Tarot cards and asking about the future..



I have been thinking about this a lot; for the past year I have been going to a lot of readings and wanting to know the future but have found in the end it was almost damaging, as when I lost out on a positive future shown by the cards by making a mistake, I feel so guilty, regretful and beat myself up over it- think it was better now that I never knew the possibility so never made the mistake in the first place.

Do you think this is so? Sometimes its best we don't know these things, even if they're positive?


It's all about free will

To act on information of a possible outcome or not? You might very well have made the same mistake without the foresight.

I'm not a big believer in fated outcomes and I tend to view any predictive spread as merely one possibility with the energy and elements of the moment pointing in a particular direction.

You still have to use common sense, no matter the result of a spread. AND you, and only you, are in charge of your own decisions and actions based upon those decisions.


Even if that particular positive outcome doesn't happen, it can still be beneficial. Maybe it was needed to get your mojo going to at least try. Also, it could be that the cards were showing a long term future rather than a first attempt.

Glass Owl

When I was younger I would beat myself up for my past actions and go over things over and over again. In time I learned that doing so wasn't helpful, nor was punishing myself for things that I didn't have control over. I think the same can be said for Tarot. I think that expecting Tarot to be this all-powerful, protective tool that will help one avoid all mistakes or give us the secrets for a perfect future is setting up the Tarot (as well one's self) for failure since no one is perfect, the future is subject to change, and lots of things (as well as other people) are not in our control.


There is also the 'Other School of Tarot' that says Tarot cannot divine the future at all because Tarot is Introspective, not Predictive.

IMHO - regardless of where you go to school - if you set up the Tarot to be the 'all-knowing, all-seeing, absolutely, always perfectly correct answer oracle made of paper, ink, and a thin plastic coating printed in China or Belgium and selling for $24.95 on Amazon' - you have set yourself up for failure.

It you believe the answer you were given by the aforementioned Tarot is the ONLY answer - you have doubly set yourself up to fail.



I have been thinking about this a lot; for the past year I have been going to a lot of readings and wanting to know the future but have found in the end it was almost damaging, as when I lost out on a positive future shown by the cards by making a mistake, I feel so guilty, regretful and beat myself up over it- think it was better now that I never knew the possibility so never made the mistake in the first place.

Do you think this is so? Sometimes its best we don't know these things, even if they're positive?

The risk of knowing the future is that by knowing it we can change it. Just knowing it can make us act differently sometimes and that can be enough to change the future in and of itself.

That being said, no human being is never going to make mistakes. That is part of the human experience and of who we all are. None of us can escape that, we are all human beings.

I personally, tend not to ask so much about what is coming in the future as about how I can create what I want in my life. Eg if I wanted a raise I would not ask if it were coming, I would ask what steps I can take to increase my chances in the best way or how to get to that future I want.

There are a lot of other things to do with cards instead of just asking about the future. My favourite questions are on the meaning of life, the "What is destiny and how does it work?" of questions. Also when in pain the "What can I learn from this experience that will make me a better person". "What can you tell me know that will make me feel better about this?: kinds of questions are usually very helpful or even "What is wonderful right now in my life that I am not seeing clearly" There are really tons of positive, healing, feel good kinds of questions to ask too. Even "What can I learn from this to help me prevent making similar mistakes in the future?" if that would make you feel better,. There are all kinds of healing questions.

A lot really depends on the KINDS of questions you choose to ask, The questions about the future are really just the tip of the iceberg of what you could ask the cards,



I prefer not to know about the future. So that it will always be a surprise for me, whether positive or negative.


It's important to always remember that a future reading is just one possible outcome for us, that looks that way at the time of reading. Also recently I have become very careful about the questions I personally ask. I don't want to know everything and I believe there is some things we shouldn't know. So I always ask myself "could I take an answer that I don't like if I ask this?" Tarot isn't just about hearing everything is going to turn out wonderfully, it's a lot more than that and sometimes you see bad things.

Taking into account those factors, I do read for the future. I like it when I predict something in the cards because it gives me confidence :)


So I always ask myself "could I take an answer that I don't like if I ask this?" Tarot isn't just about hearing everything is going to turn out wonderfully, it's a lot more than that and sometimes you see bad things.

I have always said 'Never ask the Tarot a question that you DO NOT want the answer to!'



I have been thinking about this a lot; for the past year I have been going to a lot of readings and wanting to know the future but have found in the end it was almost damaging,

I am reminded of a thread recently, where someone said she was in a wonderfully happy relationship, but her cards told her it was DOOMED (and she used that particular word).

Cards never tell me that situations are doomed - they may tell me that they need work or are extremely unlikely to end well, but doomed?

She was talking about how do you continue in a situation when you know it's doomed.

Well, I think that might be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, there. I don't know what cards she pulled - maybe a more experienced reader would have told her something different - but if the message she got was that a happy and stable relationship was doomed, she might go picking away at her partner, seeing the worst in every gesture, word and hint, and doom it herself!

I don't make hard-and-fast predictions about the future: I talk about likelihoods and probabilities, and find ways for clients to improve their situation by fine-tuning their actions and choices.