Spread to assist in weight loss/ body image


I usually do non structured, non position based spreads, but really want to use more in the was of position based spreads. Anyone have any ideas for this subject? The querent has body image issues, and can't seem to screw up her willpower and drive to actually lose the weight she wants to lose. She does need to lose, it is not a case of anorexia.

Any thoughts?


Interesting. I flicked through an old notebook but this is all I could find... it's not exactly to do with body image, but more about relationship to food. But perhaps you could adapt it slightly?


1. Denotes your physical relationship to food.
2. Denotes your emotional relationship to food.
3. The right relationship to food for you. (This can suggest the kind of diet that should be followed or how the way you feel about food needs to change.)
4. Logical/Practical action you can take.
5. Creative/Emotional action you can take.
6. Outcome.


If she enjoys tarot, you could also invite her to join us at SparkTarot.


Thank you, that is very helpful :) I think that spread is great as is.

The other forum looks interesting.