Sabian Symbols - August 1st 08 Total Eclipse.


Hi all :)
Another great Sabian Symbol blog on this upcoming eclipse from Lynda Hill - Astrologer.

Check out Lynda's blog at and Lynda's Sabian Symbol Oracle at

by Lynda Hill.

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. Bern Williams

One may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night. Kahlil Gibran

The darkest hour is just before dawn. Thomas Fuller

The morning pouring everywhere, its golden glory on the air. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This month's new moon is a total eclipse of the Sun. Occurring on August 1, the path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in Canada and extends across northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia, and China.

A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes northeastern North America, most of Europe and Asia.(See NASA's site for more details).

With the Olympics starting on the 8th August, it is rather telling that this eclipse stretches across China. This could portend all kinds of happenings at the Olympics - I imagine some will be surprising, some less so and rather more predictable. Certainly I can't imagine how some athletes are going to cope with the smog and the shocking air quality, not to mention the strains hanging in the air around China's policies towards Tibet and their business dealings with Sudan (and a blind eye to what's happening in Darfur).

Certainly the big issues at this Olympics is the issue of human rights. A symbol that is commonly seen in relation to human rights is the white dove. At the opening ceremony of the Olympics, after the cauldron is lit, doves are released as a symbol of truce; all people coming together in peace and harmony.

With all the concern about these Olympics with human rights issues, protests and the issue of people having the right to protest, terrorists attacks, who's going to attend and who's going to boycott, etc, it's insightful to note that Chiron, the 'wounded healer' and the story teller is on Aquarius 20: A Big White Dove Bearing a Message. It will be interesting to see just what the message of these Olympics will be.

Certainly, a lot of concerns about human rights and abuses are being swept under the carpet. Note that the Olympic flame is also a major component of the meaning of the Olympics and the Moon's North Node, a karmic point, is on Aquarius 19: A Forest Fire Finally Quenched. The image shown to the left is the Olympic dove seen on the background of flames. How synchronous that the Beijing Olympics chart has Chiron and the North Node on the Sabian Symbols of the Dove and the Fire.

Interestingly this eclipse is called a 'midnight Sun eclipse' as it will be visible in places that have a midnight Sun (in the case of this eclipse, those countries that are close to the Arctic circle).

This solar eclipse is in Leo. It may be called a 'midnight Sun eclipse', but the Sabian Symbol is Leo 10: Early Morning Dew Salutes the Sunlight. One could wonder what the "early morning dew" in China might be composed of. 'Particulates' is sadly one word that comes to mind. Hope and renewal of energy and the promises of a new day are, of course, inherent.

Mars also throws out an interesting challenge, not only to the Olympics, but to the world at large. The Sabian Symbol is Virgo 19: A Swimming Race - the keyword being 'competition'. Playing by the rules of the game are also part and parcel of this degree, although Mars does like to throw some curve balls.

Right before the opening ceremony of the Olympics on August 8, Mars is on Virgo 23: A Lion Tamer Rushes Fearlessly Into the Circus Arena. Apart from the obvious that athletes from all over the world will be in the 'arena' - and the fact that they need to be in control of their energies, well rehearsed and well-trained, all kinds of wild, and, possibly untamed, energies are likely to be flying around in one way or another.

Mars will be directly opposite Uranus on Pisces 22: A Man Bringing Down the New Law From Mount Sinai. Laws and regulations and prohibitions are likely to be thick on the ground. The Chinese have apparently allowed three small parks well away from the Olympic arena for people to protest. They have to register with the authorities first, of course. No protesting here, nothing to see, move along. I'm driven to draw a parallel to the Christians and the lions. While the 'Christians are wrestling with the lions', the corrupt officials of the empire are twiddling their thumbs or making further plans for domination.
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. Traditional proverb

One can draw hope from the fact that the Olympic's chart set for August 8 has Venus on Virgo 3: Two Guardian Angels Bringing Protection.

