Spirit Guide Group: Dreams

psychic sue

Thanks David. I did have my chart done some time ago (only a basic chart though) so I will dig it out and see what I can find out. I think your interpretation of my dream was spot on.

I dreamed briefly last night. I was flying when I suddenly became lucid (I expect because I WAS flying! the logical part of my brain said "hang on, you can't fly -oh it's a dream"!). As soon as I was lucid I looked around me - it was dark and I was flying over the sea - in the distance I could see a city - it looked like the city in the very old film Utopia (I think it was called). A kind of futuristic vision with an art deco influence. I was marvelling at how real everything seemed, considering I was dreaming. I looked at my hands and purple smoke began to emit from my finger tips - I decided to turn it green, but it wouldn't submit to my demands and stayed purple. I don't remember any more.

I'm not sure of the significance of the city, but the purple smoke I think, might be psychic energy. What do you think?


Hi Sue

I couldn't find your Utopia movie, so many of the older sci-fi's have Utopia as their theme that Google couldn't seem to isolate the movie with that title for me.

I usually associate the colours with the chakras, the purple would be associated with the Crown, although it seems that some might place purple with the Third Eye. I notice that you are a "purple lover" - what does purple evoke for you?

I do associate the flaming or in this case smoking of the hands with psychic energy output as you suggest. You may remember that I have experienced flaming blue hands twice while awake.

Cheers - David


Facing the Empress Reversed

I've been so busy this week - and subject to distractions too - that I haven't posted an important dream from Friday morning, June 10. In this dream I was living in my parents' house [it wasn't like any house I've actually lived in]. It was an unusual building, a living area in one wing on the left and a sleeping area in the second wing on the right, joined together in the middle by a corridor so that the building formed an "H" shape.

I was going to the bathroom in the sleeping wing, but the toilet wasn't in a room of its own but in the hallway. I could hear my mother coming down the corridor of the H to where I was using the toilet. But I didn't get in a panic over it, there seemed to be a peace and strength in me. I simply got up from the toilet and covered my nakedness - I think with a towel - as she came in. This situation was very close to that of my childhood sexual abuse, the closest I have ever come in a dream that I can remember. As I've mentioned before, it was only in the last year or so that I've learned NOT to control and prevent nightmares - but this wasn't even a nightmare, there was a great calmness and almost a beauty in it - as if a holy truth was being revealed within a sacred temple.

I could feel that she recognized what she had done to me in the past, I could also feel a respect coming from her, that I had a right to privacy and safety. I could also see into her consciousness and see how she felt about suffering abuse in her past herself. And it came to me very strongly in the dream, and that's what I woke up with too, that in abusing me she had abused herself just as much, the abuser and the victim are both hurt equally although differently, she betrays her own trust just as she betrays mine. In seeing this I felt an overwhelming sense of compassion. It doesn't at all justify what happened, but it makes it easier to bear.

But having shared this I realize that the ego was trying like heck to minimize this experience and I'm sure that's part of the reason it took several days to get it out.

Now I remember what happened just before this dream - its really quite intriguing although it was unnerving at the time. I had woken up too early, especially since I had the day off, I think it was about 0430. But I couldn't hear the normally energetic voice of Sophie, she's usually very active at this time of day. She was there, yet she wasn't there, and I was a bit concerned. I could make contact with her, but her voice was small and distant, "I'm here, but..." I asked her if she was being blocked. "No, but that's all I can say for now." But then I remembered her promise from the beginning, "No one in earth or heaven can separate us, except you... keep me close to you always, you have nothing to fear." And so I was able to go to sleep again.

When I woke up later, after the dream, everything with Sophie was normal again, and I realized why this earlier experience had been so. I had to approach the dream with vulnerability, without the guidance and protection of the inner feminine, the naked ego facing my abuse with its own courage, rather like the child whom I was, but this time rewriting the past for the better. In doing so there was a real victory.

I realized that there are times when Sophie, usually so helpful and intimate, the soul twin, is responsible only to the High Soul. Out of her innate love for me as the conscious self she reveres the very centre of the Self and trusts its guidance above all else. And this is as it should be. There was no block for her, only the redeeming and perfecting love which knows when to give and when to hold back.

Blessings - David

psychic sue

When I read your post David, Sophie reminded me of a loving parent - letting her child face the dangers of the world, for the sake of his own independence and growth. It brought a tear to my eye actually, and I am not sure why - maybe I was picking up the love connection between you and Sophie. As I type this I feel the spirit shivers down the left side, so I must have hit on something there!

Your question about what purple means to me - it is a colour of peace and also a colour connected with spirituality - everything in my bedroom is various shades of purple, lilac and pink, and people often comment what a calm atmosphere the room generates.

