Susan Woldman Decks


Published by US Games. Amazon lists three decks:

Contemplation Cards
Relationship Cards
Yoga Path Cards

Ask Me! Cards (Out of Stock and not listed at Amazon but displayed on her web site)

One old mention of the Relationship Cards on the forum with no replies:

I thought these might be something people here would use but it seems not. I rather liked the artwork. I like decks like this with hand painted or drawn art. Whimsical but also interesting to work with.

I haven't bought them, the only deck available in Canada is the Yoga deck and I've already got lots of yoga books. Was interested in the others though.


They remind me of the books by Sark. Have you read any of them?


AJ said:
They remind me of the books by Sark. Have you read any of them?

Back in my previous life, one of my library patrons loaned me her copy of "Succulent Wild Woman." I didn't care for the artwork but it was kind of a fun book. I always think of Sark when I take a nap. She's right!

This woman I knew from the library was wonderful. Both her kids were very independent. One was an actor who hiked across the USA, and her daughter travelled all over the world working jobs in Japan and other countries when she ran out of money. I think this woman had a bit of Sark's spirit already and passed it on to her remarkable children.


On a second think I decided to get a deck of playing cards and related books instead.


Susan Woldman's ceramics are all over the upper east side. Very popular still in NYC.


And on a second, second think I needed to add something to get free shipping on a graphic design book I ordered called "Fingerprint: The Art of Using Hand-Made Elements in Graphic Design," AND had a copy of each of these decks from the previous order that I cancelled, so I thought it only fair to buy them.

Happy art.


Here's a small example of something you can do in response to a deck you like.

I like the art and colour in the Contemplation cards, so might use one of the cards as a jumping off point for my own artwork in response to this card.

I've chosen a few salient colours from the card and built a palette by hue. I could use this palette digitally or I could print it and match paint or coloured pencils to it and draw a piece of art in response to the keyword and writing on the card.

Doesn't have to be high art or anything, just some symbols or abstracts or whatever you feel about the card. Mandalas are sometimes good for an exercise like this.


Your brain makes my brain feel tiny and insignificant.
Like parking a Mercedes by a bike :)

What a great idea with the palette. I sometimes do this when pulling fabrics for a quilt. Good fabric has the palette colors printed on the selvage in little circles. You can trim that off the focus fabric and carry it around until you find the right color/pattern


AJ said:
Good fabric has the palette colors printed on the selvage in little circles.

I find those invaluable too. I print out tarot cards and go to the quilt store to match stuff as well. <g>

I use a little program to create paletttes--you can save it as a Photoshop or Illustrator palette and then just load it into your main program. You can also pick one colour and have the program design a palette for you based on that one colour.

It's called ColourCache--$35 USD.

I did my web palette in there and often find it useful for fiddling around. I like to mess around sometimes and come up with stuff, it's a bit like a colour wheel that way.


Hardly any information on these, even on the author/artist's site. I've chosen 4 from each deck and typed the text from the back of the cards so you can get a feel for them. I like the square shape.

Contemplation Cards
3.75 inches square
Shiny gloss laminate, somewhat sticky (similar to Hay House cards)

Clean it up!
Toss. Scrub. Organize
Give-away. Re-arrange. Surround yourself only with those things that make your heart sing.
Feel your spirit soar!

Do not turn to the opinions of others.
Tap your own inner wisdom.
Decide, do it now, and feel the power of your own conviction.
You are right on target!

The fear you feel is not based on what is truly going on.
It is in the dark, crying out for love.
Turn on the light! Breathe.
You are great.

Yep, that's right!
It's time for you to take a necessary break.
Make a reservation, relax, smile and laugh.

Lots of women in this deck--multicultural images--stress on power of attraction, power of now, power of intention.


Relationship Cards
3.75 inches square
Matte Laminate

While perhaps justified, your anger blocks the solution.
Anger is fear calling out for love.
So what are you afraid of?
Get to the heart of the matter.

Make sure your home feels welcoming and reflects who you are.
When your house is in order the rest of your life falls into place.
So tidy up!

Don't force the conclusion of the story.
Don't try to skip steps.
Instead, allow your life to come into focus one frame at a time.
Everything happens at the perfect time.

If you're wrapped up in imagining conversations with someone who is not in the room, stop!
Shift your focus fully to the present moment.
Connect to your joy.

Her second deck, more of the first although I prefer the matte laminate that US Games used for this one. Same focus, but a few men included here and there.

Both decks are somewhat clichéd but good for a short message to reflect on for a daily card. Cheery artwork. Some simple steps for action which I liked.