short and simple love life spread


looking for an effective 3-5 card spread covering general Love Life question. Any thoughts?


Glass Owl

Who are you when you're in love? spread - 4 cards

The Love Life Spread - 3 cards

Azarial's Four Leaf Clover Spread - 4 cards

The Moulin Rouge Spread - 4 cards Like the movie "Moulin Rouge" this spread is about truth, beauty, freedom but above all things, love.

Rhiannon's Gopher Spread
1. Who have I been?
2. Who am I?
3. Who am I becoming?

Head, Heart and Hands Spread:
1. What do I need to know today?
2. What do I need to embrace today?
3. What do I need to do today?

I/Love/You - 3 cards
I - How the Q feels about a person or relationship
Love - What the Q loves most about the person or relationship
You - How the Q's partner feel about the Q or their relationship with the Q.

Fishing Spread
1. What I offer the universe right now (worm)
2. What I may catch (fish)
3. What I can make with it (meal)

Relating Love Spread from The Osho Zen Tarot guidebook.
Position 1: You and what you are contributing to the relationship here and now.
Position 2: The Other; the other's input into the relationship.
Position 3: The composit energies of both persons.
Position 4: The Insight

3 card Love spread by James Ricklef
1. What is the importance of Love in my life?
2. How can I become better at manifesting Love in my life?
3. What is the biggest obstacle to my experience of Love?


I wrote a few of these down for future use, thank you! Love is a frequent query, and I don't always have the energy to do my usual 9+ card spreads for finding love lol