Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 7 - #67


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 7
Number: 67



Dr Jones - Key Word Recompense

Element Limestone

Limestone, is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the mineral calcite (calcium carbonate: CaCO3). Secondary calcite may also be deposited by supersaturated meteoric waters (groundwater that precipitates the material in caves). Limestone makes up about 10 percent of the total volume of all sedimentary rocks. Pure limestones are white or almost white. Because of impurities, such as clay, sand, organic remains, iron oxide and other materials, many limestones exhibit different colors, especially on weathered surfaces. Limestone may be crystalline, clastic, granular, or massive, depending on the method of formation. Many Spiritual retreats – and sacred sites like the Yucatan peninsula, places in Tibet, and many (Limestone) Caves hold this symbol and element in high regard. The ancient Egyptians capped the peaks of their pyramids with gold and covered their faces with polished white limestone, though many of the stones used for the purpose have fallen or been removed for other structures over the millennia. Its light white energetic but subtle, porous so water and air can move through it. Actually the purest waters come from natural limestone wells.

The key word is recompense can mean Remuneration !!!!
a snippet taken from a reading I did for someone - an artist with this as their north node
This symbol is in the most basic way, drawing out of a pot liquid that enriches life. In times past the ‘water well’ help great importance for those who fetched water daily from it. Survival depended on the local water source for drinking, hygiene, crops and animals. There was a natural reverence for places where good, pure water emerged like magic from the depths of the earth, and the water well played a role in myth, folklore and sacred rites in many cultures. To the Greeks, springs were the haunts of water nymphs, elemental spirits who took the form of beautiful young girls; the original meaning of the Greek word for spring is "nubile maiden." The ‘old-fashioned water well’ often had a multi-purpose, being an oracular, a healing, and a wishing well.
The pail within the wishing well indicates abundance in your life, you have to be prepared to pull on the rope to bring the wealth to the surface. The rope represents a connection to your deep emotion and spirit, the ability to access this resource. The image of ink wells and oil wells pop up within this symbol in a minor way, you will creative find solutions to issues that arise within your life. People will also refer to you as ‘well’ known ‘well’ liked, I know him ‘well’ and culturally ‘well rounded’.



When I started to teach Reiki, I pondered on how to explain how this energy worked on us individually as well as collectively. It fits quite nicely with this symbol.

Reiki I will create subtle yet profound changes in your unconscious. Your unconscious mind will propel you to look at your habits, beliefs, fears, expectations, and behaviour patterns and begin consciously reshaping your life from the inside out. We each work toward it individually. Visualize if you can a well connected to an underground stream. We are each engaged in entering that well which is the well of our life, and in reaching as deeply into its sources as we can. We each go down individually into the well of our own life which is separate and unique from every other. Each of us must therefore go down our own well, and not the well of someone else’s life. We find, however that when, as individuals we have gone very far down into the well of our life, we come to an underground stream that is the source of all the wells. So, though we may think that the wells of our personal existence are separate from every other, there are in fact no separations here. There are no walls or dividers in the underground stream. We are connected here in the unitary continuum of “being”. A continuum of life energy, wisdom, universal truth and power. Those waters have the effect of renewing our energies and giving us access to abundant resources. We draw upon these deep waters and carry them back with us to the surface, where quench our thirst as we incorporate our new found connections consciously into our lives. In the course of this quest, the inner person emerges and grows like a seed in ‘dry’ soil waiting to be watered. It is this inner person that is the essence and the meaning of life. It is the true you that is germinating to become the beautiful flower kept in the seed.



MCsea said:
The key word is recompense can mean Remuneration !!!!
a snippet taken from a reading I did for someone - an artist with this as their north node
This symbol is in the most basic way, drawing out of a pot liquid that enriches life. In times past the ‘water well’ help great importance for those who fetched water daily from it. Survival depended on the local water source for drinking, hygiene, crops and animals. There was a natural reverence for places where good, pure water emerged like magic from the depths of the earth, and the water well played a role in myth, folklore and sacred rites in many cultures. To the Greeks, springs were the haunts of water nymphs, elemental spirits who took the form of beautiful young girls; the original meaning of the Greek word for spring is "nubile maiden." The ‘old-fashioned water well’ often had a multi-purpose, being an oracular, a healing, and a wishing well.
The pail within the wishing well indicates abundance in your life, you have to be prepared to pull on the rope to bring the wealth to the surface. The rope represents a connection to your deep emotion and spirit, the ability to access this resource. The image of ink wells and oil wells pop up within this symbol in a minor way, you will creative find solutions to issues that arise within your life. People will also refer to you as ‘well’ known ‘well’ liked, I know him ‘well’ and culturally ‘well rounded’.


Marina, this is beautifully said and written.



Thank you Tink

I should add when I wrote that I did not know the person was an artist, they were from the other side of the world and ordered a reading via e-mail.. it was a lovely surprise after they read the report to get an e-mail saying they were an artist!
That they were doing their north node at such a young age... (33) is pretty awesome..



Marina, after just posting in the previous thread, I see how all these symbols meld together! Although the seal has vanished into the water, it resurfaces and glides towards you carrying messages and gifts from the deep.




thank you - I feel so lucky Im aware or listening- which ever...
when I formulated the list it was so intense.. I was very conscious if THIS was MY sun symbol or my north node symbol how would I FEEL how would I react what happiness or forfilment would I get through this stone...
as well as how they may resonate with the symbols... it was a muti directional approach
I am so fortunate I have most crystals here at home if not here I know them closley through working with them before, blessed I am!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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