Tarot curse rituals


May I make a recommendation? If you do decide to use a deck to curse someone, I always thought that this one looks like it would do the job perfectly. Good luck! :)


Well, if we're being cursed, is there any way to negate the curse?


Re: zan_chan

I don't think of using tarot to curse is a good idea, though.

BTW, the deck's description says that it involves god/goddess. Are curses involves god/s/ess, angels and/or deities?


zephyr_heart said:
I don't think of using tarot to curse is a good idea, though.

BTW, the deck's description says that it involves god/goddess. Are curses involves god/s/ess, angels and/or deities?
I think Zan was being tongue-in-cheek :)

But yes, curses can involve any deity you would care to use, and angels are commonly misunderstood creatures. They are not the beings of pure good candy-cane white light as portrayed in the Doreen Virtue decks. They were ambiguous entities, androgynous and neither good nor evil, but very powerful nonetheless.

\m/ Kat


There's no such thing as curses. Don't buy into it.


zephyr_heart said:
I don't know where I read this, but I hear that you can actually *curse* (yes, in the literal sense, so expect bad karma from doing it) people using tarot cards!
Recently, someone ... er ... *borrowed* one of my decks.

I was very upset. I thought nasty thoughts quietly to myself.

A few weeks later, a shamefaced (ex-)friend brought it back.

I suppose you could call that a curse.

zephyr_heart said:
They said you only need to prepare some kind of rituals (I don't know how they do that though, um... spells?).

Bullscheisse, probably.

zephyr_heart said:
Is it true, then?
I dunno - ask them. Anyone can do anything they're of a mind to do. Bearing in mind that the most *effective* way to curse someone is a molitov cocktail through a window, or a potato up a car exhaust.

zephyr_heart said:
How did they do that?
Dunno, any way they like, I imagine. (bearing in mind I'm a practising magician).

zephyr_heart said:
What do they do that for?
My guess, going on your post, is that they didn't like the person for some reason? Could that be possible? I don't know why you'd consider doing it to someone you did like.

zephyr_heart said:
How to negate it?
Laughing at it is pretty effective. Humour is the strongest protection there is.

zephyr_heart said:
If it manages to take effect, then how long and how severe could it be?
Laugh at it, and you don't need to worry. Simply don't get spooked. If you allow yourself to be spooked, it will take effect even if you were never cursed.


Ronia said:
You don't need anything to curse. And most of us have done it a number of times without even thnking. Each time you are badly hurt and you wish, oh so much, for this person to find out how you feel now - you are cursing him/her. The power of the thought is the power of the manifestation. because we seem to focus much easier when we are desperately unhappy, that's why the negative (cursing) thoughts are far more often manifestating than the positive (spell) thoughts. And I am also a great believer that the Universe grants wishes, the problem being the Universe doesn't judge moral. The Universe granted Hitler's wish just like Gandi's wishes (at least some of them). If a person wishes/curses with strong enough concentration/power/desire, there is a very good chance the wish will be granted, regardless its moral value. How it will return is another topic but I don't believe in the three times back. I've seen too many nasty people living a dreamy life to trust this. The Universe is not a judge but energy. Energy doesn't preach, it moves.
Very true - the human makes it right or wrong.


Some one here said once: "Every time you think about another person, you send either a blessing or a curse." That sort of taught me to guard even my private thoughts.


zan_chan said:
May I make a recommendation? If you do decide to use a deck to curse someone, I always thought that this one looks like it would do the job perfectly. Good luck! :)

Eeeewww! Thanks, that's gonna be in my head all day...


zephyr_heart said:
Well, if we're being cursed, is there any way to negate the curse?

Roll in salt holding crystals in hands & mouth.