Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 15 - #105


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 15
Number: 105



Lots of feedback!

Some of these symbols, I can talk and talk and talk.....sorry...

Summer is definitely the season for enjoying the abundance of life! Hmm this feels like a potluck dinner, a barbecue, where everyone comes bearing gifts from the bounties of the earth…..tasting different foods, different qualities of cooking, different recipes….a new spice….a new rush of energy! This is a social time, of blending, interacting and cooperating with others. Talking, expressing, communicating, learning….everything is in balance!

Here we see us assessing, processing all the ingredients, all the rational and irrational information, all the sensory input and trying to make sense of it all. After all, it’s not just this way or that way, there’s many ways of creating…..many ways of thinking, assessing, digesting and assimilating!

The Moon represents our past, and the Sun our future. Hmm are we creating a bond between the past and the future here?.

Food invigorates our bodies and activates our brains! In the last symbol we were facing East… it’s like North, East, West and South are all coming together, the four elements that together spell NEWS!

But we also know that News exaggerates, feeds us will tall stories, our stomachs get bigger and bigger and before we know it….indigestion!! Whatever we put in our stomachs affects the way we think and the way we express ourselves.

Our Minds are driven by our past, by our feelings by our needs, by our hunger, by our basic instincts! When we eat too much or too little, our Minds become sluggish, we may become bored and tired. We deny our own feelings, we feel frustrated, impatient, we don’t listen well to others.

All in all, I love the long summer days….picnics…..the evening strolls….the fragrance of flowers. Everything is flowing with life, with energy, it’s a time of being with good friends, feeling rejuvenated, happy, and hungry!



Key Word: Satiety
Ridder-Patrick Gastric nerves
Crystal Vesuvianite (Idocrase)

Vesuvianite is a green, brown, yellow, or blue metamorphic silicate mineral, Can be used to promote patriotism and loyalty to mankind.

A great symbol isnt it, even for those who have so little food, there (we pray) are times where a celebration with food occurs, weddings, birthdays, christmas, easter, thanksgiving, prom, ball, family gatherings, friends all sorts of 'ceremonies' religious and other are formed around the table with food :)

tastey - one of our 5 senses, we are able to indulge some times



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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