Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 6- #96


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 6
Number: 96



Colour sound nature, wildness. peacocks, pheasants, swans, cranes, ducks, ibises, egrets, herons, pigeons, turtle doves, partridges, bustards, quails.. I suppose technically anything people would like to hunt as game - BUT this symbol to me still speaks of the birds in their own habitat - alive and colourful! Of course it talks about HOMES - nests nesting babies family and safety.

Dr Jones Key Word Meticulousness

Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point Diaphragm (YIPPEEE)

Element Ruby in Zoisite sort of like little eggs in a nest, but spiritually pretty awesome it can transmute negativity into positive energy. It relieves lethargy and boosts physical energy. It offers stamina to the mental processes, facilitating advancements of the wearer's goals.


I remember when I was pregnant with my children, there was a flurry of excitement within my home as well as within my belly. The more pronounced and visible my pregnancy the more I scurried around my home preparing a space to nurture my offspring.

Game Birds do the same, creating and preparing their nests, collecting layer upon layer of twigs, grass, and anything that holds it firm, secure and together. For sure these nests will be filled with fertile eggs, of which little chicks will be born, soon to become fledglings and soon to become prey for the hunters! Do you think the game birds worry about this as they create a foundation, a home, a shelter that will protect and keep their young? If it were you or me, we’d be worried constantly of what would become of our young, we’d hold them close, keep them ‘in’ when hunting season arrives. My god we would be constantly in a state of total panic! We’d build fortresses, barricades around our home to keep the hunters out!

But the game birds have an understanding of the Quality of Life, they have no worries, they are totally in harmony with nature and at one with their creator. They give to us with an open heart, without expectations or strings attached. What they create they completely let go with great generosity and gift their creation to their Creator, to Nature and to the Human race.
We on the other hand, hang on and hold back money, our knowledge, our wisdom, which in turn slows down and stifles our energy. Before we offer anything, we want to be sure we’re getting something back, after all we want compensation for all our hard work! Right!?

Gaming birds surrender their Will to a greater source so that we in turn can experience the abundance and generosity it brings. We could learn a lot from our feathered friends. They give their lives freely, they totally trust in the process of life and intuitively they understand their role in this life.

The diaphragm which I will explain more fully in another post is an action that takes place when all our muscles are balanced and working in harmony. Paradoxically the more we try to control it, the less it works!



The Diaphragm (the most important muscle in breathing)
We all have a knowing that our bodies breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. We called this in another thread inspiration (air in) and expiration (carbone dioxide CO2 out) The inspired air passes through our nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, right and left bronchi and finally the aveoli (air sacs) of our lungs. We’ve been looking at these throughout the symbols.
It is our red blood cells that, when flowing through our lungs, takes the oxygen breathed in and let’s go of CO2, which in turn we breathe out. All these pathways are interconnected.

But air is not taken in by inspiration alone, the diaphragm (a great dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity) and the chest muscles contract, increasing the size of the chest cavity (thorax) which helps to “reduce the air pressure” in our lungs…which raises the sternum, then the ribs, enlarging our chest cavity. (Still with me?) All these actions help to allow air into our lungs! Phew! A lot of work that takes place in a matter of a few seconds!

When we breathe out, the diaphragm and muscles relax, allowing our chest wall to return to its original position, “pressure increases” and the lungs expel (breathe out). For those who are inspirational speakers, singers, poets’, teachers, the air that passes over the vocal cords causes them to vibrate and produce sounds… the diaphragm is very important in the function of speaking. It allows us to express the deepest part of ourselves, (our feelings, our deepest desires, our emotions)

In reflexology, the diaphragm and solar plexus are located in the same area of the foot which is at the top of arch and near the base of the ball of both feet (it separates the ball of the foot from the arch). If we press our thumb in this area (both feet) it helps us to let go of stress, relax, breathe deeply let and maintain a strong connection with the world outside ourselves.

The diaphragm helps us to connect to our power, our sexuality, our passion, our creativity and higher spiritual values. It begins at our 2nd chakra, the seat of our emotions.

