Tarot of the Revelation?

enchanted spirit

So, I stumbled upon this deck while looking at the cards section. I have to admit that I am intrigued with this concept. I tried to do a search for info in the forums, but came up with a lot of posts for the more popular Revelations deck. It's amazing how many people leave off the "s" at the end . . . LOL

So, the deck I am referring to is this: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/revelation/index.shtml#cards and you can see it here also: http://www.tarotoftherevelation.com/shop.html

Does anyone have this deck? I'm not sure I want it, but it seems to be an interesting idea. I am not a religious person, so bashing this deck and/or its relationship to the Bible would not offend me a bit. I'm just curious about others' impression of this deck. Thanks!

enchanted spirit

Hmmm . . . nobody? OK, it's only been a day since I inquired about this deck, but I am really wondering about it.

Yesterday morning I was in a hurry and just wanted to see if anyone had anything to say about this concept. The cards look pretty nice, although I can't tell what's the deal with the circled letters in the border. I also can't tell if it has illustrated minors or not. Okay, so maybe I'm thinking about buying the deck . . . . hmmm . . . Maybe I need de-enabled? But I can't tell enough about the deck to even decide if I want it.

I think part of my fascination is the Cayce link, I actually studied him and what he did years ago. In a roundabout way, that is part of how I became interested in tarot in the first place. Unfortunately, I've noticed since then that people tend to use his name to promote gimmicks, which I think is a shame. So, a tarot deck based on Cayce's predictions and the Bible? Could be really interesting, could be a load of hooey. LOL

Does anyone have this deck? Does anyone know anything else about this deck? Or, does anyone have any thoughts just from looking at the cards and the website? :confused:


Never heard of this deck... *goes to have a look*

I can't tell much from this deck, either. Feels a bit...I don't know - cold. I'd have liked to have seen more of the deck than the few Major Arcana up on the site.


All 22 of the majors are shown and the minors are no illustrated.
It appears to be computer generated images, very plain backgrounds on some.

here's a link to the page with the majors, you have to keep scrolling down to see them all



Karen's right, they look to be computer-generated faux watercolour, which doesn't appeal to me. And some of the manipulation of the photos used is very poorly done. (Points to the Wheel of Fortune) I can do better photomanips than that! The combination of photos/watercolour does not attract me at all.

enchanted spirit

Well, I should have explored that site a little more! I think I was in a hurry yesterday morning. I'm so used to there being a wealth of info of decks that I'm interested in on the forums, I was surprised to find nothing on this deck. Maybe there is a reason for that? Maybe it's just overlooked. Okay, I'm on my way out the door presently - I'm gonna sit down and really examine that site later. Any other thoughts and/or experiences with this deck would be welcome. I really am intrigued! But I'm also poor and don't want to shell out $ just to satisfy my curiousity.

enchanted spirit

Yeah, I looked over the site . . . I am soooooo over the deck. Sigh. Oh well, interesting concept but poorly done. I think the creepy creature on the Strength card did it in for me. Yikes!

I am back to adoring my Faerie Tarot. Oh my, yes!