Tarot of The Sevenfold Mystery or going back to the roots of Tarot


I wish he hadn't gone with indiegogo....

I'll wait till it is for sale on his site. I've seen the majors and - well, they aren't my favourites, but they are interesting.


It looks like an interesting deck conceptually, although I wouldn't say it goes to the "roots" of Tarot. However, I find the drawings jarring, as if they were done using Windows clip art.


It looks like an interesting deck conceptually, although I wouldn't say it goes to the "roots" of Tarot. However, I find the drawings jarring, as if they were done using Windows clip art.

That's kind of an issue I have with Place's work, sadly :( Because he knows SO much, and I feel more of that could come across...


It looks like an interesting deck conceptually, although I wouldn't say it goes to the "roots" of Tarot. However, I find the drawings jarring, as if they were done using Windows clip art.

Really? That surprises me. To my eyes, Place's work looks like that of an accomplished artist. Even if the style is not to one's taste, the skill seems evident to me.


After checking out the link, I went looking for examples of the "Pre-Raphaelite" work of Edward Burne-Jones that Place cites as his inspiration. I came away with the impression that this deck captures the spirit of Burne-Jones' artistic vision (especially the "Arthurian" paintings) quite well but misses much of the ambiance of the source material and therefore seems just a bit "clinical" by comparison. Not to say I don't find the deck an accomplished effort; I think I could even work with it, from what I see so far, but it probably wouldn't become my "go-to" deck any time soon. Actually having it in hand might change my opinion, though.


You're SO RIGHT ! The ambience. There isn't any.

That is EXACTLY what I meant when I agreed about it looking like clip art - which also has no atmosphere of any kind. And the Pre-Raphaelites are so atmospheric, so NOT clinical.

ETA @ Chiriku - (I was so overcome by Barleywine I didn't read back !) I am NOT saying it is incompetent, nor that it isn't "good art". It is beautifully drawn and proportioned and the rest. But it's cold. And the Pre-Raphaelites are NOT cold; they are seething with emotion and dark secrets and stuff. Think of Isabella and that pot of basil.... with her lover's head buried in it and that subtly placed little skull on the pot. }) It's sensual, emotional, richly coloured, dark...

This deck - just doesn't do that stuff.


The pre-Raphaelites were also working with egg tempera on large gessoed boards. ;-)

I love Place’s style, and I love - among other things - that it looks *like a deck of cards*. I'm super-excited to get this one. (And Tarot of the Saints is still on my wishlist... Christmas is coming! *wink wink*)


Curious when I saw prints in double glazed glass

The 2010 art show had very nice framing, a kind of etched glass outkine effect......the book portfolio of majors that I bought seemed rich .

Guess my bias, enjoy his Alchemical.


I still think of this as the Greyhound Tarot.