The photo on the left is called "early morning dew in Balboa Park" - (sorry removed) Balboa Park being the birthplace of the Sabian Symbols, I thought it a beautiful image to pass on to you - what beauty in these beads of dew - what hope for a new day! The following is my take on this degree taken from my book The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle (published in the US by Penguin NY under the title 360 Degrees of Wisdom) -

Commentary: ‘Early Morning Dew Salutes the Sunlight’ gives the feeling of freshness in the air as the sun comes up in the ‘Morning’. The warmth of the Sun is yet to create the vibrancy of the new day, but the promise is there. This is a time of limbo, when the stillness and the darkness of night are washed away as the day progresses into light and activity. However, this Symbol can signify a time known as the “dark night of the soul”. St. John of the Cross used this term to describe the experience of mystics who feel depressed and isolated, from the world and even from God. This was often prior to the attainment of mystical transcendence – when the ‘Sunlight’ breaks through and a healing takes place. This is a time of freshness where the “air” (the newly awakened mind) is crisp and the “ground” (the refreshed and renewed body) readies itself for a new round of activity. The birds are stirring and there is a buzzing in the air as all the creatures start moving about.

Oracle: There are times in our life when we wonder if we can persevere to the end of some ordeal. After a cold and difficult time, you may now be close to the end of your troubles and sensing that the resolution to your problems is imminent. The reward of relief may prove to be transitory, so enjoy it before you move on with the activity of the new day. You may still have some of the same issues to face, but now there is probably more insight into what changes and shifts in attitude can be made. Awakening energies are signaling new beginnings. Taking your shoes off and walking on the grass in the early morning is said to be very good for the soul.

Certainly, you may be feeling like you're at the end of some ordeal or some 'dark night' and in need of some light relief and encouragement for the future as Venus is on Leo 25: A Large Camel Crossing a Vast and Forbidding Desert. We need to know that there's hope at the end of the trail, refreshment and sustenance after a long journey, long ordeal, long night. With this degree there's the feeling of having to shoulder our burdens by ourself, to be the one to carry loads, to be the one others can rely on, to have to continue on because stopping could cause situations to dry up. Certainly the 'morning dew' is part of the picture when one's enduring the 'heat of the desert'.

Opposite Venus is Neptune at Aquarius 24: A Man Turning His Back on His Passions Teaches From His Experience. Leaving aside the fact that many want to turn their backs on China and all it's misdemeanors and crimes, we ourselves have things in our lives that we might want or need to turn our backs to. Whether it's a relationship that's gone sour, a job that's not working for us, habits that leave us high and dry, places that have outlived their usefulness - whatever it is, many will be feeling the need or the desire to turn away, to walk away when things just aren't working out.
With Venus opposite Neptune at this eclipse, the strain on relationships through differing values, money issues, changes in direction, etc, are bound to be on the increase. Sometimes we turn away from something only to realise that it's not the thing we actually need to turn away from - a change in attitude can bring a shift and one doesn't have to give up on something that's proved difficult in the past. We see where we can shift and move without turning our back and this can bring a healing. Of course, in some cases, walking away is the only solution.

Early Morning Dew Saluting the Sunlight gives us a chance for new beginnings - but these beginnings often come after the 'long night of the soul'. We can be experiencing sleepless nights, long nights of worry and care. Sleep is, after all, where our dreams take flight.

Further to this aspect of this eclipse is Mercury on Leo 13: An Old Sea Captain Rocking on the Porch of His Cottage. Quiet reflection is contained in this Symbol, as it is in Early Morning Dew. Times of quiet and repose and rejuvenation are very important in times like these, especially if we're needing to renew hope and a sense of purpose in our lives.

The message for this Solar Eclipse seems to be one of taking time out, taking time out for yourself and your loved ones, giving thanks for the refreshment that each new day brings and seeing hope and glory even in something as seemingly insignificant as dew drops in the morning.



My sun is the Lion Tamer Rushes Fearlessly Into the Circus Arena
and Uranus 22 is my NORTH NODE



thank you for posting Elven!


Ive got to say Marina, these energies have been around me today - culminating and impacting in the last 6 hours. I cant remember having a day so full of symbols - it's right on Midnight as I write and I am so glad today is over ... I might even sit up in the morning and watch the sun rise - just to salute the day knowing that it is a new day, and things will be much less confronting.


off to get some Symbol enlightment from my chart.

