significant other who disapprove of tarot


kmartin60 said:
I have had more trouble with my daughter! SHE is the one bringing up they are evil..."Do you thing God would appreciate this?" pointing to my deck laying out on table....I laughingly told her HE said it was OK, they are only paper.....
:laugh: wonder what she would have said if you replied, "She (referring to God), says it's fine with her!" ;)


but thats rather interesting that you like to get defensive for no good reason. i guess to each there own =).

I get defensive for no good reason, too. I think it's all the fire in my chart. :)

My husband (at the time) was very King of Swords, and piled withering contempt on anything that couldn't be investigated via the scientific method. I have as much respect for the scientific method as anyone, but I also understand that there are aspects of existence that cannot be measured and verified that way.

That's where I'd pull out my nerd hat and get into quantum physics. Or maybe just tell the person, "You can't prove gravity except by observing it either.' Scientific 'laws' are just evolved 'theories' --- and I've found true science nerds often get into my reading Tarot. But that's because I log and track it and pretty much treat it like a science experiment.

I've found the people most threatened by my Tarot aren't those who don't believe it works, but those who fear it does. It's a power thing, usually, which is strange because it's not like I feel all-powerful with my... *strangely painted pieces of card stock* ;)

6 Haunted Days

Sulis said:
I don't agree.
I wouldn't want someone doing readings about me without my knowledge either and I don't have anything 'to hide'... I'm just a very private person.
People deserve privacy, everyone deserves to be able to keep their inner being private if they want to.

Oh god this is so farmilar. I'm a very very private person and people always jump the gun and assume it's because these horrendous secrets or deeds. Not that at all....just give me my privacy and get your nose outta my business unless I send an invite!


Crystal17 said:
actually, that's exactly what it means. no one gets defensive for no reason. but whatever he has to hide probably isnt even that interesting, anyway. after all, he is an accountant. haha.
LOL I had to laugh at this, I am an accounting major. Accountants are always the butts of jokes, huh? Hmm, that's probably half the reason why I want to be one...;)

Anyway, I will post my reply and experiences just as soon as I'm finished reading the whole thread.


Now that I'm done chuckling over the accounting joke, I can formulate a post. :joke:

I don't hide my Tarot from anyone, and since I've started doing it I've realized that I am around people with several different schools of thought.

Of course I have the many people who are supportive and who actually ask for readings. We won't discuss them because around here, they're the norm :)

My dad is not interested in Tarot one bit. He thinks it's "silly" and even "nonsense" but yet he also knows that it's important to my mom and I, so he doesn't disapprove. He will jokingly tell my mom to "quit doing those damn cards" or "get rid of those things." This may not sound humorous to some of you but I guess you just have to know my dad; he really means no harm. When I try to read on some of his issues (for example when he had surgery) he won't outright tell me not to, and I know that he does not care whether or not I read on them, but he won't touch or cut the cards. Maybe in some way he's afraid to? I don't know, all he'll say is that he thinks it's silly.

I have a friend who is very religious and who does not approve of Tarot reading. She will avoid my house if I mention that I might possibly be doing readings that night. I've asked her if she'd ever want a reading from me, and she politely declined. I don't have a problem with that at all. At least she's never told me that I should stop.

I've had one person that got really bent out of shape over Tarot. It was my friend's (now ex) boyfriend J. They were staying with us for a few days and one night I decided to break out the cards. My friend started asking questions about her relationship with J. J overheard and flipped out. He didn't just politely ask me not to do it, but he told me that if I did read on him or about him he'd take my cards and throw them out the door. Excuse me? You're going to take my cards and throw them out of my house? I don't think so. Needless to say that was the last night that he stayed with me. (I would have thrown him out on the spot but he calmed down after that and I didn't want my friend to have nowhere to go for the night.)

That basically sums up the reactions that I've heard. Hubby is, of course, very supportive (and is also into Tarot).


My folks didn't mind my interests in divination at first. Sometimes we'd get together and I'd use dice or some other method I had learned off the internet or from a library books. It was just a bit of fun. I got met with a bit of disapproval when I kept trying, even later when my sister got be a cheap tarot deck. Soon though, I got bored and left divination behind. Then one day some years later when my parents had gotten the word more religious? More surface religious to me, just blindly following what the new church had to say and believing based on religious authority. The priest at the new church actually didn't approve of yoga. Sad.
I felt naughty using the deck again but I remembered how it was at first, more hard work than the devil popping over my shoulder and telling me to sell my soul. Although they do say that evil hides innocently...;) I was as evil as I had always been, pre cards, so I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.
I pulled out the deck and wondered if I might work with just the majors. I left the deck under my bed but it got thrown out along with some other things some days later.