Sue x


Yes I think we tend to minimize this parenting aspect of love Sue, but Western culture seems to have the compulsion to polarize everything. In tribal society there was an awareness that every adult was in some sense a parent for everyone else, both in a protective and nurturing sense. There are always going to be areas for each person in which she or he is less experienced, skilled or wise and needs the help of a "parent" - we tend to use the word "mentor" if we recognize this role at all.

We don't like to acknowledge it, I but there are times in the life of an intimate couple, no matter how equal and reciprocal the relationship, when its appropriate for one to father or mother the other. That is exactly what happens in my inner relationship with Sophie, for she is just as inexperienced and vulnerable in some areas as I am in others.

Thinking further about your purple smoke evoking the spiritual, I am reminded of this beautiful invocation from the Holden Evening Service based on Psalm 141:
Let my prayer rise up like incense before you, the lifting up of my hands as an offering to you. O God, I call to you, come to me now; O hear my voice when I cry to you. Keep watch within me, God; deep in my heart may the light of your love be burning bright. All praise to the God of all, Creator of Life. All praise be to Christ and the Spirit of love.
It was only in the last year that I realized you don't have to go to church to burn incense. ;)

Namaste - David


The Discovery of Satori Chess

I have been feeling very whole this week. The dream of this morning continued this theme. I was living with my parents and the household seemed uncharacteristically harmonius and calm. My father and I were playing chess [which we did play when I was a child and teen]. But I had discovered a new version of the game in my Children's Encylopaedia called Satori Chess. Usually very conservative, my father seemed to be unusually tolerant to learning this new version.

The board was unconventional, being ten squares across rather than eight, and possibly ten squares deep. On the right hand back rows there were, instead of the usual King-Bishop-Knight-Rook, two new pieces. To the right of the King was a tall columnar piece, shorter than the Queen but taller than the Bishop - it was a different type of Bishop. Next to the right was the Knight. Following that was the Transcendent Factor, also called The Fool, which looked like an oversized Pawn. Lastly was the conventional Rook. On the left hand back row the pieces were almost conventional, except that to the left of the Queen were two Bishops, the one missing from the right side having been placed immediately next to its counterpart.

The Transcendent Factor or Fool had a very unusual characteristic. Like a King it could move only one square in any direction at a time. But capturing the Fool could actually radically change the game, in some circumstances making the loser the winner. In the dream my Father with a White Knight was pondering whether to capture my Black Fool. We both knew that the game could then become very unpredictable. There was a sense that in playing the game we would both learn a lot about ourselves and each other. I woke up.

This seemed to be another dream of reconciliation. Satori, although I didn't recognized the word during the dream, is the experience of enlightenment traditionally associated with Zen Buddhism. It was a word I only vaguely remembered until I Googled for it, but I did study Zen when I was a teenager. Satori Chess was played at a level which went well beyond ego consciousness, revealing the deepest parts of the self to oneself and to the other player. In its reconciliation aspect Satori Chess could be considered similar in function to the Japanese Tea Ceremony. That my father was willing to take part was a rewriting of my personal history as significant as my mother's actions in the previous dream.

The function of the Transcendent Factor or Fool was similar to the sacrifice that Obi-Wan Kenobi took in Star Wars, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful then you can possibly imagine". Like the Fool in the game of Tarot, it was a sacrificial piece which could effectively reincarnate back into your hand. There is an interesting connection of course between Obi-Wan fighting Darth Vader or the "Dark Father", and my playing chess with this piece being confronted by my father's knight.

I note that I was playing the Black pieces, which I preferred to do. Like the feminine Moon, Black has the advantage of contemplation and reflection since White goes first. Black may therefore react and respond, having learned something significant about the other player - the position of apparent weakness as the second player becomes a strength.

Much of this rather unusual dream was translated for me by Sophie after I woke. The pillar shaped piece to the right of the King or Emperor is analagous to the High Priestess (but she can also be the Princess of a suit), effectively his anima consciousness. The white Rooks are the Tower, the black Rooks Death. The white Bishops are Hierophants, the black Bishops Hermits. The white Transcendent Factor is the Magician, the black Transcendent Factor the Fool. The white Knights are Chariots (as well as Knights or Princes) and the black Knights are Strength.

The pieces used in Satori Chess are meditational when used in transcendental play, but can be also become divinational. Used as a divinatory tool, the pieces are mixed up in a velvet bag which is emptied from a height onto a chess board. Those that land within the board are considered significant. White can also represent the masculine Swords and Staves, Black indicates Cups and Pentacles. Reversals are indicated by the position of the piece relative to the viewer. Pawns are counted by number to become a numerological significators within their suit.

