Strange Side-Effects from Tarot


Hello everyone =) I'm fairly new to Tarot reading. I've had two decks for about three-four years, but I use them sparingly and off-and-on, so I still call myself a newbie.

I'm having strange side-effects from reading my tarot (I can't really think of another word besides 'side-effects'). During a reading (reading myself, I barely ever read for other people), I sometimes get extremely tired and exhausted, like I'm suddenly stricken with mono. And either I have to stop recording my insights into my journal, or I have to stop the reading altogether (that rarely occurs, however). Sometimes the exhaustion happens after I do a reading, and I end up dozing off sitting up. This usually happens after a long spread, such as the Celtic Cross.

The same thing happens when I record Tarot Spreads. Either I get really sleepy or, like just now, I feel suddenly extremely hot, as if I was burning, almost feverish.

From years of belief, I know that there is no such thing as coincidence, but I'm also a logical person. Is this just some subconscious conflict I must overcome? Or just something I'm making up, inventing, out of... maybe... excitement?

Does anyone else feel this way?

EDIT!!: And it's not boredom xD I only just thought of that explanation after reading the post. I feel drained, as opposed to... simply tired.

The crowned one

I get the opposite effect usually , I feel invigorated and full of life, but after a couple readings in spite of my mood, can not or do not feel like reading more. Reading is a mood and mind booster for me...when I am "on".


it's natural, nothing to worry about

drowsiness is very common, some people get hungry, some people get time your mind and body find common ground and you'll acclimate


Uh - fer starters, why ya doin' a celtic cross?

Give yer self a break. Start small and learn how your mind and body react.

One does not run marathons without practice.

So lighten up. Also, there's nothing stated about your diet or your water intake - both of which are of paramount importance.

Do ya really wanna read Tarot? If the answer's yes - then it's time to get real, and get serious - both with your own health, and your involvement with the cards (like forget the big spreads until you learn 'how').

ya don't take driving lessons and then start driving the dynamite truck...right?


I find that when I read for others, I often feel a hot, flushed feeling in my head and face. (No, it's not hot flashes, either! :p ) I'm reluctant to leave the feeling behind. It's an exhiliaration.

When I first started trying to read and learn the cards, though, I did find it very exhausting. That's because I was trying too hard rather than letting it just come at its own pace. You can get a sense of what I mean by tensing up a leg or arm and holding it like that for an extended period of time. The tension of the muscles will tire them out tremendously in a short time.


Sounds like you are getting stressed out. Stress can cause sleepiness and it can also cause you to get hot and bothered, like being put in the spotlight and under pressure to get it right.


You definitely need to practice grounding!! I would be very much the same as you if I didn't do that.

There are several techniques for it, some links to get you started:

I usually drink a lot (water, not booze ;) )!!! when working with Tarot, and have a high-energy snack (sports bar or dried fruit), then do a Chakra meditation. Try what resonates best with you and take the time to practice!


Dont forget to relax and look away from the cards, move, etc.

Just like straining yourself on a computer, ya know?


Does this only happen when your reading on yourself? This happens to me a lot but only when I read on myself, not on other people. It seems that I over analyse the cards because it's so hard for me to keep an open mind and I spend way too much time trying to figure out what I'm talking about. When I do readings on myself the pictures don't talk to me as well for some reason, and I'll drive myself crazy trying to pick them apart...then I'm ready for a nap! I try not to use more than 2 cards when I read for myself and have better luck going question by question instead of doing an actual spread.


As was already mentioned here by others, I highly recommend eating a light snack, (not a heavy meal that will make you tired though!) and drinking a full glass of water before reading tarot. What you described seems to be a common thing among readers. Also, maybe try a few minutes of deep breathing and/or meditation. It doesn't have to be for long, just a few minutes. It also seems to me you are not grounding yourself. So find a grounding technique that will help you. This can be as simple as the deep breathing, while sitting upright in a chair & your feet placed firmly on the ground. Then, as Umbrae also mentioned, why not just stick to smaller spreads for awhile, at least until you get use to it, and you can see how your body reacts to that. I'm sure after awhile, it'll get better, or you'll get use to it.