

Thank you everyone!

The Dreamer said:
That's a very thoughtful suggestion, Astrid, but essential oils are very strong smells in themselves.
Someone in this condition really needs to remove strong smells from the environment for a while, even natural ones.
The word aromatherapy used to make me cringe.
I couldn't even use hair conditioner. I had to use vinegar. At times even that was too strong. I had to use baking soda for deodorant and toothpaste.
Eventually I could reintroduce some natural smells. I found that orange and peppermint were the least offensive for me.
The whole idea of sensory overload is that your body is picking up too much, and amplifying it. Adding more to it does not help.

This is true too for me. I have found Biolage has a light scent for shampoo and conditioner. It is grapefruit.
One good thing is that fruit and vegetable smells DO NOT bother me. I have a pineapple *plug-in* in my classroom. (that the only plug in scent I can handle) and it helps, but sometimes these kids just smell...The school won't fix my windows (broken, won't open.) Maybe I should put some pineapple essential oil on my desk!

The Dreamer

Oh my gosh. Plug ins will make me sick in seconds, to this day.
You're a lot better off than I assumed.
I'm sure that you will be able to get over this without much problem, if you moderate things right.

The Dreamer

People probably vary in which senses go higher. I didn't have much problem with light, for example, and only rarely with sound.


Keeping in Touch

In the Temperance and Mercury threads there were pieces
to this puzzle also, and here in Sensitivities another facet
is revealed. With each element of the picture coming forth,
interpersonal, psychological, emotional, and physical there
are more clues. My experience going through an agonizing
spiral of increased hypersensitivity had my mind reeling to
find any explanation. Of all the things that I finally decided,
the most striking was, that no matter how we may imagine
events, from inside or out, ultimately everything is physical.

We are connected to Spirit, it has an everlasting significance,
but in the here and now of this life all our senses are physical.

The Dreamer

Hey, there are more of us!
I tended to come to the same conclusion as you did from this, Fulgour. It sure does make one appreciate the importance of the physical.


Rose quartz is really good for skin and sensitivity problems...


The Dreamer said:
Oh my gosh. Plug ins will make me sick in seconds, to this day.
You're a lot better off than I assumed.
I'm sure that you will be able to get over this without much problem, if you moderate things right.

Maybe true, but if I go into another classroom with another scent like Lavander, I get sick immediately. Pineapple is the only one I can use. Believe me I have tried and thrown away many, many plug ins, detergents, soap, candles, mascara, lip balm (yes, I smell them too.) etc. and I won't give them away cuz someone will use them and I will smell them!!

Rhiannon SW

I too am extremely sensitive and I am a Reiki Master since 2000. Almost all normal odors make me sick and I'm very sensitive to the sun light. I mentioned in another thread that i even pick up others feelings and energies good and bad (bad ) will cause cramps and nausea.
Taste is very acute and I've found that bass from music makes my heart feel like it is going to explode. No more party girl here. Meditation, calming music, lots of nature. I usually carry or wear amethyst, flourite, lapis and hematite. Not all at once tho.