Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 14 - #104


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 14
Number: 104



If I could look into the face, the eyes of this very old man, I have the eerie impression he belongs to me! For me, he’s a wiry, energetic old fella and..with quite a sense of humor!! Remember “Doc Brown” from "Back To The Future”! Yep that’s him!

North and East represent Spirit and Wind, two minds connecting magically together…….sometimes rhythmically… .sometimes clashing….sometimes completely still. Oh my! They could represent utter chaos! From this analogy, this symbol looks and appears to me as an idling wave!!

Oh my! I know this symbol well! It is the art of fixing your gaze on an image, a thought, a phrase, a Sabian symbol……then waiting, watching, listening, using not only the mind’s eye, but the mind’s ear and the mind’s voice….hmm that’s three!

In the last symbol, I spoke of the stomach containing grey matter similar to that of the brain! A keen intelligence, a Mind that could be referred to as this very old man!



I thought I'd share this little tidbit here, especially after Marina spoke of praying in the last symbol.

I was discussing this symbol with a co-worker in the office and she said that facing East is supposed to be the best way to face when one is praying and mediating......I didn't know this! She too is into astrology and reminded me that East also reprsents the Spring Equinox....a time of letting go of the old and bringing in the new. Perhaps this symbolizes this symbol too!!



Yes - the east, new beginnings, where the sun rises very powerful, and important in this symbol - like yoga, I also think since it is a direction its a bit like the Muslim people who pray to Mecca - its their spiritual 'east'.

Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Sanction

Ridder-Patrick : Stomach walls

Crystal : Rainbow Obsidian

Looking into the darkness there is colour there is life, there is space, we can put ourselves at one with the universe, like lieing and watching stars, most everything leaves your mind -you are FREE
Black is also the culmination of ALL colour.
Yes this old man knows much - as all old people do, with age there is wisdom, we sometimes just get confused with which parts we want to call wisdom - wisdom in life experience - which will be unique for everyone but no less special.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Ohh purple_scorp this image is brilliant!

What I see here is an 'old man' discouraged by something in life, perhaps a lack of success and for a time is unable to pick himself up and try again. His character, his soul (water) his thoughts (wind) are those of an old person.

We've got to pick ourselves up each time we fall and try, try again. This could be the return of our 'youth' get up and keep walking!

I had done a painting of an old man, with a visual arts group back in the 90's. I wasn't sure if it fit here, but seeing your image, it encouraged me to show you him.

Very fitting with the description above and with the Dove in this man's hands.

tink :love:


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

This symbol has been on my mind all day!! Different thoughts, different meanings (giggle) a restless mind! Perhaps a little choatic and at times overpowering! Look at his eyes!! What is he seeing, symbols, thoughts, words, a kaleidoscope of the old and the new!!



purple_scorp Tink

Thank you for these images...

I agree Tink some of these images stay with me for some time,
they work dont they - very well!



They do Marina, they do! They are like a Yod....brimming with energy! When I call them up, its like being hit in the face with a new and different inspiration.



Tink, oh my goodness. You painted that! Wow. It is fantastic. Wow, now I want to see more of your paintings. Wow, wow, wow. I loved it and it fits perfectly with this symbol.

I remember drawing this one night when asking a question about boat-bottomed boy. As a GoldMiner, he was used to spending time alone, down a dark hole.....such a sense of isolation and sadness. Self-inflicted in GM's case.

with love