Secrets of the Lenormand Study Group - business - case studies 7 & 8


Case study #8

Any idea of what my client does for a living???

33-key + 9-bouquet + 16-stars + 34-fish + 32-moon + 12-birds + 20-garden

My first guess would be one of these New Age, "celebrity" teachers/coaches/channelers that give seminars to large audiences.
They probably teach metaphysics,how to create a more harmonious successful lifestyle, and have the ability to convey their ideas to lots of people. They're probably pretty well known, and could also be an
advisor/life coach to the stars.



I don't know about the others, but I know that I would do well with having some other examples to work on for both the fox and the fish, as they're so critical...

might you post some more case studies on these two for us to practice on?



Sylvie Steinbach


Your answers on case study 7 are close. Though we can argue that since the birds -communication- is not present, lawyers won't be the first pick. A Real Estate Brokerage or a RE management company that does residential and commercial markets is more exact.

As you said, book + bear + letter lead to analytic work, cases and management with money. House + ring + tower talk about Real Estate -residential (house) and commercial (tower) and ring of course deals, contracts etc.. As you can see in my break down, legal does not come up. If I had birds + ring + tower then i will have say communication with contracts and court house therefore legal negociations meaning lawyers!

Sylvie Steinbach


I need to do the case 8 for you. I advise you follow this format of break down to avoid mistakes.

Any idea of what my client does for a living???

33-key + 9-bouquet + 16-stars + 34-fish + 32-moon + 12-birds + 20-garden


Fish is the key card which is business, self employment, free lance.

key + bouquet + stars mean destiny, something very important, beauty, smile and attractive, goals, celebrity. We have here a combination indicating a situation around famous good looking people.

moon + birds + garden mean creative, psychic, communication, relations, customers and audience. It seems that this combination can mean performing in front of an audience using verbal skills to convey creativity or psychic things.

Because the ones on the left of the key card talk about destiny and famous entourage and this is about a business where the person talks in front of an audience, the first thought is acting or singing. So this person is an actor or singer -stage possibility.

The second suggestion could be that this is someone who may be psychic and perform a show in front of a large audience since this individual is well known.

I hope you can follow this format for your future responses because it will help you go from the most likely answer to the one of a kind ones.

80% chances that the first answer will be the right one, 20% for an unusual situation such as the famed psychic.

Sylvie Steinbach

New Business and Job case studies coming soon!

I will create a new thread advance study for these 2 key cards. I should have this up in the next few days :)

Keep looking at our workshop line up...




Thanks Sylvie for your very detailed and thoughtful answers.
They have helped immensely...! lots of food for thought and plenty of journal notes.
I find that I am now thinking and dreaming Lenormand...seriously! lol
means I'm definitely learning.

One of these days, I know it will stop being such a struggle, and it will just all fall into place. I guess I have a habit of not always looking for the obvious answer also; will try to restrain my creativity a bit!

Thank you again, very very much.
There is great appreciation here for you!


Phoenix Rising

Sylvie Steinbach said:
Case 7

Can you give me an idea of the kind of business this individual runs?

Again it is possible there are multiple answers so don't be shy...

26-book + 15-bear + 27-letter + 34-fish + 4-house + 25-ring + 19-tower
Key card fish for business
letter+fish-business documents, so he deals with documents
fish+house-real estate or mortgages. Documents to do with real estate.

book+bear-accounting and or investments
bear+letter-cash transactions of all kinds

So looking at all of those, he deals with the financial side of things to do with real estate.

House+ring-real estate transactions or purchase.
ring+tower-legal judgment, court..This will be an official place that deals with real estate purchases or settlements. Sounds like a mortgage broker or solicitor dealing with estates.

Case 8

Any idea of what my client does for a living???

33-key + 9-bouquet + 16-stars + 34-fish + 32-moon + 12-birds + 20-garden

This is so Los Angeles! :)

From fish
stars+fish-the book says aerospace, engineering and casting?
although he's obviously known since stars is in the past.
Fish+moon-creative, advertising or metaphysical services, but moon alone arts, entertainment and creative fields.
stars+fish+moon, both stars and moon have a spiritual sense to them both as well as fame!! So he's famous and spiritual as well.

Key is that he was destined or gifted to this business,
bouquet, all things beautiful...harmonious life.
bouquet and stars, up and coming star.
So this individual has a talent that makes him a rising star....but in what field?

moon-artistic/creative entertainment field
birds-media careers or communication talents
therefore the artistic/creative or entertainment field is in something to do with verbal or voice.

Birds+garden, he stands before an audience speaking or singing, and it will be something of his own making something that is inspiring. star and the moon.

stand up comedians, singer.


The ring could indicate that it's a new business for our first querent.....i would go along the lines of real estate - but given the book and the letter are also in that spread - I wondered if this was a person that dealt with the writing aspects of RE, either contracts - or possibly advertising.

With the second querent - there is a garden, and flowers - yet noone suggested a florist or gardener! Despite the paid profession here, I think we are dealing with someone who has a green thumb!

with love

Sylvie Steinbach


Again correct! of course there will be variations once you work on real cases like you get some ideas on a profession or business, you tell the client and then you get the feedback it was not quite exactly that but sooo close that it will impress I guarantee it. Very few psychics are capable to do that with details.

Sylvie Steinbach


No the garden and flowers do not fit with the rest of the spread if you do proper deduction with the stage. The definitions are from the book the secrets of the lenormand oracle and the system 'no lay out' is specific in how to break down and deduct the proper message. The ring does not refer to a new business either.

May I advise that you start the course from the beginning after reading the book -and having it handy to check it out from each case on. This virtual course is only for students that worked on the book and it is not for people who practice the old traditional system and definitions.

I ask students to sign up on the 'sign up thread' to introduce themselves or to PM to participate...
