Tarot mood swings


I know this is going to sound weird, but do you ever look at your tarot collection, however big or small it is, and suddenly think...'Why do I have all these decks? Am I mad? How much money is here? Do I need all these? What is wrong with me?'
hahaha..... no, really? :laugh: um, yes, I do.

Some days I love having a lot of decks, love sitting on the floor and picking out a new one, or checking something being discussed on the forums. Other days my inner de-clutter monkey comes out and scolds me, saying I should be living a Zen existence, a couple of decks is enough for anyone etc.

I suppose though that decks are not the only thing that I have 'wasted' money on and still manage to enjoy though a more puritan soul might shake their head disapprovingly. And I acknowledge some big time mistakes in deck buying, often because I caught up in group interest and excitement here but on the whole the various decks have opened so many doors for me that generally I don't regret it.

Though as I get older my family has expressed some dismay at the idea of properly disposing of them when I have gone. Two have even suggested that I make a list of which ones might be valuable. hahaha...... their problem, I say, I'll be gone.


Nope - never! And I will happily offer myself as the recipient and disposer of all you guilt, just send the decks to me! :)

That said - I do have issues with clothes, and it's not like I have a huge or expensive wardrobe. But like "do I really need 3 pairs of summer shoes?"
I do really, coz they get hot and sweaty and it's bad enough having to move the insoles around from pair to pair. And I shop a lot for outer clothes in charity shops, so there's not a lot money caught up in the wardrobe - but it seems uneccessary somehow.

Perhaps we all have a puritan streak that manifests in different ways?



Perhaps we all have a puritan streak that manifests in different ways?

:) Good thought, and goes along with Wendywu's comment that she never feels guilty about books or CD's etc. Maybe our inner Puritans find tarot decks to be frivolous or something.


I obviously don't have the sheer number of decks some of you have but I have struggled in recent days to stop myself buying more, so I do recognise the feeling. I'm wondering if it's different to books though. You pay a price for a book and read it. Contract complete. If you one day read it again, that's a bonus. But with a deck, you buy it to use. You store it, don't use it much, if at all, and the contract has not been fulfilled. That is, you could view it as wasting money because you paid the cost but haven't had what you bought, so to speak, which was readings, daily, monthly or whatever.
Not sure where CDs come into this because I play mine in rotation all the time. So I guess they are paying their way.
As it is, I have ten decks collected in a short space of time, thou I had the Lo Scarabeo dragons for years before that, and now I'm telling myself to stop putting new ones in my amazon basket and use the ones I have, and use them again and again, and get to know them really well. Why? Er... So I can justify buying more. See its a lost cause!


I know this is going to sound weird, but do you ever look at your tarot collection, however big or small it is, and suddenly think...'Why do I have all these decks? Am I mad? How much money is here? Do I need all these? What is wrong with me?'
yeah, my reaction to my collection today is probably coloured by hormone surges. But still.)

Anyone ever get this?

:laugh: Every single day. And I've only been at it a short while. At least you're able to trade some of yours away for *hopefully something you like better. I couldn't part with a single one of mine. Not even that DV oracle that I now leave sitting in the bottom of the box I keep my decks in. I can't blame hormonal surges because I'm past all that these days.

I know that if I ever win the lottery, I'll be up past my eyeballs in Tarot decks. The cards are my one over-the-top indulgence. I don't pamper myself otherwise but I do ask myself frequently just how many do I think I really need.


You pay a price for a book and read it. Contract complete. If you one day read it again, that's a bonus. But with a deck, you buy it to use. You store it, don't use it much, if at all, and the contract has not been fulfilled. That is, you could view it as wasting money because you paid the cost but haven't had what you bought, so to speak, which was readings, daily, monthly or whatever.
Not sure where CDs come into this because I play mine in rotation all the time. So I guess they are paying their way.

I think that's exactly right!! I only buy books from authors/series I love, so I reread my books. Others I get from the library. Music, I listen to over and over.

I feel guilty looking at other decks when I have some sitting there in the basket just gathering dust. But truly, when are you ever done with a deck?? Not counting when your mood changes and you need a different slant on things...


I did do a huge deck cull, keeping only the chosen few and it's one of the best things I've ever done.


I definitely get this...which is weird, because like others have mentioned, I also have tons of books, music, fabric, wool, etc.

I guess for me it's because with every new deck that comes along, it means I'll get a sort of dilution with regard to the other decks - less time to spend with the others. And then the guilts set in :p


I have been in the position (more often than not) to buy decks, love them, and have to sell them to pay a bill. I wished I didn't have to do that, but what can ya do? Needed a roof more than tarot decks. Right before I got my recent job, I pretty much downsized to only keeping the decks I received as gifts. I would never sell those, but I would pass them along for free if I were to ever find myself not using them for quite some time... but because I was buying and then having to turn right around to sell for a bill, I figured I probably should just quit buying any altogether. I don't have a massive collection, but I do believe that the majority of what I have now was given to me... though a good number of great decks have passed through my hands... I still think the subscribers should get a rental deal or something through this site though *hint hint* ;)