Spirit Guide Connection


Thanks for this, Fudugazi. Much appreciated.


Thank you...

Sleepingcat and Fudugazi for the detailed, Priceless step-by-step guide! WOW! I am both anxious and at peace when thinking about my guide.

Thank you both!

ww ;)


Fudugazi said:
Crystals can help you connect with your spirit guide (or anyone else, for that matter) if you programme them to do so, and then use them in meditation or journeying.

The first step is choosing a crystal that helps open the third eye, such as lapis lazuli, sodalite or amethyst.

Next, you attune yourself to the crystal: after grounding yourself, you hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand until you feel its pulse or vibration (make sure it's not your heartbeat you are feeling: check your own pulse first to tell the difference). Once you feel the pulsation of the stone, place it on your third eye, and "draw it in" - that is, feel the vibration of the stone coming into you on the in-breath, and spreading throughout your body. Once you've done that for a few minutes, start feeling how your own body is taking the vibration of the stone, and can project it out on the out-breath. Working like this with your breath and the pulse of the stone, you start feeling how your body, mind, breath and the stone are all working together.

Once you've reached that (it sounds complicated but it isn't - it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes) - you can start programming your stone. This time holding the stone in your dominant hand, project the image/sound/feeling of what you want to achieve into the stone. Work with your breath and the vibration of the stone and of your body as before. Do it until you feel the stone responding. You should feel a subtle change in vibration. Thank the stone :)

Once you are attuned to your stone and have programmed it, you can now use it to connect with your spirit guide in meditation (or, if you practice it, shamanic journeying), by setting out the intent to encounter your spirit guide as you settle into your meditation. You can hold or tape the stone on your third eye as you do so, and keep it there during the whole meditation. You can encounter your guide in different ways: you might see him, feel his energy, hear him, smell him, feel his touch, or any combination of the above - keep your senses alert and don't prejudge how he will manifest himself to you.

Fudugazi, I tried this last night the way you described it. I asked for a peice of Kyanite to help get me in touch with my guides though dreams, my fav. peice of clear quartz to help the kyanite out, and a peice of black tourlamine that I asked to keep out anything that didnt need to be there.

I know I had three, pongiant dreams before desciding that was enough, took the rocks out from under my pillow, and fell back to sleep soundly.

I woke up this morning, and cant remember even the slightest figment of the dreams except that I had them. ;-; I feel played. >.<; ;-; *shakes a disgruntled fist at whatever honored her request, but made her forget, rendering the request out-of-reach.

I suppose if you arent meant to have somthing yet, all the wibbling, begging, cajloing, temper tantrums, silent treaments, aplogies and promises wont get you what you want. *sigh*


Fudgazi, Thank you so much for that detailed step by step guide. I am going to make a copy of your post and Sticky it. I have seen that query a few times.



You're welcome, Marion! I would add this if you want to sticky the post, to make it more complete:

By analogy with this method of drawing in the vibration of your stone through your third eye into your body when working with third eye stones, you can use the other energetic parts of the body (chakra centres) to which the stone is most closely related: e.g. heart for heart stones, solar plexus for solar plexus stones, etc.

The method can also be adapted to suit your specific needs. There are other ways of attuning to a crystal and of programming a crystal, but I find working with a combination of touch, breath, intent and visualisation to be the most effective to produce results.

Sleepingcat - I don't think "whatever" wanted you to forget! More likely your rational brain is pushing the knowledge away. Perhaps you can keep a notebook by your bed and write down dreams as soon as you wake up when you are working specifically to contact your spirit guides or for any other psychic work - especially if you wake up during the night as you did. Keep trying! It will come eventually - although in my experience, no more than you can handle at any one time. Don't forget to say thank you for the visits;)


Fudugazi said:
You're welcome, Marion! I would add this if you want to sticky the post, to make it more complete:
Okay, added, and thanks!


My preferred stone for this sort of exercise would be labradorite with amethyst or lapis running a close second. But any of the blue or purple stones that you favor work well.

A great book about how to meet your spirit guide is "The Inner Guide Meditation" by Edwin Steinbrecher.



Hey Wizzle...Thanks for the advice! I guess now I could put that Amethyst to good use eh? :)

wizzle said:
My preferred stone for this sort of exercise would be labradorite with amethyst or lapis running a close second. But any of the blue or purple stones that you favor work well.

A great book about how to meet your spirit guide is "The Inner Guide Meditation" by Edwin Steinbrecher.


There are a couple of stones that could help you on your quest:

Aqua Aura--- it helps with enhanced communication and connection with spiritual realms

Celestite--- It helps with Angelic Communication and acess to higher diminsions

Snowflake Obsidian---attunement to spiritual guidance and spirit communication.

There are many more but those are the 3 that came to mind, just ask for the name, that is what i did with mine and he showed it to me.


MorningGlory said:
Aqua Aura--- it helps with enhanced communication and connection with spiritual realms.
This is a fabulous stone - a blending of gold and clear quartz, which produces the most beautiful translucent golden-blue crystal, with tints of green - it looks like the Mediterranean in a creek on a sunny day... just let it take you where it will, and hear what it will transmit to you. I call it my mystical radio ;). That's one I never needed to attune to - the minute I put it on my silver chain (it's a beautiful large pendant), I knew that stone, and it seemed to know me.