Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards - laminate??

Little Baron

Has anyone laminated these? If so, how do they look.

If you use them a lot, have they become tattered. Mine have become quite tatty and they have hardly been used. But .. do they look good and more authentic when worn. Does laminating kill the over all mood of the cards?



Forgive my ignorance, but which deck is this? I don't believe i have ever seen these cards...that's what i get for living in a forgotten hole :(

Thanks :D


Is that where you new avatar comes from? (I thought I recognised the pattern, but maybe I'm wrong..)

back on topic:

I used to have the deck, but I gave it away - and at the moment I did, they were still in pretty good shape. (but then, I had used them, but not very very much)

We should ask Chronata about how they look now...

So I can't really help you except saying that sometimes I have a very very slight tinge of regret for giving them away.... ;)


Hi LB, I dont have these cards but I like all my decks to keep looking new and nice. Some people like an old feel to their cards in the same way they prefer old, second hand books.

I have noticed with one of my Doreen Virtue decks that the clear contact over those cards is coming off. The cards are only a few years old and I havent over-used them. Its disappointing and if they start to get all tattered I would like to think about laminating them if its worth it.

Im also interested to know if anyone has laminated their decks and if its worth it?


I've had this deck for about seven years, but never laminated it. Never occurred to me, really.

I have heard of people making their own deck and getting it laminated and that seemed to work.

In my oracle, the backs are scratched up from use, but the thing that always bothered me about this oracle was that it took up so much space having to lay out all those rather large squares.

But it's accurate and good for mundane readings. Fun to use, too.

Little Baron

Thanks RT

I think that as long as it is not ripped, I can live with the scratches and wear. Might make it feel even more authentic. Laminating, I fear, might make it look a little cheap and any problems might disturb or distance me from the pictures. So I will leave it for now.

I know what you mean about the space though.




I have these cards as you know, and mine have indeed become worn, but I don't think I would laminate them. I kind of like the frayed look as they are Russian Gypsy Fortune telling cards. it sort of falls into the mystique of the title. I know, incurable romantic that I am, lol.


Little Baron

Thanks Baroli. I agree and will let them age disgracefully.



I have them and haven't laminated mine, but I did with another set.
I printed out on card stock a set of Dodal Majors and then I put that sticky shelf paper liner on the backs and the clear laminate shelf liner on the front and they turned out just perfect.
The clear liner was matt and not at all shiny I got it at Wal Mart.
So I wouldn't be afraid to use the sticky laminate on these.
Having it done prof. even better.

I love this oracle it's one of my top 5 favorite oracles and it gets used a great deal.. but the card stock is really flimsy and it's a should be nice and thick like a puzzle piece...wouldn't that be wonderful?!