Tarot and Nudity


I generally don't have a problem with nudity in decks. I think some decks are a little over-the-top when it comes to nudity, but I just don't buy them, I have nothing against people who do.

I like looking at male chests as opposed to the...um...complete package. I just find the female body more aesthetically pleasing, and while I think it's important to show a wide range of body types, I prefer my breasts perky.

I kind of like the way nudity is handled in the Sensual Wicca tarot. I think the man's erection in the Devil card is more humorous than erotic, but that's just me. I really like the Tower (having sex while a volcano is erupting = bad idea) and the World from that deck.


Interesting Points, HighPriestess

I look at the whole package (no pun intended). If a deck appeals to me as is, great. If not, I have no qualms altering it or just not buying it. It depends on what the deck offers BESIDES nudity. Some decks, just like paintings or sculpture or film, may require nudity to get the perspective of the deck across. Some may depend on the nudity to sell the deck, just like some movies rely on nudity or sex scenes to make up for a less than great script. Nudity just for nudity's sake alone, without anything else going for it, just gets boring after awhile.


Nudity only bothers me in regards to using decks out in the open.

Otherwise, most of it is done in a way that simply looks like art to me.


Good point, Mr. Andrew

I don't usually read around a crowd, I primarily read for myself, but wondering how much that affects which decks professional readers use. I'm sure there are some decks that go over worse, or better, in public than others. It must be difficult to always gauge your crowd, but I'm sure there are certain decks that are considered "safe" for all audiences in general.


greatdane said:
I don't find it unenlightened, Le Fanu, if I don't prefer to see certain types of nudity on certain decks. "Enlightenment" really doesn't have anything to do with it. Preference does. .

I agree. I also don't think that people should censor themselves or their preferences because another finds them "silly." Judgement has no place in the enlightened mind. So keep the posts of nude vs. dressed tarot preferences coming..the naked ones, dressed ones, ones with glittery undies, sharpied bras....:)


Kit and caboodle! :D Pavement! :D And Glittery Undies!!! :D This thread is cracking me up. ROFLOL.

Composing myself now. I certainly prefer my decks to be on the modest side. For a couple of reasons. I just don't feel the need to have it all spelt out to me and I also have a curious young 7 year old who has on occasion helped herself to my decks. Fortunately the Druidcraft has not been one of them!!


Point taken, Gadgetgirl and Bhakti

If one likes to bling a deck, what difference does it make how we adapt it to suit ourselves? As far as nudity and tarot goes, it seems some readers pretty much always like it or don't mind it, some prefer it less "out there" and there's room for all. If I like a deck, but think some of the nudity isn't to my taste, I'll just tweak to where it will fit my taste and makes it more suitable to my readings. Gadgetgirl also made a very important point, often people have children around and some decks or, even just some cards, may not all be child-appropriate.

It just goes to show how individual tarot tastes are, whether it's about nudity, types of nudity, or whether we like borderless, laminated, whether some like to trim their decks, there's a lot of choices and options for everyone.


Well, just don't expect a serious reading from me from a Decameron deck. You may get more than a reading, if I pull out that deck })


Well, for me it is when I notice it more than the reading I am trying to do. I sent the Mermaids and the Dragons away because they started to irritate me with their unfeasibly perky things. I kept wanting to buy them T-shirts, possibly because I couldn't find anything especially interesting to focus on in the rest of the card.

It's like reading a story when the moral is BLARING out from every word, or one of those US comedy shows when people get to See the Error of Their Ways. I can't see anything else and it takes over.

I have decks where people mention the nudity and I haven't even noticed as well.


Glitterbird said:
Well, just don't expect a serious reading from me from a Decameron deck. You may get more than a reading, if I pull out that deck })
People who worry about nudity should try the RED exchanges (when they start up again.) I have done some very serious readings with that - and even with the Priapo. Which is full of naked and even erect penises. The strength card is - well, it's up there on tarotgarden.... As long as you are over 18 (protecting myself here !) go take a look. But - I got two spot on readings with the deck.

ETA @gadgetgirl: IS there a tarot with glittery undies ? THAT I want to see !