • Oracle reading.jpg
    Oracle reading.jpg
    103.1 KB · Views: 79


Here is your reading. For this one I chose The Messenger Oracle by Ravynne Phelan. I decided not to give any particular focus to the various card positions and just let them tell me what gifts you've received or developed this year.

(I will be posting a photo in a separate post here, if I can make it work, but I didn't want to risk having it break up the text or make it unreadable

Three Gifts This Year:

There's a lot of feminine energy and emotional focus in these cards, with a central theme of coming into who you are more fully. An evolution of sorts in which you are learning to trust yourself and realize the strengths you possess.

Gift 1) “Heed the Messages” - The ability to see and hear the truth in spite of fear or discomfort, and the strength to deal with it. You are developing the ability to face things head on and see the situation clearly for what it is, to trust in your own intuition.

Gift 2) “Embrace the Feminine” - A greater capacity for nurturing and creativity. You may be experiencing a stronger connection to nature, or to home, to those things that bring out your feminine energies and allow you to tap into your intuition and emotions, allowing you to be more receptive and compassionate. Maybe even a greater ability to allow yourself to feel your emotions and really experience them.

Gift 3) “Know Your Power” - The power to choose. You have a choice in all things, and from an emotional standpoint, this means you have the power to choose how you will react to situations. You may not be able to control what happens in life, but you have the power to choose how you feel about things – or at least the power to change how you feel. Although it's difficult to control your first reactions, you have the ability to decide whether or not you will hold onto anger or sadness, and which things you will dwell on vs. which things you will let go. Circumstances don't have power over you, you have power over how you will deal with them.

Shadow) “Know You Belong” - At the moment you may not feel capable of using or expressing these gifts. You may feel that these things don't describe you, that you don't deserve these things, or that you are not really able to do these things. This card is telling you that you are – you are able to embrace these qualities and bring them to serve you in your everyday life. You do have the ability to face situations head on, being honest and true with yourself, and to choose how you will be affected by them and what path you can take to carry you through them.

These gifts don't come easy or free, but they are well within your reach if you are willing to work for them and accept that they ARE something you are capable of being.


I really enjoyed this - I mostly only read for myself and there's something kind of liberating in reading for someone else.

Yes this past year I have explored alot about myself spiritually. This has helped me trust my intuition rather than doubting it. I have definitely experienced a strong connection to nature. I have pretty much become in tuned with my feeling and emotions. This line, Circumstances don't have power over you, you have power over how you will deal with them, makes a lot of sense. I try to not let anger etc to overwhelm me. I'm honest with myself. Thank you very much .

It was lovely exchanging with you :)


For your reading I was drawn to use both the decks, Madame endora fortune cards and Wisdom of oracle. I didn't assign focus to any of the cards.

Card 1: New life, hourglass
Card 2: The tribe, wizard
Card 3: Blessed, gryphon
Shadow: breathe, serpent

Regarding the blessings and gifts this year, I see birth of new ideas and opportunities. It was like a breath of fresh air in your Iife that highlighted a new perspective for you. You were able to fulfill your dreams or perhaps took an initiative towards your desires. It was a magical time that led you to the optimistic path. You realized that time is precious and you should take a step forward before it was too late.

This portion was spot on, especially for the later half of the year when I really started to embrace a new spirituality for myself and saw it delivering exactly what I had hoped for and needed in my life

I see you have become affiliated with a group of like minded people. They gave you a sense of belonging, of family and friends. It has brought you much joy and happiness. You seem to be inspired by it and want to continuously contribute to it. This had enabled you to be yourself and did what your heart told you to. This was like a transitional period. You have been using your knowledge and skills to help others. I'm also getting that an advisor or mentor has been there in your life who assisted you in your path and to look at things more clearly.

This has some resonance in that we have been involved with a new group of people, who are fairly like minded and give us a sense of belonging - that part is very true. I wouldn't say that this is what has enabled me to be myself though. This new association is very much a separate thing really.

At first I didn't really think the about the mentor really fit, but then I thought about my partner at work, which has worked out really well. She's not an advisor or mentor at all, but we do work very closely now and bounce ideas off each other, which has made my working life become very pleasant.

I'm sensing that something unexpected that you could never thought of happened this year. You felt blessed and your troubles came to rest. Honor, respect and good luck was bestowed upon you. You may have felt difficulty in expressing your gratitude. Everything happened with the intervention of the Spirit and Divine. I see that all these blessings came your way because you didn't let yourself get drown in the bitter realities of life but you have been patient along the way. Your have trusted your intuition and your hard work brought fruitful results. You have shed your old habits and have embraced the new you. Overall I see that this year has been a good year for you and you didn't let the negativity of life get the best of you. You felt blessed and uplifted by embracing new opportunities that came your way. I hope this resonates. May you have wonderful times this coming year!

The rest is pretty good - I certainly do feel blessed, and I have been working very hard on maintaining a positive outlook and not letting things get me down.

Thank you for a really great reading - this has been a fun experience and I think I will enjoy trading reading on the forums like this.

Happy New Year!