ROC December - Sasmi and Autumn Star


Sasmi and Autumn Star's Thread

Reading with Oracles Circle (ROC) - December 2014

December 14, 2014 (Sunday): Complete all readings.
December 21*, 2014 (Sunday): Complete all feedback.

*I have moved up the dates to not impinge on your Yule schedule. However, no strikes or exclusions will be incurred if you and your partner need the full month of December to complete your readings and feedback.


For the Reading with Oracles Circle (ROC) - December 2014 suggested spread, I wanted something that tied 2014 to 2015 with a look at challenges and blessings. I have modified the "Yule Tarot Spread" from for our next circle, and the original link can be found here.

Using your oracle deck, pull cards as below, in the shape of a Christmas tree.


1. Ghost of Christmas Past - The major challenges you have overcome so far or an issue that is still lingering

2. Ghost of Christmas Present - The challenges you are currently facing

3. Ghost of Christmas Future - The main theme you will be dealing with in the year ahead

4. What Won't Work - What won't work in dealing with your challenges

5. What Will Work - What will work to help you transcend your challenges

6. The Star (or Angel) - The hope and blessing you can call on from Spirit to see you through the next 12 months


Important Notes
1. If you would like to do a different spread, please keep it to 3-5 cards, and clear this with your partner beforehand.
2. Readers have final choice of the oracle deck used, but can allow sitter to choose.
3. For partners doing the Intuitive Option: After the oracle reading, please provide your intuitive impressions within the write-up or after in its own section.
4. Have fun and let's ROC!


Hi. Nice to exchange with you. This looks like a great Christmas spread. I can offer a choice of Faery Oracle, Heart of the Faery Oracle or Oracle of Shadow and Light. Let me know. Sam.

autumn star

Hi. Nice to exchange with you. This looks like a great Christmas spread. I can offer a choice of Faery Oracle, Heart of the Faery Oracle or Oracle of Shadow and Light. Let me know. Sam.

Hi, nice to be exchanging with you too :)

Any deck is fine with me. Do you have something in particular that you would like me to focus on in your reading?


Ok, thanks. A general reading is fine for me. Do you have a area you would like me to focus on?

autumn star

Ok, thanks. A general reading is fine for me. Do you have a area you would like me to focus on?

Just a general too please :)

autumn star

Hi Sasmi, here is your reading. Sorry, it has taken a little while to get to you. I have been a bit busy over the last few weeks. I have used the Celtic Messages Oracle :)

1. Ghost of Christmas Past - The major challenges you have overcome so far or an issue that is still lingering ~ The Ford
The Ford is an interesting card here because it represents crossing boundaries and overcoming obstacles. I get the feeling that during 2014 there have definitely been some challenges that you have had to overcome. I feel that you were able to stay calm and detached when dealing with the drama of other people. The message of the card is to face and confront obstacles or issues head on, rather than avoiding them or sweeping them under the carpet so perhaps this is something that might have been a challenge or you this year. This is definitely a card of action and being assertive, so perhaps these were challenges that you had to overcome if you are shy or uncertain about what course of action that you want to take.

2. Ghost of Christmas Present - The challenges you are currently facing ~ Apple
The Apple has been regarded as a magical/spiritual fruit as it was sacred to the ancient healing isle of Avalon. It's meaning in this deck relates to good health and spiritual and mystical knowledge. As this card is representing a challenge that you are currently facing I wondered if you are dealing with any health issues? This doesn't have to be serious but perhaps you are feeling tired or lack energy and are in need of some quiet, healing time to yourself. This card can also represent healing on all levels - emotional, spiritual, mental, physical - perhaps you are working through healing yourself in some way at this point in time.

3. Ghost of Christmas Future - The main theme you will be dealing with in the year ahead ~ Loom
The Loom is an ancient tool used to weave and make decorative fabric. This card shows that during the coming year you are going to be busy! You will be working towards the completion of something perhaps an assignment for work or some kind of study. It will be an opportunity for you to show off your talents. As the Loom is used to weave different patterns you will also be given the opportunity to introduce or weave different patterns in your life, it will be a good year to make any changes to your lifestyle. Remember that you are the creator, so it's up to you to create your year how you want it to be, if you are wanting to introduce something new into your life next year it would be a good time to start it.

