Tarot - Astrology Swap


I have been reading this forum and all the information is incredible! I am now very very curious to find out about my chart.

I can offer you six months supply of detailed 3 card tarot readings - basically I will be on call for you for six months (within reason, not more than one a day :p ) lol. Seeing how much work and effort it takes you to do a chart, I couldn't offer anything less. I will also provide detailed feedback, and I would appreciate if you would do the same for me.

I read intuitively, you can see examples of how I read in the circle of stones, RED exchanges and PTR exchanges over at the tarot forum.

I hope this post is appropriate and I look forwards to exhanging readings/charts!

Emily x


Hi Emily,

When you say 'find out about my chart' have you anything particular in mind? Especially as you are offering quite an exchange there.

Modern Astrology concentrates on providing 'psychological profiles' - character delineation. I use traditional methods and work best with specific and concrete issues.

So I think if you can give some indication of the type of thing you want to 'find out' about it will help people decide to what extent they can help - and indeed feel competent to help.


Emy, there are many who would just whip over to a site that gives them a free print out of what you are asking, and many who have software that will do the same.

And many who do it the old way which is absolutely fascinating and something I'm learning to do.

Just saying, you are offering a lot for a pig in a poke so to speak.


Thank you both very much for your advice!

I like the traditional approach, and I would like a character overview but perhaps also a six month outlook concentrating on the emotions (love and friendship) and finances? Also any advice/warnings the stars have for me in the near future?

Does that suit the traditional approach more? I was unsure how to word what I wanted and how astrology is worked (thus the swap :p :) ), so any advice is welcome!

Emily x


Ok Emily, can I suggest you post your natal details - time date place of birth and we'll take it from there. Rather than put pressure on you (for those six months of readings) or on us (to do in depth readings) we can go step by step and see how we go.


Minderwiz said:
Ok Emily, can I suggest you post your natal details - time date place of birth and we'll take it from there. Rather than put pressure on you (for those six months of readings) or on us (to do in depth readings) we can go step by step and see how we go.

That makes sense, thank you Minderwiz :)

Here are my natal details:

4:34 am 21/04/1989 (a Friday) at Orsett Hospital in Essex, UK. I think I have found the longitude and latitude for it: Latitude = 51.5100, Longitude = 0.3659

Emily x


Hi Em, I hope my post didn't beat you out of a deal, someone thinking I was offering so they didn't. I just wanted you to know there are different ways of doing the same thing :)

I'm still at the learning to tie my shoes stage, not looking to do a chart.


OK, A quick look at your chart shows that you were born almost exactly on the full Moon - aabout 10 minutes of arc after the perfection, in time that's about 20 minutes. Some information on planetary poisitions (but without interpretation yet)

Your a night birth, and the Moon is above the horizon and in a nocturnal sign, So it's strongly placed - the Arabians called this sort of postion Hayz. The Moon is in Scorpio, where it is in Fall, but it also is in it's own Triplicity, so the 'Fall' is offset. Mars rules Scorpio and was the Hour ruler for your birth. Mars Trines the Moon, and it is usually seen as a good indicator if a planet is favourable aspected by its ruler. Mars is not particularly strong. Mars is however angular being on the IC and it also trines the North Node (as does the Moon). So there's a favourable configuration there. I'll look at in more detail when I've examined the chart.

The other things I've noted are that The Ascendant is in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, (You were born on a Thursday - Jupiter's day) and Aries (also ruled by Mars) is intercepted in the first. So Mars is going to be an important planet for you, as well as the Moon. Your Taurus Sun is conjunct Venus, it's ruler, which is also in opposition to the Moon. Venus' essential dignity is high but it is combust and opposed by the Moon. Although Sun and Moon are in the first, I'd not really treat them as angular as Taurus is some distance from Pisces - you have big first and seventh Houses..

Of the remaining two personal planets, Saturn is strong in essential dignity (in Capricorn) and has some good accidental dignity (in the eleventh). Mercury rules your descendant and is in Taurus in your second house. Both Mercury and Venus are occidental and thus have a little extra accidental dignity.

I've attached a copy so that you can follow the delineation in the next post. I've not included the outers and the only one that I'll be mentioning is Neptune which is in a tight but separating conjunction with Saturn.


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Oh wow that is fascinating!

(Just to clarify with the english-american date differences, 21st April 1989 - I was also told that was a Friday. How interesting if not!)

Thank you so much and look forwards to seeing what else you come up with!

Emily xxx


Emylicious said:
Oh wow that is fascinating!

(Just to clarify with the english-american date differences, 21st April 1989 - I was also told that was a Friday. How interesting if not!)

Emily xxx

Well it was and it wasn't LOL

Our standard civil day runs from midnight to midnight. In those terms you were born on a Friday.

However the Astronomical/Astrological day runs from Sunrise to Sunrise. Which in turn is divided into two - the period from Sunrise to Sunset (day time or diurnal) and Sunset to Sunrise (night time or nocturnal)

You were born before Sunrise and in terms of the Astronomical day that was 'yesterday's night or Thursday night. Sunrise on a 'Thursday' is marked by the hour of Jupiter (Thor's day in North European tradition). Sunrise on a 'Friday' is marked by the hour of Venus (Freia's day in North European tradition). If you were French, you would recognise Jeudi and Vendredi as the days of Jupiter and Venus. So if you're using the rhyme, 'Monday's child is .....' Then you should read yourself as 'Thursday's child'.

PS I was also born on a 'Friday' before sunrise so I too am a Thursday's child.