Tarot of the old path


Hi... I'm just started to learning tarot, I bought Tarot of the old path because I liked a lot but I've been reading about it and it is associated with pagans and wiccans (sorry if I'm wrong). I'm not pagan or wiccan but this deck is very beautiful to me. I would like to share information about the cards. Thanks

Brock Johnson

I don't have the deck either even though I think that it has some pretty artwork. I am neither pagan/wiccan and that's the main reason I don't have the deck is because I don't think I'd understand it verywell. I'm interested in the other posts on this as well.



Hello Candelosa and welcome to Aeclectic!

I have the Old Path and love it - and I am not a Pagan either. I find it very easy to read with - it has a gentle but strong voice all of its own, very natural. Its use of flower and other plant symbolism is particularly interesting. Its roots are in earth spirituality, but I don't think you have to be a follower of the old path to appreciate and read with it :)

Huredriel on this forum started learning tarot with the Old Path, and swears by it. It's by no means a difficult deck, though like all Tarot, it takes practice and patience.

Here is the study group for it, if you want to read more about it: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=13558


Hi Candelosa and congratulations, it's a wonderful deck ....... as Helvetica says I have Old Path...... and totally :love: love :love: it. My first deck ..... I don't think the fact that it is a *pagan/wiccan* deck really matters ...... it hasn't to me. As Helvetica recommends, have a look at the Study Group ..... although not all 78 cards have been done. I found the best way of connecting to my deck was just to practice with it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

x Huredriel


Thank you Huredriel and Helvetica. I'm going to check the study group


Hi Candelosa,

I'm another Old Path lover - This is a deck I've grown very close to in the last 6 months. I'm not Pagan or Wiccan either but this deck is very easy to get into, the artwork is gentle and, I find, feminine. There is a companion book that is interesting to read through but the deck is full of symbolism and can be read with RWS books.

I've started to try and read the Old Path without books and it's a total learning curve.

Congratulations on getting the Old Path to start you on this journey through tarot. :)


If possible, I recommend obtaining the companion book.

It contains detailed & little known information to enhance the use of the deck. The text for the book contributed by a group of writers of their perceptions of specific cards based on the deck's theme & the Pagan/Wiccan spirituality; however, one need not be of either sensibility to connect with the deck nor to use it.

This deck is one of my favourite reading decks & I use it to read for a broad range of clients.


Is there anyone here on AT who IS wiccan/pagan who uses this deck and loves it?

I've been interested in checking it out ever since I read a Kala Trobe interview where she mentioned it. I just love Kala Trobe's books and her website! So her recommendation alone was enough to interest me in the deck.


Tarot of the old path study group

I've checked this study group here and I like it a lot.... but what happened with the minor arcans? Are you going to study them?


Hi Candelosa,

The study group starts and stops but anyone can start new posts on the Old Path in the Study section and then hopefully others will add on their thoughts. :)