I was wondering if your 'lion tamer' came into play today?

Elven x


Yes - fortunately I was the tamer rather than the lion...
a real emergency at work - with only one person - me available and willing to action it - fix it - resolve it etc...
however it will be some time to see if it will work.. but for now the crowd are cheering and the lions have stopped eating people ;)



Oh wow! Glad you got everything under control and working again!
Good for you! :D

... On reflection - my Lion Tamer did come out as well - but the Lion I faced was an irrate neighbour - and the Lion walked out the ring eventually - so my whip-cracking Lion tamer skills weren't necessary. I think this Lion just had a thorn in her paw, and was a roaring about that - I just happened to be the one in the arena at the time she ambled in roaring about it ;)

Cheers Marina!
Elven x



Its a tricky symbol...

I like that this eclipse is about rejuvination...

that it gives us the chance to realise that our life is the greatest show on earth....



MCsea said:
that it gives us the chance to realise that our life is the greatest show on earth....

Thats perfect Marina - thankyou!! :D

"Roll-Up, Roll-Up!! :D

Elven x


Carol Barbeau

This is a long read - but prett good - covers some symbols too..


Friday August 01, 2008 HAPPY SOLAR ECLIPSE

At 3:13am this morning the sun and moon joined in a
Solar eclipse at 9 degrees 32 minutes of Leo this sets
The stage for a 2 week window of .well, please read
The article on eclipses and if you do nothing else
Please remember:

SOLAR eclipses block the NOW and allow us to look
Backwards and I shall quote one of my teachers
""the past is in the scroll that the high priestess holds
on her lap for the purpose of learning only. We review
the past not to lament certain events or punish ourselves;
rather, we review the past to discover the patterns, laws,
and workings of divine. The high priestess lets us know
we can learn from the past and past lives for the purpose
only of knowing our eternity.

That might be the only fruitful meditation. Meditating
on what could have been done or be takes us away
from truth. The past serves only to pull out insights
that help now within the perspective of returning
to the source."

Today at 8:52am the moon and Mercury join in a
Fiery exchange of ideas, passion and maybe a bit
More POP and energy than normal. Use this energy
To find joy within rather than frustrations without
And you have it.
Color today Orange for creativity, passion and
POP, zip, bam boom
Use Orange Carnelian or Golden Citrine for increasing energy,
Detoxifying, cleansing chakras and channels and
Raising the ability to understand our path of joy
Kiss for today is think about what you want to happen,
Thinking about what you do not want to happen is
A form of meditation and meditation creates Manifestation.


PDT 3:12am 6:22 am EDT, 11:22 am GMD
The eclipse happens at 9 Degrees 32 Minutes of Leo
As the sun and the moon join at this degree
My own Mantra For this eclipse is
"I Create from love and move forward with
An Open, Joyful, and willing heart to create my divine destiny"

If you read Dane Rudhyars book an Astrological Mandala you will
see he describes this degree as "The need to involve one's most
spiritual and vital energies in the creative act if it is to produce
significant and beautiful new forms"

Rudhyar talks about breathing in joy and creativity and the
FIRE OF SPIRIT as the indicators of this degree being important.
Breathing in LIFE and energy and creativity and JOY and ...
Well, how does this align with your life right now? What if you
are here for a purpose, (and you are) and part of that purpose
is sitting there waiting for you to slow down and LISTEN and
step into your space?

I believe that I have some pretty good information on my website
about eclipses but this one surely is calling me strongly to say and
do much more than normal. I will have some of the clinical details
at the end of this writing for those of you trying to understand astrology
but for the majority of you out there, I really want to put this into English.

We are in the window of the eclipse and have been for a couple of weeks.
Do you notice folks a bit testier than normal? Fiery and not as easy to
forgive and forget? Have you noticed quite a few people leaving jobs,
relationships, and otherwise feeling that their lives are without meaning,
or at the least they feel they cannot understand their lives? I have
hundreds of folks writing me that they are depressed and sad an
angry and cannot let go of fear or doubt.