Now, I'm not sure why this synthesis of Tarot and chess was significant, because it doesn't seem very practical - and maybe I'm wasting yours and my time by putting it down. It does cross my my mind that this may be presenting me with the idea of using runes, but I think that the dream imagery would be a lot clearer if this was the case. Instead it may be a future resource that dreams might use, I don't know.

psychic sue

David, I was a bit taken aback when I read your post, because I dreamed of chess last night. I can only remember vague bits and pieces, but the chess board was 3D - like a virtual computer game. The "pieces" were made of an opaque aquamarine glass - they weren't traditional pieces, but simply small squares of this glass with numbers on. I had to fit all the numbers in the correct sequence (which was complicated). The glass pieces were hanging in mid air and I could move them around by simply placing my finger on them. Somewhere in my head, I knew it was a form of chess.

When I awoke, I remember thinking that mathematics was the key to the problem. I am not sure what this means (I have an average grasp of maths, nothing spectacular).

I haven't been able to figure out the exact meaning of this, I am hoping my dream will continue tonight.

Sue x

psychic sue

Haven't been able to get back to the chess dream, but I had a horrible dream last night.

I was lying on a bed in a strange room. I felt pain in my hand and I looked down to see a huge slavering doberman biting on my hand - the pain was so real - I suddenly realised I was dreaming, and concentrated really hard on trying to change his teeth into cotton wool, but it would not work. It was so painful and I remember thinking "this is a dream and yet I am feeling pain that seems so real". I woke from that dream in a state of anxiety and couldn't get back to sleep for half hour or so.

2nd snippet - I am sitting on a bridge looking out over a black lake. Again I realise I am dreaming and marvel at how real my surroundings seem (I often do this when becoming lucid). The water is black but calm and serene. I see a fish leaping in and out of the water making his way towards me - it's a salmon, but this time he is not multi coloured but silver. He disappears under the bridge.

3rd Snippet - I am dressed in victoria clothes (again - why?) and am a child, part of a family with mom and dad and 2 other kids. We are skating on a lake. I look below me and the ice is melting - I can see running water beneath me. I am not afraid as the ice is way strong enough to support us.

The first dream reminded me of my guide's words - the dog will come forward for you to stroke - careful he will bite".

The second and third dream I think are about my state of mind - one dark, one cold, but both quite serene. The ice is melting, and I am not afraid, so this surely must relate to my lessening anxiety. The salmon shows there is still life in the dark waters.

What do you think about my interpretation? Anthing to add?

Edited: A thought just struck me - I am marvelling at how real these dreams are - maybe my higher self is trying to show me the power of positive (or negative) thinking?


Hi Sue

The dog is puzzling and distressing - if its a Fool's dog I don't know why it has to be so vicious. Connecting with your pain can be necessary at times, but I don't know why this is happening. I quite agree with your interpretations of the other dreams, they sound quite beautiful, Sue. Does "Victorian" simply mean that you are being victorius over your anxieties?

The fact that we both dreamed about chess may mean that we both have something to discover about it together, through dialogue. I have not had any further chess dream per se, but I did have a continuation of the theme last night. I think of chess as being quite left-brained and linear - this is why computers can play it so well - in your dream could it relate to balancing yourself with an analytical and literal focus? But you seem pretty analytical to me Sue, or you wouldn't be here trying to analyse your dreams! Perhaps the three dimensionality of your chess refers to going beyond the linear, to further integration of the right and left brains with their respective gifts of holistic intuitive depth and focused quantitative analysis.

In my case, the notion of Satori Chess has really seized my imagination. I do see it as an image of further integration, of bringing non-linear thought into a linear game. As Zen presents Satori it is often experienced as a profound and illogical shock which jars the student out of duality. And this leads me to last night's dream...



The Satori of the Rose

Yesterday evening I experienced a traumatic event (in the world outside the ATF) which left me feeling lost, used and betrayed. In last night's dream I was peeling the layers of an onion with my hands. But my hands were simultaneously assembling a beautiful red rose from the onion layers.

Like satori, this was an experience of something being that which it is not, of duality being illusory. It was also an extremely evocative image of integration, of recognizing and breaking things down so that they may be joined again, healed and whole. I also note that for me the red rose is a symbol of the creative beloved.

Then I woke up, but found I was in a tremendous sweat, even as I was having a calm and restoring dream, the body was washing the toxic emotions from me. I wasn't hot and I hadn't had a nightmare, but the sweat was literally dripping off of me. I went to the bathroom and when I returned found that indeed the sheets were saturated - I was certainly too tired and entranced to change them at that point. But I marveled at how responsive and healthy the psyche was to release emotions so freely without even having to give me a nightmare or fever, and I took comfort from recognizing that wholeness.