Something is definitely starting to click ...

Little Baron

As some of you know through other posts I have been making in the last week, I have had a desire to try and start reading professionally in the 'nearish' future.

I think this is something I always wanted to do, but for the first three or four years of learning, I never saw it as a serious posibility. I read for myself and occasionally at parties, for friends. It was a pastime and in my mind, I never saw it progressing further than that, realistically.

But why not?

Because I was nervous about not being good enough.

Because I was affraid that I would have a major blank when the cards were thrown and I wouldn't be able to interpret them.

Because I was worried that I wasn't connected with 'any' deck enough to take it with me and read for a complete stranger.

I am starting to think that 'nerves', 'fear' and 'worry' have all been wasted emotions; things that have hindered my progress and have stopped me from moving on.

In the recent past, I have really connected with both the Morgan Greer, and especially the Original Rider Waite. I think I am quite sure (in most situations) that I know what they are trying to tell me when the cards fall.

I feel that I am on the brink of doing something with all of this. I have been excited, each day, to use my deck (that Christmas morning feeling you get when you are a kid). I have had some lovely responses from people in the reading exchange here, and some great advice from Sulis, Contrascarpe and Meewah - thank-you to everyone, for their kind words.

So, why not?

Yes, I am still a little apprehensive. It's like standing on the edge of the playground, watching all of the other children playing - wanting to jump in and join them but my legs just arn't moving. Well, they start to and then I pull them back. Then they begin to move, ever so slightly.

It seems, from many posts I have read in the last fortnight that many other memebers here are in the same position as me - great and inspirational threads (Elven's Coffee Shop thread, Advice from professionals and a few I have started myself) have really caught hold of my enthusiasm.

So, when then?

OOOOhh, don't push me into a corner! I am just coming round to the idea seriously.

Any advice or experiences that may help are much appreciated.



go for it, accept your "stress" and do it.
you will advance further on you life path in doing it, thats a fantastic experience.


Little Baron

Thanks 'TheOld' ...

I am quite sure I will. I just think I need a little extra practice for a few weeks to a month, getting comfrotable with the process through willing friends and the like, before I break out.



A little preparation

During this "comfort" period you have given yourself before you start reading you might want to "role play" some typical situations. Which spread will you use for different types of questions? What deck will you use for which type of querent? How will you deal with "weak" questions or those who can't really articulate what their issues are? Do you have a printed Code of Ethics? What types of questions will you not read for? What will be your rates for various types of readings and what happens if you agree on a three card reading and it leads to further readings and time -- how will you bring up the added charges? Where will you read -- at home, at bookstores or fairs, at home parties? Will you seek to advertise and solicit business in order to reach a particular income level?

Any of these issues that can be prepared for now is something you won't have to deal with later and may save you from appearing as being un-professional to clients. You have made a positive decision in that you will be helping others. This will be both a fun period and a learning period for you. Good luck. Dave

Little Baron

That is so helpful Dave. Thanks. There are many things in your list that I hadn't considered and I think preperation is very important. If you don't mind, I might start another thread with those points in mind, seeing how others prepare and what their own ethics and guidelines are.

That was a very useful post. Thanks for your time.



The Fool

LittleBuddha, have you ever seen Rachel Pollack's Shining Tribe Tarot's Fool card?? He comes to the edge and takes off and starts to soar like an eagle. When on the verge, it's a good image to accompany you. I will try to find a link for you in case you haven't seen the image. In any case, many blessings as you start this new phase. BB, Michael

Little Baron

Thank you Michael. I have saved the picture and will paste it into my journal for further inspiration. I very much like the image. I know little about this deck and have not seen this Fool card before.



Another Fool!

Hi LittleBuddha

Tarobones' connection of your new reading profession with the Fool reminded me of the Ancestral Path Tarot Fool (the complete review is here). This card shows Tracey Hoover, author of the companion book to the Ancestral Path Tarot, using the deck to read with.

Cheers - David


hi LB :)

I just have to say... I think you would be a wonderful addition to the world of "professional readers. (and don't think I'm just kissing butt 'cause you're doing another reading for me! haha)

I am feeling quite encouraged myself... there does seem to be an air of excitement flying around the forums at the moment!

Please keep us posted on your successes.
