Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 13 - #103


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 13
Number: 103



The body part for this symbol is the Lesser curvature of the stomach and yet here we are talking about the thumb. Interestingly, a baby will unfold its thumb before any of the other fingers! The thumb is what separates man and beast….it represents the Mind. Mars, the god of war is associated with the thumb. (oh, oh)

The top of the thumb is said to represent on the spiritual level our will… can also symbolize our stubbornness and our lack of adaptability. The middle of the thumb or second level represents our reason, our logic, our ability to try and comprehend the outside world.

This symbol almost seems to ask the question: How do we approach, bonding, nurturing and fulfilling our needs. Are we able to be flexible and open or do we become rigid and controlling. When we feel insecure we can become uncompromising and stubborn to protect ourselves from further hurt and rejection. Oh boy! This just creates more problems!!!

Cancer’s love to protect but sometimes that protection creates more problems than it solves (believe me!) It may even start something that the person themselves was trying to prevent!

Cancers are (blush) hungry for love and we’ll cling to those who can provide it, but this very clinging can end up driving the ones we love away……this symbol tells me to look at how we use our will in watery (cancer) situations.



Word: Determination

Crystal Element: A blend of azurite an malachite.

Thumbs UP, get a grip, hanging on by the finger tips, grab that... our hands, what would we be without them, just typing I notice the SPACE bar is the thumb ;)

Thumbs - and hands - power and ability, success.

The Christian hand blessing symbols, the Buhiddist Hand Mudras actually most religions use the symbol of the hand.. palm reading - some use the thumb and many lines radiate from the thumb and go around it..

There is only one person I knowwith this symbol and they dont have a strange looking hand, but I would say they have extra abilities that are recognised and it helps them get things done. Very practical.



Hi Marina,

That is a wonderful site on the thumb, I really enjoyed it and didn't know that the bottom part of the thumb dealt with Love. Thank you.

I thought this was a good place as any to talk of the stomach. The thumb and the solar plexus do seem to have connections. It says in this site the thumb represents a balanced, will, a logical mind and love!

Whoever put together the body parts for the Sabian symbols is a genius! The work put into this is incredible....for me to take each little part and describe how it works....would take a very long time! But I have to say, it interests me greatly!

It is the Mind a certain 'knowing' that is found in the pit of the stomach. It has been known by mystics, philosophers and even doctors that the solar plexus is filled with a keen intelligence. It has been called the great 'body brain; because the grey matter found in it is similar to that of the brain. This intelligence reacts to every pleasure and as well every pain. It contains all of our secret emotions....there are more memory cells in the stomach than anywhere else in the body.

The solar plexus is the most important center to our sympathetic system. It's nerve centers act as a mirror, reflecting our deep feelings, all our thought impulses and sends it through to all the nerves in our body. Hate, passion, fear, strikes us here first and then affects all the other organs in our body! No other organ in our body is affected by our moods then the stomach. When we are excited or frightened, we can feel a sinking sickening feeling in the pit of our stomach. Old emotions that keep boiling up from our past is located in the cells of our stomach. Indigestion and ulcers can be a definite result.

Our stomach is the physical center for receiving food, digesting it and sending it on as nourishment to all the parts of our body. It is also the mental center of our bodies. What we love and what we hate within the mind is contained within a network of nerve ganglia and plexuses. The solar plexus as stated sits just behind the stomach and consists of FIVE ordinary ganglia and two so-called 'half-moon ganglia shaped like 'fishes'. The two half-moons allow us to move through space at Will and the Five ordinary ganglia are related to the pentagram and its five virtues: kindness, justice, love wisdom and truth.

I could go on and on, I find the body so-o-o-o interesting! I hope I didn't bore you to tears....just wanted to share this tid-bit on the somtach.




Thanks Tink -

yes it is great stuff!
is the medical astrology link

I also see people meditate with their hands in their lap, and pray with their hands near their chest, we place a hand over our heart... very interesting...



Ohh wow! thank you Marina! Apparently this site is being updated as I speak, so I couldn't look at the many articles, I'm sure Jane Ridder Patrick has written. I can't wait to look at it when I get home from work.

My interest in the tarot began in 1994. 1995, I took Reiki I, and in 1998 completed Reiki III. From there I learned astrology, touch for health, color therapy and countless other courses on healing. It was here I began to see a correlation between our health and our astrological charts, both natally and progressed. I was amazed then, I am amazed's never stopped...

Marina, you too have been on an incredible journey! I've looked at your site on the elements, the crystals and their healing properties. Wonderful stuff!

Thank you.



DING - its a light bulb moment,
it all works astrology bodies earth plants - we are all here together in a wonderfully simple thread of life.

It IS simple... we just have to be open to reading the fine print in the instruction manual :)

I love Janes work - I'm so lucky that I have solar fire astrology software cause her body parts come automatically with your chart, and I think for me knowing my difficult aspects COULD mean a difficulty with these body parts - helped me strengthen them before the inevitable.

I think Jane has just re-written the medical astrology book and owns the rights to it now, so I'm hanging out to buy the new book - Amazon UK said 4-6 weeks before they get it in store, Im also hopeful Jane will sell it on her website so I can get one from her.

Jane is also very nice on e-mail I have contacted her a couple of times telling her - the information she has provided is EXCELLENT!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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