SOUL Gathering ~ Week 13th - 27th Mar ~ huredriel & VoodooGyal


Howdy partner (or G'day mate with the aussie accent)! :D Once again we meet as partners! Always looking forward to the readings exchange with you!

I think I have so many "what if" questions to pick from ;) But let me see what is the most sticking out .. hmm how about "what if I decide to invest in a Reiki course?" What says the dear cards of the consequences?

This weeks Topic is about "Food for Thought" ... What would happen If ...?

Things like what would happen if ... I changed my name, moved overseas, joined the circus, rang my long lost aunt, started that book, applied for that loan, did that course, asked out that guy/girl...

This question can be used to look at any topic you like - but the main aim of the reading would be to illustrate the 'possibilities' and 'consequences' of something you may like to 'consider' doing.

Suggested spread:
Draw: 3 Cards/Runes/Throws etc depending on what Oracle you use.

Question ~ What would happen If ...? (single issue)

Card One: Immediate Future consequences.
Card Two: Short term future consequences.
Card Three: Long term or permanent consequences (outcome)


LOL ........ how about that for synchronicity ....... I'm doing my Reiki one this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Been see-sawing over what to ask for this ...... a daft one or a serious one ..... gonna go with the serious one ....... what if ....... I don't get any further help with my healing issues? If you need any further clarification, will let you know via pm! Is that ok?

x Huredriel


Hmm just wondering/babbling ...... I read intuitively and will be using my Dreaming in Color deck ...... which I haven't used very much for other people (have used it personally for meditation only before) ...... may end up meditating on one of the cards or all of them ....... is that ok for you?


I'm happy with whatever techniques you want to use :D I'm too sleepy and tired to think about much right now, will probably pm you tomorrow about your question for clarification .. popping off to bed right now!



Well I was off work ill again today so decided to draw your cards ..... and then of course started writing notes :D ........ good job my hands are ok LOL!!!!

Your question was: What would happen if I decided to invest in a Reiki course

I've used my Dreaming in Color deck, images can be seen at:

Immediate consequences - Lucidity
Short term consequences - Inspiration
Long term consequences - Catharsis

Well I have to say I'm not sure how much of my own beliefs and experiences are playing into this ...... I am doing my Reiki one this weekend so a lot of what I've written ...... probably all of it ...... could apply to myself.

Immediate consequences - Lucidity
Get a feeling as if you are peering out from behind the hedgerow ..... the leaves that frame this card ..... onto something calm ... a river of emotion .... seeing lightness ...... hope for the future ..... yet it's from a place of safety .... you haven't yet dipped your toes into that water. It feels somewhat dark at present ...... there are past issues that currently surround ..... yet the future shows brightness ...... calmness and tranquility ..... a feeling of utter peace being bestowed ... there is a ripple in the pond ..... as if you have cast the first stone ..... not sure where it's going to take you .... but knowing that it will have far-reaching benefits .... as those ripples move outwards. A journey ..... of self first ... then for others ..... the colours of green and purple make me think of healing ..... of teaching ..... and of being connected to the universe .... all things connected to Reiki LOL ..... the keyword here of *lucidity* also makes me think that in the short term things will become a lot clearer in your mind ..... and lastly with the slight purple colour at the side of the beaming light .... I get a thought of *ghosts from the past* ..... being dealt with as you start on this journey.

Short term consequences - Inspiration
Such a beautiful colour in this card ....... such softness ..... possibly denoting a softening of the inner self ..... becoming more gentle ..... not just with others ...... but with yourself ..... i.e. less judging and trying to be *perfect* ..... allowing the light of lucidity to envelop you .... climbing .... going higher .... with the pink colour here in the middle of the flower I feel an opening of the heart chakra ..... using the healing .... the universal energy (again the green and purple) as your basis ...... to grow from .... to fertilise ideas you are currently unaware of ... becoming one with nature (or more so if you currently do this) ...... compassion ....... and I get a sense of you looking into a mirror .... trying to merge all aspects of self ..... through love and understanding. The edges of the leaves here make me think of *undercurrents* ...... those life experiences that make us what we are so far ...... surround us .... frame us ...... but they are not the sum of us .... merely guidelines to help us grow ....... and I see you using these as the springboard to evolve ...... not all will be light .... fragments of dark .... but this is good!! This is the eternal journey of growth ...... to heal .... and evolve ..... with love.

Long term consequences - Catharsis
It feels here as if we turn almost full circle ...... look at the Lucidity card next to this one ..... back to the pond ..... but from a different vantage point! The light of hope and possibility has grown into a warming sun ..... high in the sky. Feel here the auras of the plants around you now visible ...... can you see auras already? ........ if not, possibly an opening up on this level too. The waters of emotion no longer so dark ...... more filled with blue and green hues ..... reflecting the auras of the plants ...... a release not just for others ...... for you .... your inner self ...... and past issues (even karmic ones) ...... begin to heal ..... and I get a definite sense of clearing of emotions here. The colours here are very vivid and I'm struck by the purple/magenta ....... passion I feel ..... extending through many facets of your life .... to help others ...... but also giving motivation to self ... to *feel* more ....... to embrace more. Lastly the sun seems to be pouring down a stream of energy which feels to be a browny/red colour ... and with the white at the center of the Sun ..... I get a thought of you aligning the chakras ... from root up to crown.

These are all wonderful cards .... the predominant feeling I get here is needing to heal self first .... then being able to help others ...... and I'm reminded of a phrase told to me by several people ....... *When ego goes, reiki flows*, so if you decide to go ahead, feel it's a very good decision ...... and will be very beneficial to use on yourself :)


x Huredriel


Your question: “What if I don’t get any further help with my healing issues?”

I combined two decks, the Healing with Fairies with the Magical mermaids and dolphins. The fairies want to tackle this question and answer for you, the cards picked came from the fairies deck :)

Wow I’m not sure if I am imaginating, but I swear my feet tingles with intensive energy looking at the first card :) I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think all three cards are saying there is no “if” .. you will get help with your healing issues and they will come to a resolution .. but the kind of help will not be of how you would imagine, but it would come unexpectedly. So in a way the cards have taken a different light in answering your questions positively and affirmatively .. the questions might as well be “how can you help yourself in your healing issue” :)

1. Immediate future consequences – Breaking free
A beautiful fairy tiptoes high in the spacious universe, learning to take a step by step .. her arms are stretched open and parallel to her shoulder .. remember the lady of the Titanic who stand with her arms outstretch and enjoying the moment of joy and freedom .. this fairy is experiencing the same. A bright light from heaven shines upon her as if in approval and giving her the help that she needs. There is a shooting star in the far distance and thousand of stars shine and keep the universe alight and gives her the “safety” exploration that she needs. She is supported and she is feeling happy within the space given to her .. and she is taking it slowly .. taking her time to feel the energy that every step brings her .. taking time to absorb every feeling.

You have energies helping you at the healing process, you will need to trust that you are taken in the process .. don’t worry if you are taking it slowly, that is a start and that is how it is done. Releasing any tension that holds you back .. hmm first time I’ve noticed a purple energy slowly diffusing from the whitelight towards her .. I think it’s the healing energy .. you know I’ve just been attuned with Silver Voilet Flame and it’s just amazing that I’ve noticed the purple energy and I get the feeling that is what helps her .. not just that but other energies emerge .. there’s the blue, the green smokey, etc.. all the energies that the universe provide will help her in her journey and give her the pushing step that she needs .. elevating yourself and accepting all that is given to you .. and setting yourself free within the boundless universe .. The word is trust and believe within your heart.

2. Short term future consequences – Miracle Healing
The fairy that tiptoed from the universe is now within a building with interior design that reminds me of the church mix with Greek influence .. I can see laurel, snake, etc inscripted in the interior of the building .. oh wait there looks like a man half unclothed and kneeling inscripted on the building .. and it looks like she’s jumping symbolically from over this man .. not sure if there is a symbolic here .. but you know what is so fascinating is how she just hypnotically tiptoes in the air towards a small earth globe in the air .. the light shines brightly in front of her as if in welcoming her .. and even so beautiful is the sight of three doves flying towards the globe too making it the most magical moment. They all take no notice of the inscription in the building, but only eye to eye with the earth globe.

The fairy looks happy at what she sees in front of her. It feels as if there is a new birth of earth in front of her eyes .. in the middle of a highly organized and structure building .. I still am unable to grasp the meaning .. perhaps everything is already happening before your eyes and is slowly growing .. the new side of your is coming out and starting to show .. maybe it would be simpler to quote the words from my little booklet (lol) .. “Heaven is completely on your side, and your prayers have been heard and answered .. your situation is already healed in truth. The healed reality is one of several parallel realities currently available to you. You have the choice, through your thoughts, emotions, and intentions, to experience the highest possible reality for yourself” so my dear the little earth globe that just emerge from thin air is your new world to grasp .. take it with a reaching arm .. it is almost as if she is going to reach her new home .. her new earth and leaving behind the past (the building with inscription). Hmm now I feel the inscription of the man is important, I think the memories of him will be left behind .. now I’m getting the inscriptions are like the memories of the past .. even though you may not be able to change your past, you can change the way see life in front of you, either you allow yourself to be fulfilled with the bright new world or allow yourself succumb to the history .. and I feel in this case you will be blessed with the new world that will help you move away from your history and keep them history .. the doves are your messages and guidance that will give you the signal.