4. What Won't Work - What won't work in dealing with your challenges ~ Crow
This card is interesting here because it represents clearing the ground and making room for a new start. In this position I think that the message of this card is to not try to escape from your challenges when facing them, it can be easy to move away from situations that are challenging. But, I think that this card is telling you to work through them before moving on to the fresh start represented in this card. I feel that it is important to tie up loose ends and complete unfinished business when dealing with your challenges, this way you will be able to achieve the fresh start we see here.

5. What Will Work - What will work to help you transcend your challenges ~ Dagger
What will help you to transcend your challenges is to set boundaries with others, if someone is doing something that you don't like then you need to let that person know and stand up for yourself. You need to be open when dealing with challenges in your life, rather than keeping things to yourself too much and try to defuse uncomfortable situations with other people before they reach a critical point.

6. The Star (or Angel) - The hope and blessing you can call on from Spirit to see you through the next 12 months ~ The Spring
I love this card, the Springs were magical places for the Celts as they believed that the water welling up underground had healing properties and could give wisdom. Spirit will communicate with you through your subconscious - your intuition, feelings and dreams. Take the time to listen to what your intuition is telling you. Spirit will guide you to take good care of yourself - eat healthily, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water. Perhaps, keep a dream diary or a journal of messages from your intuition and then you will remember to put your feelings into action. This card has a strong connection to the Spirit world, so it will be there for you a lot in the coming year.

My overall impression of the cards here are that perhaps you are still healing from something that has happened in your life - either emotionally, physically or mentally and that perhaps you want to avoid dealing with this issue or the people involved. Or perhaps, you just want some time out to yourself. The cards seem to be saying that you need to deal with whatever this issue might be, and tie up loose ends and unfinished business in your life before moving forward. The coming year will be productive for you and give you the opportunity to weave change or new elements into your life. The Spirit world will always be connected to you through your intuition.

I hope that the reading makes sense, I am looking forward to reading your feedback.

autumn star

Hi Sasmi, Happy New Year - I was just wondering how you were because I haven't heard from you in a few weeks.


Hi Autumn Star!

Here is your reading, and hope it is a good substitute.


1. Ghost of Christmas Past - The major challenges you have overcome so far or an issue that is still lingering

Looking Deeper

The past is said to give us a window to our future. Sometimes it can haunt it too. You may have been looking deeper at yourself or certain situations in your life that are no longer working for you or you would like to change. What role have you played in the situation(s)? What could you have done better or changed? The past was asking you to do some internal reflection, because there may be some unhappiness you need to clear from your life.

2. Ghost of Christmas Present - The challenges you are currently facing

Embarking On An Adventure

The changes (from card 1) you would like to happen, from your inner work/reflection may be hard to do. Often the first steps into the unknown can be scary, and you may be hesitating. That is okay. Perhaps if you think of the change as an adventure--something that will lead you to more growth or even perhaps more joy and satisfaction, this may be made easier to bear.

3. Ghost of Christmas Future - The main theme you will be dealing with in the year ahead

Following Your Bliss

I love this card. Tying the first two, the challenges of the past and present will lead you to find your bliss... your happiness and whatever it is/they are that will bring you much more satisfaction and to help you lead your most authentic life.

Let go and go for that which will give your happiness.

4. What Won't Work - What won't work in dealing with your challenges

Planting Seeds

I believe this is saying not to plan too much for the future and with the next card, I think you may need to just work on what you already have. Instead go with the flow for now and live in the now.

5. What Will Work - What will work to help you transcend your challenges

Mending Bridges

The challenges you were facing or what brought you to make some deep reflection or to make deep reflections in yourself and your life may be helped by mending bridges. Not only with others, but also with yourself.

Self-blame and being hard on oneself also hurt us deeply. As you think about mending relationships this year, don't forget about building or rebuilding the one with your own self.

6. The Star (or Angel) - The hope and blessing you can call on from Spirit to see you through the next 12 months

Hearing Messages From Spirit

What a beautiful card to get for this. Seems kind of fitting! LOL!

Spirit is there for you, just ask for guidance and you will receive it.

Remember that your heart is the door to your soul and Higher Self. When you feel good about what your doing and saying, it is something that comes straight from the deepest part of you.

I believe that the reading seems to speak a lot about making changes that could lead you to more happiness in your life. I hope this resonates and help you to get closer to that.

Much blessings,

autumn star

Hi Fortuna, thanks so much. I really appreciate you going to so much trouble :) I will post feedback tomorrow, but it looks like a great reading.

autumn star

Hi Fortuna, thanks so much for the reading :) Sorry, it has taken me a few days to put up some feedback, the few days have been incredibly busy for me.