The symbols we’ve been working on here have been focused on our emotions and feelings. This area has recorded all our repressed as well as passionate feelings. When we have been disempowered or controlled through society’s expectations or through a more dominating authority, we hold back feelings of pain, humiliation, as well as resentment and rage. When something outside of us triggers these emotions, we can and have unexpectedly blown up and sometimes in the most inappropriate situations. I know this has happened to me, and I suddenly wonder, where the h**l did that come from? But if we don’t find a way to let go of these repressed feelings, we could experience health issues in these areas.

The game birds are telling us of the limits we have imposed in our own lives. They tell us not to be possessive or hold on to people and things in our life….when we do, it interrupts the flow of natural energy from where the diaphragm sits.....our sacral area.

When we are in balance with ourselves, with others and the universe, our heads naturally tilt up and our pelvis tilts down. This can only happen when our lower joints have the freedom of movement to carry not only the weight of our bodies but also our pelvis and the inside edges of our spine. Tension contracts the muscles in our body, affecting not only our movement but our diaphragm as well.

This also feeds quite well into the next body part, the thoracic cavity.



I drew this symbol on 14-8-6 while I was having myself a pity-me party. I didn't focus on the security and building a nest part. I was too busy focussing on the next step - being kicked out of the nest (a place where you belonged) and perhaps making way for some other bird who doesn't deserve your spot.

It's funny how your interpretation can be biased by your emotional well-being.

tink27 said:
The game birds are telling us of the limits we have imposed in our own lives. They tell us not to be possessive or hold on to people and things in our life….when we do, it interrupts the flow of natural energy from where the diaphragm sits.....our sacral area.

When we are in balance with ourselves, with others and the universe, our heads naturally tilt up and our pelvis tilts down. This can only happen when our lower joints have the freedom of movement to carry not only the weight of our bodies but also our pelvis and the inside edges of our spine. Tension contracts the muscles in our body, affecting not only our movement but our diaphragm as well.

In my journal, I have written about the fear of being expendable, and sacrifising too much for future security, which stresses you and gives rise to health problems, especially the stomach.

Well, I have experienced this stress first-hand and it resulted in a loss of appetite and so a drop in weight.

tink, I was interested to read your quote that these are limits we have imposed on ourselves.

None of us have a bottomless pit of energy. There is a warning for putting too much into something that may not be of benefit to you. Easy to keep that in our thoughts, but putting it into action can sometimes be more difficult. I did put my thoughts into action but later regretted doing so. And now, I'm sitting back on the perch, waiting to see what happens.

with love


purple_scorp said:
None of us have a bottomless pit of energy. There is a warning for putting too much into something that may not be of benefit to you. Easy to keep that in our thoughts, but putting it into action can sometimes be more difficult. I did put my thoughts into action but later regretted doing so. And now, I'm sitting back on the perch, waiting to see what happens.

As you sit on your perch, grab a candle, perhaps some incense, a mat, beautiful music, a pillow and allow the stillness, the Divine to move in. A reminder for myself to relax and still all that inner chatter.



Hi tink,

thanks for your advice. Actually, I've found myself very ungrounded lately, so I've been using this "down time" to reground and re-centre myself. Have actually been relocating by shovel and wheelbarrow, a huge pile of dirt in my garden. And, then at night, I lay in bed meditating.

with love


purple_scorp said:
Hi tink,

thanks for your advice. Actually, I've found myself very ungrounded lately, so I've been using this "down time" to reground and re-centre myself. Have actually been relocating by shovel and wheelbarrow, a huge pile of dirt in my garden. And, then at night, I lay in bed meditating.

with love

Hmm shovel, wheelbarrow, dirt....a lovely way to balance....a lovely way to care for one's integrity (holding it all together), cultivating it and discovering the miracle and potential of it.

Perhaps this too is another meaning of this symbol. An integrity that honors life.....but which begins with honoring oneself to the deepest core, which in turn honors, and loves the lives we are in charge of.

Early morning rumblings.....



hi tink,

ah yes.....and also that you need to build up your inner strength to prepare for being kicked out of the nest...... ;)

with love


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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