Storyworld cards - Matthews

Dusk Till Dawn

I just ordered 3 available Set's. I guess I can use them with Sam. I think this will be great for her. I love the looks of them, and I think it's an excelent Idea to have cards for Story telling.


Arrived today.

They are beautiful.

The cards are large, 4 inches by 6 inches, and have an illustration and a title on the front and some stuff on the back. Sample 'stuff'

The Magic Seeds


Where do we come from and what do we do?

What secrets can our magic plant tell?

How can we help the Tin Soldier? (yes, he's another card)

The main StoryWorld set is in a handsome fold-out box. In one side is a little hardback book with how-to-use, sample stories and card descriptions which wouldn't be out of place in a divination deck.They have keywords and a description written in the first person - a bit like the Wild Spirit tarot has.

Think fairy tale type archetypes and you won't go far wrong. There are 40 cards which come from everyday, magic, realm of the court, and fairy worlds. There are people, animals, artefacts, places - like you would get in a roleplaying game.

The other decks have 28 cards each along similar lines and in fold out boxes with a well to hold the cards pls a small paperback booklet that contains brief instructions, card descriptions and a story.

I think these can be used:

by an adult diviner who doesn't mind closing their eyes when picking a card - you could make up a custom deck or two :)
by a child
by anyone wanting to learn the skills of storytelling: I think these would make a great preparation tool for working with Tarot or Oracle
by a teacher or parent working with a child or group of children.

Seeker*13* I don't think you will be disappointed.


I just received mine as well, and I'm blown away by the beauty of the images. So many details, a good thing the cards are so big!

So far, I have only opened the main box. The card that greeted me enchanted me right away, the Keeper of Dreams.

The mix of cards is really interesting, ranging from the well-known elements to the surprising with some everyday mundane items thrown in as well.

I even like the story prompts on the card backs...some are obvious, but there's always one or two that will take you by surprise.

Now let's see if they are readable ... not sure yet!


These look so gorgeous and fun. I just ordered a couple of copies of the three that are available now, Storyland, Quest and Fairy cards. They still have to release the Sea and Animal ones. I bet they will work nicely as an oracle, separately, and hopefully all decks put together, too! What an excellent set of cards! I can't wait to get mine.


OK, Ist reading.

What are you like for divination?

Insight: the castle. There's so much richness in this place - the password you need is alredy within you but first you need to journey to the gate. Don't forget to admire the scenery on the way.

Setback: The door to fairyland. It's shut!!! and somewhat hidden in the trees. Sometimes you get stuck. Don't despair though, there's always a way through and help can be found in hidden places.

Insight to overcome the setback: The River. Just go with the flow and let things come as and when they will. Open up and follow me.

Well, that's a pretty good description of what happens to me when I read sometimes with any deck - the beautiful cards, the small worry if I don't 'get' what they are saying straight away and then the little details that allow my mind to open and the ideas to flow.

Aerin x


Oh I'm super excited now. I'm going to get these for my bf who is a storyteller (mostly SCA and filk etc.) Now the questions is - do I get one just for me as well?? At least there are a few to choose from.


If you only get one, remember that the Storyworld pack has the most cards and the hardback book.

Dusk Till Dawn

Thank you Aerin! I am all excited now. I can't wait to work with them on Sam. Since Picture Books are to distracting for her at times, this might be the right thing I was looking for. If that fails, I will love them...


I ordered these when I read through the thread a couple of days ago!!! Now I can't wait to get them....


I got the main one, aas Aerlin mentioned, for us both to share (although I will probably end up getting another!)

Also got the other two that were available; the Quest/Adventure and Faerie