I guess people don't understand the good and lack of evil (at least in a benevolent person's hands). But remember that your interests and hobbies ... the things you like to do ... they are part of what make you who you are and a healthy relationship is about accepting the other, whole. Think of your collection of books or music. I would have let it slide at my parents house (cause I had no choice) but if anyone told me now to toss my decks or anything I liked (or had already done it for me) they better be armed to the gills with multiple sources of hard physical evidence and someone in a white lab coat with certificates on the wall agreeing and pointing to scans of my brain. Nothing less. Grrrr.

If you're spending the wee hours making ninja weapons out of a deck and it ain't just a costume prop, well that's a different story.

Briar Rose

My boyfriend and I aren't getting along, so I can't talk to him about anything. I don't know how he feels about Tarot right now. I know he he asked for a reading a couple of years ago when I got the Sacred Circle.

I don't know what the future holds for this relationship but I can truly say that I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where we didn't have the same or very similar interests spiritually, like Tarot, crystals, or anything metaphysical.


MoonLitCrystal said:
I've had one person that got really bent out of shape over Tarot. It was my friend's (now ex) boyfriend J. They were staying with us for a few days and one night I decided to break out the cards. My friend started asking questions about her relationship with J. J overheard and flipped out. He didn't just politely ask me not to do it, but he told me that if I did read on him or about him he'd take my cards and throw them out the door.
To me, it doesn't sound like he was bent out of shape about tarot; it sounds like he was bent out of shape about the invasion of his privacy. If I was him, I'd be pretty upset too. She had questions about their relationship and instead of asking and discussing them with him (as she should have been since he was right there), she was going behind his back and ask the questions of the cards. You were helping her go behind his back while he was sitting in the next room.


I agree with zannamarie on that one. :thumbsup:


my big story

My situation was no much a 'disapproval' thing, but more a 'lack of respect' thing. My first (and ex-) boyfriend was a skeptical atheist, also. He liked to question everything. So when i came with my mystical mind, my tarot decks, my sorta pagan beliefs...well...let's say he had to love someone whose the beliefs he could not, deep inside, respect. I loved him, and it took me a while to recognized he had this...problem...of thinking that people who believed in mysticism were, you know, somewhat inferior or not bright enough. Had not been enlightened by the sun of the science and the psychology and yadda yadda.

But he didn't criticize me or anything. He turned a blind eye and we would discuss things that interested both of us. Then it started.

First, he started questioning my spirituality - how could i believe in such things, because he once had been a big god believer, but when god didn't help, he realized something was wrong etc. Okay, i tried to explain, but hey, you can never really argument with an skeptic - they are always right, because spirituality is not always something you can prove.

Then, astrology. I've been raised by a mother who taught me astrology since i was a kid. It's not that i think i know everything about you when you tell me you are a Gemini or a's just i can't help but make some connections. It's authomatic to me, but he didn't understand that. So when i said, JOKING PLEASE, that he was a 'typical Gemini man'...the guy would snap: 'Shup up, you are trying to make me fit a little book description, is that so? I'm much more complez than this astrology bullshit, don't ever call me that again etc etc.'

The first time he did it i was completelly nonplused...i never though someone would be so offended because their sun sign was mentioned. Later on, i would use it to provoke him (yes, i'm evil too })).

Then, one day, he decided to question my tarot beliefs. In other words, to prove it was nonsense. Oh you will NOT, i thought. He could say whatever he wanted about astrology, spirituality, and whatever, but not tarot. Before he even started, i stared straight into his eyes and very seriously told him: "Don't you DARE to criticize tarot. Don't you dare. Because you don't know what is it about. You never saw me reading, never read a book, barely looked through a deck. You DON'T KNOW tarot, so YOU shut up, because YOU are going to say s**t about something you have ZERO knowledge about! Just assume, you are completely ignorant when it comes to tarot, and you'll just share a big load of ignorant, preconceived ideas and i know you'd hate to make such a fool of youself!"

He looked at me in awe, nodded, and never tried tried to bring the subject again. He even got a bit curious, although like other say here, he simply loathed the idea that i would do a reading for him behind his back.

I never did. He didn't deserve that.

My current boyfriend...second one MUCH nicer when it comes to tarot. Because he's curious just about everything...there's nothing he doesn't want to learn or understand. And he likes in his birthday, i gave him an Original RWS...his first tarot deck. He says he wants me to teach him what i can....if feels so great to share tarot (which means a lot to me), with a personal so special like him :) :) :)

Don't give up! But don't let anyone threaten, humiliate or offend you because of tarot. It's you belief, if the other cannot respect, then he probably cannot respect to you too. Why would you want a relationship without respect?