Hi Autumn Star!

Here is your reading, and hope it is a good substitute.


1. Ghost of Christmas Past - The major challenges you have overcome so far or an issue that is still lingering

Looking Deeper

The past is said to give us a window to our future. Sometimes it can haunt it too. You may have been looking deeper at yourself or certain situations in your life that are no longer working for you or you would like to change. What role have you played in the situation(s)? What could you have done better or changed? The past was asking you to do some internal reflection, because there may be some unhappiness you need to clear from your life.

I was on holiday over Christmas and New Years, and it was definitely a time of reflecting and looking inwards for me. Towards the end of last year I started to think a lot about my past relationships and how I wanted things to change and what I was looking for in my life in terms of my relationships and friendships too. Over the last few months certain things have come to light in my life, about who I can trust, who is a real friend and things like that. I have had certain people leave my life and I have to trust that this is for a reason. I have also let go of a lot of attachment to past relationships and the unhappiness that was associated with them. So, this is something that I can definitely relate to.

2. Ghost of Christmas Present - The challenges you are currently facing

Embarking On An Adventure

The changes (from card 1) you would like to happen, from your inner work/reflection may be hard to do. Often the first steps into the unknown can be scary, and you may be hesitating. That is okay. Perhaps if you think of the change as an adventure--something that will lead you to more growth or even perhaps more joy and satisfaction, this may be made easier to bear.

I have just started to move forwards with my life and take some steps into the unknown which was scary at first but now I feel a lot more confident. I am planning on making some changes in my career and that may be more challenging, but I am totally open to adventure. Now, when I get invited to something that I might not normally do I always try to say 'yes', and be open to trying new things outside of my comfort zone.

3. Ghost of Christmas Future - The main theme you will be dealing with in the year ahead

Following Your Bliss

I love this card. Tying the first two, the challenges of the past and present will lead you to find your bliss... your happiness and whatever it is/they are that will bring you much more satisfaction and to help you lead your most authentic life.

Let go and go for that which will give your happiness.

I hope so, like I mentioned above. I am in a place where I am the open I have been in years. It has taken a lot of work, but I am finally at a place where I am ready to pursue what I want and accept happiness into my life. I have moved into a place where I am ready to be authentic and live an authentic life. It has been challenging for me to finally reach this place but it's now or never :)

4. What Won't Work - What won't work in dealing with your challenges

Planting Seeds

I believe this is saying not to plan too much for the future and with the next card, I think you may need to just work on what you already have. Instead go with the flow for now and live in the now.

Good advice :) I have already found over the few weeks that unexpected things have happened in my life, which I definitely did not plan for or expect to happen so I can understand this advice. I am also trying to live more in the now, where as in the past I would worry about the future and dwell upon the past. I will keep in this advice in mind during the course of the year :)

5. What Will Work - What will work to help you transcend your challenges

Mending Bridges

The challenges you were facing or what brought you to make some deep reflection or to make deep reflections in yourself and your life may be helped by mending bridges. Not only with others, but also with yourself.

Self-blame and being hard on oneself also hurt us deeply. As you think about mending relationships this year, don't forget about building or rebuilding the one with your own self.

Interesting card, perhaps I shouldn't hold onto grudges ... I guess this works with the going with the flow card. Maybe I need to keep letting go and be ready to mend bridges with some people. I have also mended some bridges with myself, definitely have found more peace within myself.

6. The Star (or Angel) - The hope and blessing you can call on from Spirit to see you through the next 12 months

Hearing Messages From Spirit

What a beautiful card to get for this. Seems kind of fitting! LOL!

Spirit is there for you, just ask for guidance and you will receive it.

Remember that your heart is the door to your soul and Higher Self. When you feel good about what your doing and saying, it is something that comes straight from the deepest part of you.

For me, because I get so busy it can be hard to listen to my inner guidance and hear the messages from spirit. This is something that I need to make more time for in my life and something that I need to focus on more. Great advice :)

I believe that the reading seems to speak a lot about making changes that could lead you to more happiness in your life. I hope this resonates and help you to get closer to that.

Much blessings,

This reading really resonated with what has been going on for me during the last few months. I am beginning to make changes in my life and be more open to the unknown and situations outside of my comfort zone. This is a big thing for me because my life was very routine. I hope that this leads to more happiness in my life, but I already feel more optimistic.

Great reading, thanks so much I really appreciate the time that you took to do it :) Sorry for the delay with my feedback :heart: