SOUL Oracle Reading Exchange ~ 16th-29th April ~ Keigh & MCsea


Here is the thread for your reading :) Have a great exchange! :D

Elven said:
This rounds Topic is ~ "Journey To The Centre Of The Self"
This reading is a fairly straight forward list of messages from your ‘Deeper Hidden Inner Self’ – the purpose of the reading is to reflect the inner condition – and see how (on an unconscious level) things are going.

The question should start “what is the message for” …. (name of Querant) from her/his
(1) Root source – her/his deepest source of personal power?
(2) Center – relating to harmony and balance in her/his life?
(3) Heart – regarding love and emotions?
etc …


 1 -----  2 -----  3 -----  4 -----  5 -----  6

Placement One
A message from my root source – my deepest source of personal power.

Placement Two
A message from my Inner Center – relating to balance and harmony in my life.

Placement Three
A message from my heart – speaks of love and emotions.

Placement Four
A message about communications - how I relate to myself/inner dialogue.

Placement Five
A message from my inner wisdom – my source of profound wisdom (mind).

Placement Six
A message intuitively given – my source of profound insight – (my higher self)

Add any other insight or message you feel that the cards give as an overall ‘condition’ of the inner self.


Readings & feedback to be completed by SUN 29TH APRIL 07



HI Keigh,
nice to be partnered with you this round - and what a round!

yea - wow this is a deep tricky and important reading I feel

I have a few oracles including
Sabian Symbols
Crystal Ally Cards
Crystal Astrology-Sabian blend
Animal spirits cards..
doreen virtues unicorn/saints and messages from your angel cards

if one pops out more to you let me know




Marina - I like the idea of the Sabian Symbols, but ideally, want you to read with the deck that "wants to talk". I have a few oracles to choose from...let me know if you prefer one over the other.

Druid Animal Oracle
Attuned: A moon cycle deck
Gypsy Witch fortune telling cards
Messages from your Angels (same as yours)
Sacred Geometry

Many blessings!
(sounds like "Kay")


HI Keigh

GORGEOUS name !!

yes Sabian Symbols it is!

Like you I would prefer you use a set that calls out - and wants to be heard, no real preference.. but sacred geomerty sounds interesting - since I am journeying to the centre.. but will leave it up to you




"Journey To The Centre Of The Self"
Here are 6 Sabian Symbols one chosen randomly for each placement. Yes very randomly and these are beautiful images.

PLACEMENT ONE a message from Keigh’s root source – your deepest source of personal power
Your personal power comes from deep reflection, ancient knowledge, past life memories and sharing experiences. The wisdom of the ocean is important to you, you gain much energy from meditating by the water. Gentle, silent reflection; reminiscences.
You share wisdom when you recount personal memories, some times you realise the power in these messages, other times the power by passes you but moves other people to change their life. The richest aspect of this placement and symbol is the ocean is alive and moving deep and powerful (reflects your personal power), the old sea captain a master of his craft, wise, clever, relaxed and knowing (as you are on the surface). A beautiful message of deep power – but used in a wonderfully relaxed and approachable way.

Placement Two Keigh, a message from your inner centre – balance and harmony in your life
You may at times feel it – your inner centre – the quest for balance harmony good and light – it is a competition, something that must be ‘won’ or it will be lost, its hard work, training and discipline.. but I feel your inner centre is saying it’s the medium you are IN rather than the ‘race’ that is important. You are so special, you have ‘aqua’ lungs, you motivate the psyche (your own and other peoples) to move with the flow of life – a powerful gift, you motivate others to realise life is beautiful, you show others how to experience… inviting balance and harmony in your life is a choice, sink or swim are not your choices, to enjoy being a spiritual being is a good choice and the option that is up for grabs.
This card reflects the water energy contained in the first card – so cancer, scorpio and pisces come to mind here – mermaid energy also. It indicates your inner centre and your root source of power and well and truly connected – the opportunity is to keep the water flowing alive and clean and showing others how to enrich their life with this spiritual-emotional connection.

Placement Three Keigh, a message from your heart, speaking of love and emotions..

Of course you are – waiting for a sail boat – with these water cards everywhere! Know you have freedom and unconditional love available to you right now, you don’t need to get it – find it – or earn it – it is free and it is around you now, it is never eneding… it can help you in all areas of your life of course with your heart – head connection it is vital.
Calmly release expectations of ‘love’ and feel safe and comfortable in the here and now.
That is the third card that contains water – WOW, a water trine you are So intune with your emotions, you are teaching others how to work with their emotions too. I usually read water in the Sabian Symbols as strong spirit, I really feel you know you have all this spirit around you and it may at times feel you don’t have as much power over it as you would like, I suggest you re-think what it is you expect from spirit, answers are one thing – living and immersion are another.

Placement Four Keigh, here is a message about self communication, your inner dialogue.
Surprised there is no water here – Oh wait – tea leaves NEED water to brew in hey… Oh dear, anyway… So you enjoy a cuppa while you are chatting away about the deep mysteries – so don’t we all! This symbol really does talk about intuitive flashes, channeling and all those wonderful talents of divination, but it also more importantly indicates a warm personality that other people seek out in time of need and trust with their most deepest secrets, you respect people and they trust you.
You are gifted with interpretation skills – symbols, signs, readings. You use intuition, feeling, thinking and experience in decision-making – and when you trust your inner dialogue you cant ‘go wrong’
-From Lynda Hills site - you may find that you are open to seeing meaning through the catalyst of the simplest of everyday events. You will receive messages about your situation, if you are open to 'seeing' the signs. Symbolism that acts to open the pathways to the spiritual center. Reading things. Non verbal clues. Tea and sympathy. Divining the future.

Placement Five Keigh a message helping you see where your profound wisdom is manifest in a mindful way..

CUTE – so cute, your mind can be over active at time – but the message is saying child like behavior and play is the key to happiness. Working or spending time with children – particularly really young children will refresh your mind and give your mind room to invent – create and rejuvenate the parts it is in control over. I feel like singing la la la la la la something to you – I hope you hear your mind just now – enjoy the playful attitude it brings into your life keep working with it to make new opportunities spring forth.

Placement Six Keigh a message from your higher self –

Again from Lynda Hills site - Traditional wisdom is nowadays often ignored. In a progressive world we look so often for new ideas and new solutions. Many traditions may no longer be relevant to the present but 'Traditional Wisdom' is something we can often benefit from. You may be experiencing intuitive wisdom outside of your own experience and potential. This wisdom is inherent in us all and needs merely to be tapped to be understood. Learn from the best of the past. The truths held there are worthy and valuable to you in the now. Reading, studying and learning. Collective knowledge and wisdom coming from ancient sources. Enormous potential to be tapped. Akashic records. Astrology. Oracles. Books. Books bound in leather.

AN AWESOME symbol to finish off this reading - innate clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, as well as other communication skills are gifts you have and are using, and your higher self is supporting, how much information you KNOW and understand others can only imagine… you are unlocking universal information – write it down ;) you are unlocking universal energy – continue to use it with kindness and love

Ahhh Keigh –what can I say – overall this reading I hope reinforces in your mind how wonderful strong and spirited YOU ARE with AMAZING AMAZING talents –you KNOW that already so I hope this reading gives you added confidence to take a new direction, or trust yourself that bit more – trust the universe as well. These are really lovely sabian symbol images, really positive messages. I hope this reading speaks to you.




Marina - I'm sorry I am just now getting back to you. I've been suddenly swamped with work and then, actually went out with friends for the day today. It is highly unusual for me to be as busy as I am or have been I promise to do your reading sorry it is on the very last day. I will also do feedback. I've read through it and there is a lot to take in and process so I cannot respond immediately.




Blessings to you Deb, I am so happy your life is so filled with love and energy, please take your time - really...




SOUL reading with Sacred Geometry Oracle

This is my first time reading with this oracle, so I hope I've made some sense in my interpretations. Please let me know how this does or does not apply!

This rounds Topic is ~ "Journey To The Centre Of The Self"

Placement One
A message from my root source – my deepest source of personal power. Card 33 - The Human Canon:
This card comes at the end of the deck and suggests that your life and your reality are created solely by you. You may find that you encounter certain types of situations over and over again. This is because of the patterns you are creating in your own life. It speaks of a fundamental unity at work in your life and reminds you that you are the most powerful architect at work in creating the reality in which you live. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your life, you and only you have the ability to change it. Conversely, if you find that life is beautiful, it is because you have made it that way. This card, in the end, says that you have it within your own personal power to shape and reshape your life to meet your heart's most sincere desire.

Placement Two
A message from my Inner Center – relating to balance and harmony in my life. Card 10 The Cross:
The Cross is represented by two lines that create in their crossing, a point of wholeness, of fulfillment, of unity. Yet they also represent the dissection or divergence of areas in your life - making four unique quadrants, and two "hemispheres" of space. It reminds you "as above, so below" it is the intersection of the self and the other, of heaven and of hell. It is also suggestive of a movement of sorts in your life of these two halves and these four quadrants to converge in a central fulcrum or point of knowing. In terms of harmony and balance, this card would suggest that you operate from a central construct or place of being that keeps you quite balanced as you are aware that every yin has a yang, every positive a negative, every "self" an "other". I get a feeling that you have encountered your own shadow in this lifetime and have learned to accept and integrate into your life. This is one of the more important lessons to be learned and it is also one of the hardest.

Placement Three
A message from my heart – speaks of love and emotions. - Card 19 The Cube:
The Cube carries first and foremost a message stability, of creating a solid and lasting foundation for your relationships that stand the test of time. It suggests that you seek permanence and security in your emotional life and that you are, in general, a grounded and very solid individual. When dealing with issues of love you are not prone to slights of romantic fancy, but rather you deal with these issues in a practical and stable way. This does not imply any lack of romance on your part, but rather that you see and look for reality and therefore are less at risk of romanticizing and putting someone up on a lofty pedestal from which they must ultimately fall. I get a feeling though, that like a cube, you are more complex than you may at first appear. The cube is no less than several squares that combined create a new and altogether more stable shape, still, it has many facets, many faces and these are areas of your emotional life that need to be taken into account and fulfilled. You may be practical, but you are complex and need someone in your life who can understand and nurture those elements of your psyche.

Placement Four
A message about communications - how I relate to myself/inner dialogue. - Card 7 The Vesica Piscis:
This sacred geometry shape is created by the overlap of two circles. This is a symbol of unity - of two separate ideas or entities merging to create and birth something unique and more complex than they were alone. It is the process of birth, of cell division, of marriage, etc. In regard to this placement, you are becoming more aware of the overlap between your conscious and your unconscious self and there is a growing communication between these two halves of yourself that is getting ready to grow and give birth to something new and wonderful. My immediate thought here is that you will grow more in tune and aware of your inner knowing, your intuition and psychic abilities will grow until you are consciously able to enter into that "in-between" place where true knowledge resides. This is an exciting time for you! It is also - I feel - about your ability now to take dreams and to create them into a concrete reality. I see you writing....something that comes from deep within and takes on a new life on the page and in the world.

Placement Five
A message from my inner wisdom – my source of profound wisdom (mind). Card 9 The Hexagram:
This is the "star of david" created by two overlapping equilateral triangles. This card is - I think - related to both the vesica piscis and the cross in that it brings two areas of your life into focus and asks you to create a unity from them. You may feel that you have to choose between two dominant areas on your life, as suggested by the differing directions of the triangles (one points up, the other down), but this card is telling you that only by uniting them and choosing BOTH can you truly access your inner wisdom. This seems to me to be suggesting a merger - as in the vesica piscis of your duality. Of you masculine and feminine, you mundane and your divine, your logic and your intuition, etc. Your profound wisdom comes from your ability to unite the distinctly separate and disparate halves of your being into one cohesive and powerful force.

Placement Six
A message intuitively given – my source of profound insight – (my higher self) - Card 13 The Square:
The square is the card that most clearly represents physical manifestation. That of taking action on the dreams and ideals you hold in life and making them physical realities. This is the symbol of earth and as such it is solid, stable, tangible and real. You have the ability to see what others do not and you are being asked to act on what you know. Your higher self is in touch with knowledge and insights that others are not and you are asked to make those realities tangible. Again I wonder if you are writing something. Taking what is ephemeral and transferring it into a real and physical plane. The key here, is that you KNOW HOW to make real what is imagined. A gift to be sure!

Marina - overall your reading strikes me as a mission almost. You have a gift and are being asked to create something tangible out of it. I feel you are meant, in one form or another, to be a teacher to others who cannot access the same information that comes easily to you.

Hope this makes at least a little sense!!!



Keigh - what an amazing reading

thank you so much

you are right I have just finished writing and I have a book published - something that melds crystals and astrology... if you have time to look.. I have been blessed in this venture.

I am also at a point in my life where I see the 'two' forms - triangles or circles the yin and yang light and dark and can see there needs to be both living in harmony - and Im working on that too..

Im also struggling with full time work - but see it might be a means to an ends and will see if I can 'balance' ALL of these things in my life..

Your reading brings up many personal symbols for me also - the square and cube are relevant in my natal sabian symbol astrology as to the words you wrote in the human cannon ball section about going around and around - except I think I will TRY HARDER to change my reality!! :)

I wanted to pop down these first impressions, but in the next few days I would like to post more detail, just not sure when!

thank you deeply for this reading, I think these cards show things in a way I live - but had not been aware of for some time I am very aware of sacred geometry in my life - but not so good at interpreting it for myself - this reading has helped me see more clearly and feel more confident




Feedback (so sorry to take so long)!!!

MCsea said:
"Journey To The Centre Of The Self"

PLACEMENT ONE a message from Keigh’s root source – your deepest source of personal power
Your personal power comes from deep reflection, ancient knowledge, past life memories and sharing experiences. The wisdom of the ocean is important to you, you gain much energy from meditating by the water. Gentle, silent reflection; reminiscences.
You share wisdom when you recount personal memories, some times you realise the power in these messages, other times the power by passes you but moves other people to change their life. The richest aspect of this placement and symbol is the ocean is alive and moving deep and powerful (reflects your personal power), the old sea captain a master of his craft, wise, clever, relaxed and knowing (as you are on the surface). A beautiful message of deep power – but used in a wonderfully relaxed and approachable way.
Lovely! I hope that I have this within me. It is what I strive for though it seems to be a goal. It is hard to view myself as having achieved it yet....though I am trying to find that quiet sense of inner calm and inner power. Thank you for this!

Placement Two Keigh, a message from your inner centre – balance and harmony in your life
You may at times feel it – your inner centre – the quest for balance harmony good and light – it is a competition, something that must be ‘won’ or it will be lost, its hard work, training and discipline.. but I feel your inner centre is saying it’s the medium you are IN rather than the ‘race’ that is important. You are so special, you have ‘aqua’ lungs, you motivate the psyche (your own and other peoples) to move with the flow of life – a powerful gift, you motivate others to realise life is beautiful, you show others how to experience… inviting balance and harmony in your life is a choice, sink or swim are not your choices, to enjoy being a spiritual being is a good choice and the option that is up for grabs.
This card reflects the water energy contained in the first card – so cancer, scorpio and pisces come to mind here – mermaid energy also. It indicates your inner centre and your root source of power and well and truly connected – the opportunity is to keep the water flowing alive and clean and showing others how to enrich their life with this spiritual-emotional connection.
Yes I feel the pull and the need for balance in my life. I am often called on to take the role you have shown here, that of helping others find their peace and their balance. It is rewarding, frustrating, fulfilling, and wonderful all at once. While I am a dyed in the wool Taurus (Taurus sun and Taurus rising), my moon is in Cancer (thankfully) and I feel that it gives me the ability to reach deeper and to feel more in-touch intuitively with inner knowledge and spirit.

Placement Three Keigh, a message from your heart, speaking of love and emotions..
Of course you are – waiting for a sail boat – with these water cards everywhere! Know you have freedom and unconditional love available to you right now, you don’t need to get it – find it – or earn it – it is free and it is around you now, it is never eneding… it can help you in all areas of your life of course with your heart – head connection it is vital.
Calmly release expectations of ‘love’ and feel safe and comfortable in the here and now.
That is the third card that contains water – WOW, a water trine you are So intune with your emotions, you are teaching others how to work with their emotions too. I usually read water in the Sabian Symbols as strong spirit, I really feel you know you have all this spirit around you and it may at times feel you don’t have as much power over it as you would like, I suggest you re-think what it is you expect from spirit, answers are one thing – living and immersion are another.
Lovely! And right on too. I have this love from my husband. And - to be honest - we spend time out on the water boating! We both feel pulled to the water, to the tides, to the peace and tranquility that water brings. The water reminds me of your description here - it is deep and peaceful, but unfathomable and not something I can control - access yes, control - no. This is how I feel with spirit - as if I cannot really access it at will, certainly I cannot control it. It is inspiring and intimidating. I hope that makes sense. I know it is there and that there is more that I can be doing with it....I'm just not sure how and I am a bit cautious in my approach.