3. Long term or permanent consequences (outcome) – Problem Resolved

The fairy is now transformed and living within her new world, her wings have changed to butterfly wings and she holds a snake that wraps round her two arms .. her reaction to the snake is one of blessing rather than with fear or entrapment .. it is almost as if she have learnt to handle her fears and she feels empower by this new knowledge. This time our fairy is now firmly on ground and no longer taking strides in the air .. Everything that surrounds her are so earthly .. ship seen further in the sea, everything is back to “normality” in the sense of human world. I just found something written on the floor pavement “Corey Wolfe” LOL Is that someone you know? Jk .. it’s like one of those writing that you find while using the public restroom “Jane was here”, etc,etc.

In here, your energy is now balanced and well grounded with earth and everything is being resolved. It is a win win situation for you as you have learnt a lot from the past even though dealing with the difficulties.. have made you wiser and stronger than before to the point of being able to face your fears (the snake). So I’m afraid the cards have refused to agree with you .. they have pointed out there is no “what if I don’t get help with my healing issue” but instead they provide you gentle positive guidance in changing the way you think .. well I’m happy for you that your healing journey will be complete eventually! :) Go forth and don’t doubt yourself with the healing :p Enjoy life!


Huredriel I did a research on Corey Wolfe .. name of the artist who drew the picture :p so much for me getting excited and thinking I've spotted something goodie good :p


VoodooGyal said:
Huredriel I did a research on Corey Wolfe .. name of the artist who drew the picture :p so much for me getting excited and thinking I've spotted something goodie good :p

LMAO ........ so did I :D:D:D:D:D ........ great minds think alike eh ;)


Feedback time :)

VoodooGyal said:
Your question: “What if I don’t get any further help with my healing issues?”


Wow I’m not sure if I am imaginating, but I swear my feet tingles with intensive energy looking at the first card :) I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think all three cards are saying there is no “if” .. you will get help with your healing issues and they will come to a resolution .. but the kind of help will not be of how you would imagine, but it would come unexpectedly. So in a way the cards have taken a different light in answering your questions positively and affirmatively .. the questions might as well be “how can you help yourself in your healing issue” :)
LOL ......... should have known better I suppose ........ I couldn't think of any question which has me in a dilemma right now ...... so thought I'd throw this one in (and also hoped I could drop the healing stuff, obviously not)!

1. Immediate future consequences – Breaking free
A beautiful fairy tiptoes high in the spacious universe, learning to take a step by step .. her arms are stretched open and parallel to her shoulder .. remember the lady of the Titanic who stand with her arms outstretch and enjoying the moment of joy and freedom .. this fairy is experiencing the same. A bright light from heaven shines upon her as if in approval and giving her the help that she needs. There is a shooting star in the far distance and thousand of stars shine and keep the universe alight and gives her the “safety” exploration that she needs. She is supported and she is feeling happy within the space given to her .. and she is taking it slowly .. taking her time to feel the energy that every step brings her .. taking time to absorb every feeling.
Yes I am taking things very very slowly ....... little steps now ...... and will definitely *feel* my way along. Where you've put a *bright light from heaven shines upon her* ... I automatically think of reiki, and I think this will help too. I am also starting to feel a lot happier and more comfortable within my own *space*.

You have energies helping you at the healing process, you will need to trust that you are taken in the process .. don’t worry if you are taking it slowly, that is a start and that is how it is done. Releasing any tension that holds you back .. hmm first time I’ve noticed a purple energy slowly diffusing from the whitelight towards her .. I think it’s the healing energy .. you know I’ve just been attuned with Silver Voilet Flame and it’s just amazing that I’ve noticed the purple energy and I get the feeling that is what helps her .. not just that but other energies emerge .. there’s the blue, the green smokey, etc.. all the energies that the universe provide will help her in her journey and give her the pushing step that she needs .. elevating yourself and accepting all that is given to you .. and setting yourself free within the boundless universe .. The word is trust and believe within your heart.
What is Silver Violet Flame? I've not heard of this before ..... mind I'm quite ignorant of things like this .... I've only just done/got my Reiki one but this sounds interesting. Yes I believe the universal energy is around and will support and help me and this will be over a long period of time. Yes *trust* ..... such an easy word to say ..... and hard to actually put into practice.

