Tarot classes?


The local metaphysical bookstore is starting a class on learning Tarot card reading, using the Rider-Waite deck. I'm thinking about taking it because it would be a good excuse to get out and socialize along with learning how to read the cards. However, it seems that much of what I've read advocates intuitive reading over learning the standard meanings of the cards.

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering who has taken such classes and if they found value in the experience.


Hi Maria,

I currently attend classes and find them very interesting. It is not all about learning meanings to the cards that we can recite off parrot style - far from it actually! Sure, there are meanings associated that we are given, along with linked mythology, symbology etc. We are also encouraged to explore how a certain card makes us feel and any other 'messages' that we may be getting from it.

I'm sure you can certainly learn that all online here in any case, but like you said, it's a good way to socialise, meet like minded people and bounce ideas off other people in a face-to-face setting.

Just my opinion of course. I suppose you have got to go with whatever feels good for you!


Hi MariaAZ,

The RWS is a good deck to start with and as you said you'd have the added bonus of making a few like-minded friends and have the teacher as a mentor.

I've only ever taken on-line tarot classes but would have loved, and still would love, to be able to learn face-to-face with other tarot students.

I think you need to know the basic foundations of tarot and tarot symbolism to be able to try and read the cards intuitively. I'm starting to learn intuitive reading now but I don't think I would be able to do it if I was a complete newbie to the cards and had no idea of their structure.


I attend a one on one class monthly. I get a lot out of it. Yes it is about learning intuition, but it is also learning alternate perspectives that will open up your way of thinking. It also will present more ideas, and different types of studying to help you on your journey.

I can't speak for your teacher, but mine is just awesome! She is in Lansing Mi if you are anywhere near there.


i heard barnes and nobles has a very good class for tarot.


I've decided to take the class, I'm looking forward to it! Plus, I had a good excuse to go out and buy a RWS deck :) My first deck is Robin Wood, and I'll just set that one aside for now with the hopes that when I finish the course I'll be able to look at it in a different light.


I took a class 5 years ago. I have never ever regreted..not even once. I've learnt sooo much. We spent most of the time discussing Tarot but we also learnt palmistry, about chakras, how to use our energy.
I loved it!!! And I met great people.


I took classes 10 years and thoroughly loved every minute. It was a great guide as well as making me realise tarot was so 'me' IYKWIM


Classes are a great way to discuss tarot with other people, and specifically with someone who has (usually) many years of experience and expertise.

This does not mean they are faultless, but rather that they offer something of value. It is up to each of us to then develop discretion and discrimination in being able to ascertain what is of value, and what not.


I am looking for a class in the newark,new jersey area. I would think jut beng ale to socialise with other people talking tarot would be worth the price of admittince.

And brainstorming different ideas and technicques would be awsome