Placement Four Keigh, here is a message about self communication, your inner dialogue.
Surprised there is no water here – Oh wait – tea leaves NEED water to brew in hey… Oh dear, anyway… So you enjoy a cuppa while you are chatting away about the deep mysteries – so don’t we all! This symbol really does talk about intuitive flashes, channeling and all those wonderful talents of divination, but it also more importantly indicates a warm personality that other people seek out in time of need and trust with their most deepest secrets, you respect people and they trust you.
You are gifted with interpretation skills – symbols, signs, readings. You use intuition, feeling, thinking and experience in decision-making – and when you trust your inner dialogue you cant ‘go wrong’
-From Lynda Hills site - you may find that you are open to seeing meaning through the catalyst of the simplest of everyday events. You will receive messages about your situation, if you are open to 'seeing' the signs. Symbolism that acts to open the pathways to the spiritual center. Reading things. Non verbal clues. Tea and sympathy. Divining the future.
This is what I am working on the most. I am called more and more to be the confidante and advisor to others and I know that when I take my ego out of the process and listen deeply to myself and to them - I hear better and I counsel better. Sometimes it is cards, other times it is just a strong intuitive feeling...a sense of what is. The biggest hurdle I face is in trusting my inner voice. Though I know that when I do not listen, I always regret it and events usually unfold in such a way that I can see transpire what I suspected but was afraid to say. Therefore, this is a big issue for me right now and one I am actively trying to get a handle on. You are very much right on!!!

Placement Five Keigh a message helping you see where your profound wisdom is manifest in a mindful way..

CUTE – so cute, your mind can be over active at time – but the message is saying child like behavior and play is the key to happiness. Working or spending time with children – particularly really young children will refresh your mind and give your mind room to invent – create and rejuvenate the parts it is in control over. I feel like singing la la la la la la something to you – I hope you hear your mind just now – enjoy the playful attitude it brings into your life keep working with it to make new opportunities spring forth.
This is true in many different ways. The most important part is a step I need to take personally. It has to do with healing my "child within" and helping her to feel safe, protected, loved and secure. Once she is safe - then she can learn to relax, to play, to enjoy. I find myself too serious too often and this particular issue will help me attain that.

Placement Six Keigh a message from your higher self –

Again from Lynda Hills site - Traditional wisdom is nowadays often ignored. In a progressive world we look so often for new ideas and new solutions. Many traditions may no longer be relevant to the present but 'Traditional Wisdom' is something we can often benefit from. You may be experiencing intuitive wisdom outside of your own experience and potential. This wisdom is inherent in us all and needs merely to be tapped to be understood. Learn from the best of the past. The truths held there are worthy and valuable to you in the now. Reading, studying and learning. Collective knowledge and wisdom coming from ancient sources. Enormous potential to be tapped. Akashic records. Astrology. Oracles. Books. Books bound in leather.

AN AWESOME symbol to finish off this reading - innate clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, as well as other communication skills are gifts you have and are using, and your higher self is supporting, how much information you KNOW and understand others can only imagine… you are unlocking universal information – write it down ;) you are unlocking universal energy – continue to use it with kindness and love
Oh - well then. I shall pay more attention to journaling then! What a lovely way to wrap up such a beautiful reading.

Ahhh Keigh –what can I say – overall this reading I hope reinforces in your mind how wonderful strong and spirited YOU ARE with AMAZING AMAZING talents –you KNOW that already so I hope this reading gives you added confidence to take a new direction, or trust yourself that bit more – trust the universe as well. These are really lovely sabian symbol images, really positive messages. I hope this reading speaks to you.


Thank you Marina. This means so much to me. It helps me to work on trusting my instincts and those little flashes that "might mean something". What your reading tells me is that those flashes "DO" mean something. I've been having surreal and powerful dreams. Now I need to write them down in hopes of getting their messages - as it seems apparent from your reading that I should be getting something from them.

Thank you!