2. Short term future consequences – Miracle Healing
The fairy that tiptoed from the universe is now within a building with interior design that reminds me of the church mix with Greek influence ..
Interesting, I'm going to Greece in about 4-5 months time.
I can see laurel, snake, etc inscripted in the interior of the building .. oh wait there looks like a man half unclothed and kneeling inscripted on the building .. and it looks like she’s jumping symbolically from over this man .. not sure if there is a symbolic here .. but you know what is so fascinating is how she just hypnotically tiptoes in the air towards a small earth globe in the air .. the light shines brightly in front of her as if in welcoming her .. and even so beautiful is the sight of three doves flying towards the globe too making it the most magical moment. They all take no notice of the inscription in the building, but only eye to eye with the earth globe.
A wonderful description .... not sure if there is any symbolism there for me at the moment .... but time will tell eh ;)

The fairy looks happy at what she sees in front of her. It feels as if there is a new birth of earth in front of her eyes .. in the middle of a highly organized and structure building .. I still am unable to grasp the meaning .. perhaps everything is already happening before your eyes and is slowly growing .. the new side of your is coming out and starting to show .. maybe it would be simpler to quote the words from my little booklet
Hmm yes I do feel that things are starting to change .... very very slowly .... almost on a subconscious level ... hopefully this is having an effect outwardly too.

(lol) .. “Heaven is completely on your side, and your prayers have been heard and answered .. your situation is already healed in truth. The healed reality is one of several parallel realities currently available to you. You have the choice, through your thoughts, emotions, and intentions, to experience the highest possible reality for yourself” so my dear the little earth globe that just emerge from thin air is your new world to grasp .. take it with a reaching arm .. it is almost as if she is going to reach her new home .. her new earth and leaving behind the past (the building with inscription).
Yes leaving the past is very very important.

Hmm now I feel the inscription of the man is important, I think the memories of him will be left behind .. now I’m getting the inscriptions are like the memories of the past .. even though you may not be able to change your past, you can change the way see life in front of you, either you allow yourself to be fulfilled with the bright new world or allow yourself succumb to the history .. and I feel in this case you will be blessed with the new world that will help you move away from your history and keep them history.. the doves are your messages and guidance that will give you the signal.
I totally get this.

3. Long term or permanent consequences (outcome) – Problem Resolved

The fairy is now transformed and living within her new world, her wings have changed to butterfly wings and she holds a snake that wraps round her two arms .. her reaction to the snake is one of blessing rather than with fear or entrapment .. it is almost as if she have learnt to handle her fears and she feels empower by this new knowledge. This time our fairy is now firmly on ground and no longer taking strides in the air .. Everything that surrounds her are so earthly .. ship seen further in the sea, everything is back to “normality” in the sense of human world. I just found something written on the floor pavement “Corey Wolfe” LOL Is that someone you know? Jk .. it’s like one of those writing that you find while using the public restroom “Jane was here”, etc,etc.
Well I guess this will only happen after a period of time ..... but oh, how much I want this to happen!

In here, your energy is now balanced and well grounded with earth and everything is being resolved. It is a win win situation for you as you have learnt a lot from the past even though dealing with the difficulties.. have made you wiser and stronger than before to the point of being able to face your fears (the snake). So I’m afraid the cards have refused to agree with you .. they have pointed out there is no “what if I don’t get help with my healing issue” but instead they provide you gentle positive guidance in changing the way you think .. well I’m happy for you that your healing journey will be complete eventually! :) Go forth and don’t doubt yourself with the healing :p Enjoy life!
Yes facing those shadows can be a long and painful journey .... change us so drastically ...... and I know I'm on the road to this already. Thank you so much for this reading VG, much appreciated ..... and sorry for such a stupid question!!!

x Huredriel


It's all good that you asked the question LOL, i thought it was funny how the cards turned out. I really did have fun reading your cards :D Btw that is fabulous you going to Greece, what lucky chick! I'll be expecting you to be telling us some of the great greek myth stories when you come back :D

In regards to your question of what is Silver Violet Flame, it is a high frequency spiritual energy that can be invoked to transmute negative energy. I'll send you a link in pm in case you interested in finding out more :)