Tarot of the Tattoo Age


I've seen some pictures on the Net about this self published deck. Conform my understanding several artists contributed. It seems interesting. I usually don't like decks made by more than one artist as most of those decks lack continuity of the artwork, fluidity of the art, unity of the deck - so for many reason. I'd like your opinion. (about the card stock too).

( should I have posted this thread under the the 'pro and contra' section ?)


A link would have been nice <grin>.

However, the most collaborated-on deck I yet own is the Science Tarot with a creative team of eight. And yet, it holds together extraordinarily well. It works as Tarot, and it works as science. It's made me research a lot of historical scientists including a pleasing number of remarkably early women. The artistic style and the wit is seamless all the way through the deck.


<duplicate post>


In my book the Tarot of the Tatdoo Age is surprisingly consistent in terms of artwork and general look and feel. Still each image stands out on its own right. It also contains a lot of easily accessable symbolism that isn't too far fetched while being refreshingly non-traditional at the same time. Very well done with large cards and sturdy cardstock. Highly Recommended I'd say, as long as you don't mind some slightly creepy images and some blood every now and again.

There must be a thread somewhere here, which was how I found out about it a while back.

ETA: It is a collaborative deck by a large number of different artists indeed. There must have been an overall concept by someone who knows tarot quite well though.


Thank you all for these info; an international shipping of $49 (or to USA for $38) is a turn off for me and not just because of the money.


Thank you all for these info; an international shipping of $49 (or to USA for $38) is a turn off for me and not just because of the money.

That sum INCLUDES the deck. It's just an easy way to show prices without people asking. You pick the total price that will get it to you.


That sum INCLUDES the deck. It's just an easy way to show prices without people asking. You pick the total price that will get it to you.

oh! that sounds MUCH better :)

ETA I like the Star card very much...

seven stars

I looked them up on facebook - lots of pix. What a beautiful collaboration! I do wonder why they have the white border though. I still can't figure out why it's like, a rule or something that you have to have the white border. It messes with everything it's like, a bad mat job on a great art piece. Other than that though, I'm a huge fan of quite a few tattoo artists. Me personally I don't think I'd ever be good enough to "do" that sort of thing but I have designed several tattoos for people - one of them got in Tattoo magazine which was pretty cool - I felt like I'd made a permanent art installation on a human.

When I think about all these people with these specific images tattoo'd for life on their body, it gives me pause, just thinking about how for every card there is someone out there who had this particular symbolism make such an impact on their life that they wanted to keep the memory alive forever.