I know most of you do not get 100's of e mails daily but the theme
from many of them to me is the above. I often think I keep too busy
to get much drawn into my own fears and my own personal path
has always encouraged me to LEARN TO LET GO and LET higher
power align my life. NOT usually an easy task but by now,
I recognize it is a necessary one.

But those who know me well will tell you that sometimes
I step into the Dark Night of the soul and wonder why, and
how can I do it, and WHY? Then I pick myself up and find
something that is fun, and something that INVOLVES the LEO energy
within me. In Astrology Leo is in the house or area of my chart
which has to do with DIVINE connection or what would take me
HIGHER in life. Aka 9th house. This house has to do with higher
education, schooling, travel, trips and being open to learning from
others "Different than myself"

For me truly "Knowledge is learning something every day.
Wisdom is letting go of something every day." Zen Proverb~
which seems to me a huge part of what we are experiencing right now.
This eclipse asks us all to Let go of old ideas and open ourselves to
love and joy. AND that said. I write so much about love and joy
and yet wonder how many of you are taking the time to experience
the things which give you these emotions?

I often get clients who tell me they have forgotten what "They" really
like to do or what makes them happy. Well, I have also been there
myself and we get back to the center of us, one step at a time and
this eclipse or rather this next MONTH is going to show you how
to do that if you are open And willing to take some time for yourself

So, maybe I need to be writing about TIME, taking the time for your values,
which of course are what you are doing, not what you say are values.
But what you spend time and energy on are our values really aren't they?

I just got back from a few days away from the house, the cats,
the office and e mail. During this time I colored, watched some
old movies, read good books, meditated, watched the sun set,
ate good, and took 2 hour bathes and reconnected to joy through
all these simple things. Sometimes it can be as simple as the above
things for us all but if we do not take the time we cannot find the
center of our being.

In Seattle Washington the Solar eclipse chart which I always
create to tell me what we are to do during an major event shows.

Cancer rising, SELF Care the moon and sun in Leo in the
2nd house which is OUR VALUES. Of course it is the money
house and it always makes me so sad when people say,

I will be happy when I have a million dollars, or I can be happy
when I have money. I surely can tell you that if you cannot take
small times away and find joy in little things that a million dollars
is not going to do it for you. OR 10 million or 20 million.

So, how about shifting your mind to being happy RIGHT NOW
with what you have and let your mind go away from what you
do not have? This Solar eclipse astrology chart has mercury
the MIND and the south Node, the past, and Venus, what we
love, and Transpluto, transformation (ALL IN LEO)
in the values and mind areas (2nd and 3rd houses)

The discipline required from this chart is SATURN the planet
of accountability in the 3rd house of the mind. Saturn in Virgo
is asking us to think Green about our lives and think Simpler,
to pare down and to recognize what it is that we really NEED.

It is now time to THINK of what you want to happen and
be ready to heal old thought patterns. Jupiter the planet of
luck and abundance and MORE is in the 7th house of partnerships.
Telling us to have faith and find people who are going to show us
how to make our lives better. (Jupiter is in Capricorn you know)
Groups, teachers, friends who lift us HIGHER are a necessity for us all.

Some of us say "I am such a giver, that I attract takers"
Well, nobody can take from you unless you give it can they?
Think about what you are giving and what you are willing to r
eceive during this next few months.

Vesta which is sacred connection is in Taurus in the 11th house
of groups. Get out and go to seminars, classes, workshops,
get online and listen to Oprah and others who are hearing the
call and answering it. The energy of healing in this chart
seems to demand some Alone time and
Time to not think, so much as BE.

My good friend and a great artist Bonnie Chance made me some bookmarks
which say. DO LESS, BE MORE. Lets all use this as our
own mantra. What is BEING to you? Being alone, being contented,
being happy, being rested, being well fed, being safe, being loved, being?

If we think we cannot be happy until we have all of the above
things, surely happiness will be as elusive as catching the wind.
Could you be .....into just BEING and watching a sunset?

We have 7 planets RETROGRADE (apparently backwards
in motions)for this eclipse. What The term Retrograde means to me is
: reconnect, repair, replay, replan, revise, re envision,
reapply, reconsider and realign with source.

