Tarot and Psychic Protection


The term 'psychic' relates to the Soul and mind, rather than the physical body.

So 'psychic protection' refers to, I would have thought, a protection appropriate to maintaining a healthy state of the soul or mind. I therefore agree with much that has been written about explaining how it may work.

Of course one is susceptible to 'psychic attacks' at any time, whether having dinner in a restaurant (or at home), resting on the beach, or climbing stairs. However, I would suggest that during those times, one does not open oneself to subtle influences to the same extent that many do when doing readings.

And of course a world view will also affect how one considers what is happening.

As it happens, my world view, though it would be quite difficult to articulate with precision, is essentially one that considers us as incarnated spiritual beings, living in a world that is essentially spiritual, with the physical as itself essentially spiritual (not in the sense that it does not exist, but rather that it is shaped and maintained by tensions of spiritual forms enabling incarnation for myriad beings).

This does not, in itself, mean that one 'requires' psychic protection.

Rather, and irrespective of one's world view, if one allows a certain open-ness to thoughts, feelings and dialogue that is different to the form normally engaged in, then it does put us in a personal space different to what one normally experiences, and, until one can swim in such depths with ease, some support or assistance to maintain connection with the solid land is probably of benefit.

For what it's worth, there are two 'types' of readings I personally do: on the one hand talking about possible meanings in discussion (even with others reading the same spread, and restrict myself to this type in courses); on the other a particular preparation that makes my reading more or a divinatory type, for which personal preparation (which includes a form of protection) is included.

This does not make one type of reading better or more accurate than another type, by the way, but rather that I am in different states of open-ness for each.

It is for this second type that I personally consider that some form of personal 'psychic' protection may be desirable.

What form may it take? at the simplest level, an intent that what one is about to engage in is a temporary shift in being open to listening attentively to that small voice within in a way that allows for it to be connected to the imagery presented by the cards and narrated for the benefit of the other.



I suggest you change your idea and definition of Tarot from a tool of "divination" to a tool of "introspection" and self-awareness.

I think shifting your perception will help immensly with your coming to terms with your fears and doubts.


Thanks all for your thoughts on this subject. I said before (or perhaps I edited it out pefore posting?) I have talked with spirits before. Spirit is such a loaded word, and I guess I really can't use the word without the caveat that they may have been purely within my head- but at any rate, they seemed to know things that I didn't, at the time. Nothing concrete- maybe nothing at all. Hard to say- I'm invariably in dream state when this has occured, and I haven't been able to succesfully bring back all memories of the conversations. But despite this, I can't seem to get my head around this idea that the people who practice this stuff aren't doing it as something of an expression of (read "fashion statement" for lack of a better phrase) rather than as a real belief that what they are doing is making a difference to their psychic health/security. I mean I can imagine it- but I keep retreating to the place in me where I'm saying "Oh, they don't really believe that". Don't ask me why I can believe in spirits, but somehow not believe in spiritual dangers...

No worries- I think for the most part this says a lot more about me than it does about you believers. I'm a skeptic at heart, and part of being a skeptic is (sometimes secretly) harboring a belief that anything you don't believe in is something nobody else totally believes in either.



Energy and Protection

"A rose by any other name... lets call it "self-defence" or even general day-to-day defence and let it cover everything so we don't fall out over the word "psychic".

One of the books I mentioned on the subject was this one and is a good one to get to grips with the basics of it.

"Practical Techniques of Psychic Self-Defence by Murry Hope - How to ensure safety and protection in the occult realms."
"No one would think of rushing across a busy street without first checking for traffic, and yet many people plunge into the unknown dimensions of the occult without a thought for their safety. This book discusses exactly why the student of the occult needs protection - and from what. It gives detailed instructions for protecting both individuals and groups, creating and dissolving thought-forms, constructing symbolic defences against impinging minds, achieving auric control against psychic attack and breaking unwanted psychic links."

I found this in the book "How to Develop and Use Psychic Touch" by Ted Andrews - Llewellyn's Vanguard Series - ISBN 1-5678-027-2
"Psychometry - "Soul Measuring"

If you are interested in healing you might want to find the book "Magnet Therapy" The self-help guide to Magnets - Clinically proven to relieve 35 health problems" by William H Philpott MD and Dwight K Kalita PHd
ISBN 1-887299-21-1 (pbk)
It gives a good insight into our energy fields too.

For more insight into energy fields read books on Chakras, dowsing, pendulums, even ley lines can get the idea across. We need to get away from the airy-fairy superstitious perception of our "psychic" abilities and see it as extra-senses we all have the capability of using.

To me, rituals, prayers spells etc. whatever you choose to use is the focussing and direction of energy. Energy that can be used for good, like healing etc. or for nastier purposes. Some call it white magic and black magic. Now there is a lot more to that subject too as people out there with a lot more knowledge on it could tell you, its not always just your own energy you work with, there are ways of invoking, creating and connecting with other or "archetypal" energy, entities, thought forms etc. The catholic church doesn't have its own exorcist division for nothing. Are we making our own demons or are they out there in some other level of existence?

There is a book out there somewhere, can't remember exact title, about people who did an experiment and created their own ghost, I think they called it Simon. They focussed on it, gave it characteristics etc. and eventually managed to interact with it or rather it started acting independently of them and communicating. Someone else may be able to remember the title.

If the American and Russian governments believed in esp, remote viewing and telekinesis etc. enough to do research programmes on it, we all need to give ourselves a bit of credit or credibility here when it comes to our own abilities. We also have to see the pitfalls hence a need for protection.



Energy and Psychic Protection

I hope anyone interested in the subject had a chance to read all of my last post as I've been told to edit it as I've quoted too much from the psychometry book and it might breach copyright - which is a fair point, I was worried about that myself. Its a pity though as I thought it was a really easy explanation of energy and imprints etc. However, I've cut it all out now so maybe you might be able to find the book if you want to know more about it.

I think if anyone is really interested in finding out more about why some people believe in the need for protection "psychic" or otherwise it might be easier for them to do a google search on "psychic protection" if you want some indepth knowledge about it. You don't have to believe any of it of course, its just other people's experiences but at least you can say you've read a bit about it before dismissing it out of hand.

Well, good luck in your endeavours.



I had started reading your post, then when I came back to it, I saw it was gone!

Lots of transcribing work- sorry I missed most of it. Thanks for trying!


For reference purposes, quoting a small exerpt such as a paragraph & including the source generally acceptable. A larger portion raises copyright issues.

Based on that mentioned by Mystewood thus far, it would behoove those interested to examine those publications mentioned.

Where the discussion subject concerned, that old caveat, "Let the buyer beware" applies. Being an informed consumer always prudent.

An excellent website with information both basic & advanced:


Co-Moderator, Talking Tarot