So much Judgement!!!!


Greetings all,

About a month ago I went into an amazing, reallllly intense connection with someone and before I knew it, the rug was pulled right from under me; the whole 360 happened so fast I'm yet to comprehend it. One minute everything was beyond amazing, then everything fell apart like a house of cards..

I'm extremely p***ed off to say the least. I rarely ever let myself open up to guys like that. I really thought there was something there. I don't think there is after all. And to this day, I have NO CLUE what happened. He acknowledges that he has freaked out a bit. I don't think it'll continue really.

Anyway, every single reading (seriously, EVERY SINGLE ONE) that I have done regarding this person since things went downhill last week and up until now has had the Judgement card at its centre.

What the hell is it that I am supposed to heal/awaken from? Is it telling me that this whole experience is going to transform me somehow?

I used different decks, from RWS, to Morgan Greer, to Bohemian Gothic. Judgement, Judgement, Judgement. No matter what deck, no matter how I shuffle, no matter how I pick out the cards.

Oh, other sometimes-recurring cards that have come up are the Queen of Cups (would that be me?) and the Emperor (him?). I got the Knight of Swords on two readings.

I don't follow a particular spread in my readings for this relationship, and the Judgement card seems to come up in a centre/core position each time.

I think there's a HUGE lesson that's trying to hit me in the face here, and I'd like to hear your thoughts or suggestions on that please.


You said a rug was pulled right under you? so this means you have realized something recently? what was it you realized ? you should focus more on what kind of 'Aha' moment you had about this person. And this card very likely asks you to be honest to yourself, to look back at what happened in the past and to listen to the higher voice of reason. Also you might have been judged by him or will judge him.


Thanks, Autumn. No, I meant that in the sense that everything was amazing then he flipped on me so suddenly. Now there's hardly any communication and it's a bit devastating- it was intense. I thought I may have finally found "him". Hell, he once said that to ME! Oh well.

But you're right, perhaps there's an "Aha" moment that I'm YET to realize.

I'm fascinated by the fact that this card has recurred soooo much that if it could scream its lungs out at me what it wanted me to do, it would! :)


A good thing to do when the judgement card comes up a lot, is to ask yourself
" when have i felt like this before?" its usually trying to tell you that you are in danger of endlessly repeating a long held pattern of behaviour. It also indicates you are being wayyy too hard on yourself. So stop it! :)


Really? That's pretty spot on actually.. I have a tendency to be too hard on myself. That's something to keep in mind! Thanks, Queen. I appreciate the reminder :)


Judgement could refer to him & not you - maybe HE was called elsewhere.


If you got Judgment every single time, it could be telling you to let it/him go. Consider whatever happened a wake-up call and release it's devastation to wherever it belongs.


Judgement is telling you to let go,end it and move on as he's a lost cause.


The expression, "wake up and smell the coffee" comes to mind


Judgement is a wake up call and if it's turning up again and again then it's encouraging you to listen to that voice inside you and to ask yourself what you need to let go of (is it him?) and what you need to take forward with you into the future...
It's a crossroads moment.