Uranus the planet of change going backwards in Pisces is in
the 10th house of how we are seen and career house, in this chart.

When you were 17 how did you think others would see you at this age
or what you would be? Can you re -align your dreams and be ok
with dreaming a new future for yourself, can you see how much stronger
you are than you thought you could be ? Can you reconnect to the
Carefree child hood (child) that some of us did not have. Reconnect to
the idea of where you did have joy?

Can you let go of what you thought you SHOULD have and
be willing to be all that you Can be?

We can do this Using the planet of belief, Neptune riding with
Chiron the wounded healer and the North node for this eclipse
(in the unique, original and innovative sign of Aquarius) and heal
the past and Create a happy childhood.

In the eclipse chart, This energy is in the 8th and 9th houses in this
astrology chart asking us to let go (8th house) and reach for divine
connection with something Higher (9th house) Which is what spiritual
living is.being willing to constantly be ok with tomorrow being a
better day and forgiving yesterday.

This aspect carries through the rest of the year and into 2009
as Jupiter the planet of MORE will move into Aquarius and align
with this strong healing and illuminating energy. Neptune asks us
for Divine love, and divine connection and Chiron says that through
our wounds we have become UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY different
healers in our own right. Do you see your Own magnificence?

Leo energy asks for you to be willing to be the king or the queen
within your own heart which is truly the only place that it really matters.

Regarding finding the blessings of my not so happy childhood.
Why would I have learned to mediate if I did not have discord within myself?
Why would I have reached out to others if I did not understand what
pain feels like? Why would I have moved past my history had it not been
that way for me growing up?

So, look at your past with GRATITUDE and see what you have
become or WILL BECOME because of your hardships and see
how much the victor you already are.

YOU are the king or queen within yourself if you will just
recognize your magnificence, and that you can never ever.
ever.get enough people telling you how wonderful you are
unless you can somehow get to believing it yourself.

And if now is the hard time. If you can let go of the LESS than
simple things in life and reconnect with a more simple energy
I promise this next few years will be much easier for you.

We believe the house we have, the partner, our reputation,
the job, the auto is our life, but do you believe that those things
Really do make you happy?

OR are they what the world says you should have?

The 5th astrological sign of the zodiac is Leo .FIXED FIRE, and a
passionate energy of endurance which is what we must have to
take that next step. We are in a changing world and that is a good thing,
if we want clean oceans, blue skies and healthy food we must make
changes and you signed on for this time to be part of the Solutions,
so lets begin to move along with a joyful heart.

My dreams lately show long lines of people and those who are not
moving being snatched up into? I would hope someplace where
they are not required to move as fast as we here on planet earth
are being required to move. For the first time in my life I am dreaming
Angels and seeing People STEP proudly into their own power like never before.

So along with the sad e mails are the proud and VICTORIOUS
ones of people who have left what they thought they HAD to HAVE
behind and are stepping into something so much more than they ever
dreamed they could BE:

The next 2 weeks will be the testing point of the eclipse as we are
allowed to envision the past, not to muse, ponder, regret or what
not over it but to see, learn and then put it behind us.

On the 16th we have a LUNAR eclipse which I will write about later
this week....and then things really begin to move for us all.

Meanwhile do as little major stuff as possible between the 1st and
the 30th of this month when we have a 2nd NEW MOON.

Look, listen, and enjoy life. Breathe in clean air, go to the beach,
watch a sunset, hug a baby, go look at little kittens, or puppies,
color, draw, write, sing, dance, go to a street faire, ENJOY life.
and you have done the LEO THING which is spiritual living through
opening ourselves to joy and creativity. isn't that the best form of spirituality?

NOW the astronomy stuff:
The mechanics of Eclipses happen when the Sun, Earth and the
Moon align with the Nodes of The moon and when this happens
instead of a Full or new moon we wind up with a Solar or Lunar eclipse.

Throughout history eclipses are marking points for huge changes
on the planet. Since we have at least 2 Solar eclipses
(which always must happen at a NEW MOON) and 2 Lunar eclipses
which always happen at a Full moon one might think that these
events would pass pretty much unnoticed by the astrological community.

