Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 14 - #74


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 14
Number: 74



Ooooh, not this is an interesting symbol!

Telepathy! One of my secret wishes. If telepathy was one of our capacities (and i am sure it is in our potential), there would be no secrets, no embezzling, no corruption because honesty would be simply natural. Everybody would know that if you had un-kosher intentions they'd be out in the open within a second :D

We'd be "forced" to own up for our emotions, and take responsibility for them. I think this would naturally bring us to mind ethics and low vibes would certainly have less chances.

Of course this would also entail that the notion of judgement would be taken differently, etc. I could go on for hours about this, but this is not the ideal world I dream of, and i am sure many of you wouldn't agree with my views on this ;)

Coming back to vibes and ethics of mind though:

I had an "epiphany" about this when i first read about Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiements. While we know that tiny drops of water form crystals when freezing (only look at snowflakes), Masaru Emoto found out that tap water or polluted water lost this ability, while spring water and clear water maintained it.

This prompted him to experiement with vibes, like sending healing to polluted water, and - oh miracle - this water suddenly found back the ability to form beautiful crystals! His experiment went on to music, prayers, words, intentions. And he found out that water exposed to "dark" vibes like hate lost all ability to form a crystal, and water exposed to intentions like love or healing found it.

My "epiphany" was: we are formed of 80plus% of water! So my intentions, thoughts, vibes, have an impact on my water! And when I direct them at others, it has an impact on theirs! So I decided to check myself for the sake of those vibes, the water in me and others and for my and others health, body and mind...

Ok, sorry for the long detour, back to the symbol:

a telepathic conversation - or the same wavelength? And is telepathy "only" the exchange of thoughts or, with regards to my detour, also the exchange of vibes?

I'd interpret this symbol as a special connection between two people, a band of energy, they are linked. This is a miracle in itself, the wonders of such a connection are without limits, and I think we should heed them more. Because we all have them, but do we acknowledge them, listen?

We usually put those things into the realms of the paranormal - shouldn't we integrate them into the "normal"? Which would mean recognising that we're not only our bodies of flesh and bone and blood, but mainly energy beings and that this energy communicates on a wholly "new" level. It shouldn't spook us but be part of our conscience...


Simone, I LOVE Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiements - really, and it fits here so well!

I see this symbol as TWINS - gemini OH YEA.. but real twins too.
When I draw this symbol in an oracle I get the feeling my INNER self KNOWS the right answer - Im supposed to already know the answer you know - inner and outer selves can often mis-communicate :)

I feel that telepathy is increasing - so often people call - I was just thinking of you - finish eachothers sentances all that - its CLOSENESS...

Dr Jones - Key Word Intimation

- Jane Rider-Patrick - Clavicle
Element Tanzanite
Discussion (mostly borrowed from Wikipedia) Tanzanite is the blue/purple variety of the mineral zoisite Maasai tribes are also said to believe that Tanzanite is the stone of birth because of its blue colour, and they give tanzanite to their wives when they have their first children. Legend says that Tanzanite was first discovered by Lemurians who found the gemstone helped accelerate men's development. Dolphins were used to transport the Tanzanite stones all around the world, spreading the knowledge with it. However, men were not mature enough to keep this energy in balance and the ancient civilization fell.
Tanzanite has zoomed in popularity to the #2 spot just below sapphire in
Traditional Metaphysical Properties of Tanzanite:
Communication, intuition, protection, symmetry, decision-making, spirituality.
Tanzanite is said to be a bridge to spirituality and consciousness.


After talking with Marina on Symbol 13, I starting looking at Sabian Symbol 14 and found myself reflecting on the Symbols 11, 12, and 13. It seemed as if these three almost formed a kind of triad, a blending of energies that created thoughtforms through sound and light. From this triad came another energy which in my brain (please correct me if I’m wrong) I saw the image of a squared circle. As fire is to air so is air to water, and as air is to water so is water to earth, phew! We have seen this geometric design in The World card and it has also been used as a ‘ground plan’ of many temples and churches where it is meant to symbolize the mystical marriage of heaven and earth (the famous pianist).

With Symbol 14

The electromagnetic field that surrounds the Earth and moves through the entire universe is continually adjusted and affected by our every move, thought, and action. This proves that we are part of an intricate web of energy that flows through the entire cosmos. A vast network of energy, holding everything together like one giant energetic ball comprised of lines of light that pass through and connect us all together in a neverending tapestry of moving energy. You! reading this right now can effect the energy of the entire cosmos, and so too effect the energy of another. (I took this from an article I wrote a few years back, giggle, I was trying to emphasize a point)

I was just imagining the noise this would create! Imagine the world wide web, our telephones, radios, tv’s all communicating at once - geez it would be a madhouse of utter confusion!

So how would these two people be able to telepathically speak to one another through the many lines of everyone else! In our bodies, our brain is our central processing unit – it distributes and analyzes all kinds of data. For messages to be received we have to use our right brain and left brain simultaneously.

When God (All That Is) created us, or so the myth has been told, He plucked a reed from the riverbed and by making holes, created a flute. Blowing into it God has been able to play the music of human existence – the winds of life pass thru the flute (our breath) creating our music or personal song. Other people who sing our song seek us out and others like themselves.

When a thought, a word, a question creates a response deep within our being, our nervous system reacts and ‘turns on’ releasing the thoughts into our brain. Oh we mull it over, thinking this way and that way, checking references, the www etc. But when our efforts are exhausted and we give up on trying to find the answer ourselves, we create an invisible unknown connection with another who has either found the information we’re looking for or who knows where we can turn to next. The twins (our two minds- east and west) are in sync with one another and with the flow of the universe offering us perceptions that we can use. (That’s if we have the courage to…)

I don’t know about you but when I have received information through an invisible channel, and it has changed the direction of my life profoundly, I have never felt more humbled and filled with a kind of grace.



Body part: the clavicle

The collar bones or the clavicles go across the fornt of our chest from the shoulder to the top of the sternum, covering the first rib and forming the two knobs at the beast of our necks in the front. The clavicles are a prop for the shoulders and in with its connection to the sternum it creates a kind of girdle giving us a lot of movement in this area. I thought that was kind of neat.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

Ohh purple_scorp the magnetic vibrations, thought transference....when we think of another it's like sending them an email. And if we curse another, it's like sending and hitting a live wire.

There is always someone in the world alert to our needs, compassionate and supportive. If we could only stop and listen, it would feel like someone whispering in our ear.

The law of we seek answers the answers appear. We are all mirrors for each other.

tink :love:


And again, I chose an image where the people looked very similar, almost like twins, yet there are subtle and unique differences between these two women. I wanted to convey the sense that we are all linked - collective conscience.

I love Zener cards (the symbols depicted in this image). I have actually been known to pull my Zener cards out at dinner parties, to test the link that we have to other people.

with love