Shadowscapes Tarot (a work in progress)


WolfSpirit said:
Has anyone found any info how big the cards are going to be ?
Small cards will spoil the detailed artwork I think.

I found this at the website:

Where can I buy the deck?
This tarot deck is a work in progress. It was begun in June 2004, and estimated completion date is no earlier than 2008. Right now I am not taking any pre-orders yet. I would like to wait until the deck is more near completion. But yes, there WILL actually be a published deck when it is finished, and you will be able to purchase it here at the site. If you want to be kept updated about the progress of the deck, the best way is to join the mailing list. I do not have a publisher lined up yet so I have no information on where you will be able to find the deck locally, or the final price. Stay tuned!

I could not find any information about the size of the cards; since she is not at the point of producing the deck yet, she may not have decided on size. I agree with WolfSpirit--larger cards would be better, definitely!

It sounds to me like she is going to self-publish, unless she is able to sign with a bigger publisher. I am hoping they won't be too expensive, and that the quality of the deck will do justice to the fantastic artwork. I guess only time will tell....meanwhile, be sure and sign up for email updates. I will also try to post updates on this thread as more information becomes available.

:) Luna


I remember when the T o D was expected, the anticipation levels went through the roof. I think it will be the same with this deck in some respects.

The artwork is incredible. I am secretly hoping she will release a Majors only set of this in advance of the complete deck. They are certainly worthy of it.

The aces, just from what I have seen online are my favourite aces of any deck. Let's all send her some positive energy to help the project along - I am so wanting it to be completed, as it has such a powerful enchantment to it. I would recommend anyone who has not seen it to take a look.

A very talented lady indeed!



I have been waiting for soooooooo long.

At the rate it's going, we might have to wait fro another year or two. SIGH
It's beautiful, yet powerful images.



But worth waiting for ....... one that I will definitely have to go on the pre-order list!!!


Lol, I hadn't realised other people had seen this ... I've been drooling over it for a while now, I hope hope hope it gets released, it'll be well worth buying. Utterly divine! :D xxx

Owl Song

I hope this deck gets published as well; it's definitely on my wish list. The artwork is goregous and different from anything I have. I love the High Priestess. She makes me think of Persephone holding a pomegranate, emerging from the Underworld. No longer is she just a goddess of spring; she knows the dark, hidden, strange, and deep mysteries of that unexplored realm of the Dead.


I have e mailed the artist asking if she is or would consider a Majors only publication in the meantime. I think the images warrant it for sure.

If I get a response will let you know.



Excellent work! Looking forward to seeing more!


reply from Stephanie (the artist behind this creation) to my query regarding Majors only deck:

"Hi Davina! I haven't really done much research yet on publishers because I was thinking to wait until I had a full deck, so I don't really know where to begin for that. Even if I do produce a major's only deck it might take some time.... "