The difference is that this time up on the planet is a huge turning point.

If you usually watch a New moon and say, Wow, that was over.
And done with, forget that with eclipses. There is an Season to an eclipse.
The strong shadow of the eclipse lasts for 37.5 days.
There is always a NEW MOON within 18.75 days of a nodal conjunction
and when this happens we have a Solar eclipse.

Within 2 weeks we have a FULL moon and the lunar eclipse happens.
Sometimes a 3rd event can happen another solar or lunar eclipse.
In July 200 there was a lunar eclipse between 2 solar eclipses,
and in May-June 2002 we had a Solar eclipse between 2 lunar eclipses.
These events all happened within the 37.5 day window.

Solar eclipses happen .as if.line 3 glasses up on a table.
Pretend one glass at one end is the sun and the glass at the other end
is the Earth and the middle glass is the moon. THE moon or the middle
glass is blocking the light of the sun.

In astrology the moon is our past, our emotions and when the SUN (the now)
is blocked by the past what happens?

IF you are an evolved soul, which I KNOW you are.
everyone else is leaving....then You like the high priestess card in
the tarot deck will use this time and energy well. .I shall quote one
of my teachers who would not appreciate his name in this but know
these are not my thoughts but his. AND I agree totally

"the past is in the scroll that the high priestess holds on her lap for the
purpose of learning only. We review the past not to lament certain events
or punish ourselves; rather, we review the past to discover the patterns,
laws, and workings of divine. The high priestess lets us know we can learn
from the past and past lives for the purpose only of knowing our eternity.

That might be the only fruitful meditation. Meditating on what could
have been done or be takes us away from truth. The past serves only
to pull out insights that help now within the perspective of returning to the source."

This to me is the purpose of a solar eclipse. AND gratitude is something
which I would be asking you to practice over the next 2 weeks.

Gratitude for our lessons as well as our rewards, because the lessons
sometimes bring us the greatest rewards down the road.

Right now upon this planet and in the sky we have A mix of Fire
fueling change and if we can make those changes from our passion,
We will begin to feel the joy and open to what we CAN truly be and what
we came her to this time and place to be....

IF not, then we will be doing this again in 2009 with
more Leo Eclipses until we get it and begin to move into our own power.

Happy solar eclipse and look at what you wish to be eclipsed in your life.
I shall also publish the eclipse article from Steve nelson if you wish it
sent to you, please let me know. HAPPY ECLIPSE and let all negativity
be eclipsed and ALL JOY released within yourself and your life for now
and evermore. Namaste Carol Barbeau

IT is a new moon and that is always seed planting time you know?
I send you all a BIG HUG and ask that you open to joy and realize that..

"Most people have a harder time letting themselves love than finding
someone to love them." Bill Russell SO lets be open to love and
being loved...

and I send you this wonderful wish...

May your walls know joy; May every room hold laughter
and every window open to great possibility.
Maryanne Radmacher-Hershey

Carol Barbeau

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What a great meaty summary Marina! You can see the sparkle glint off the words LOL!! :D
and in one way or another those aspects are ringing true to me - and the neighbour ;)

I was only thinking the other day - what about if I had a 'reason and purpose' diary - like a gratitude diary, but one which allows me to look back over the day and give reason for me and lets me see my purpose more clearly - you know when you ask yourself what am I doing this for, and what purpose did I serve today. Sometimes I forget my 'worth-while-ness' ... which makes me think there was no reason nor purpose for the day instead of getting through it to see the day after (which does in itself hold purpose - but can feel like nothing is accomplished).

... and I did wish for a million dollars to make me happy as well :p

I think I'll go hug my cats and have a bath - not at the same time though ;)

Thanks for posting that Marina - well worth the read ... I'll add that as something purposeful in my new diary! :D

Elven x


I love the idea for your diary - making a VALUE list rather than accomplishments.. yes I am investigating the same thing at the moment but going to Feng Shui courses - its like find the values - the ethics - the synchronicity, the higher truth.. not the I want (ego) sort of thing.. alot like the gratitude journal - but more opportunity to see patterns and change patterns..

I do love that idea -

hope your neighbour has calmed down!!