Tarot Passages Apr. spread mod.


I looked at the April spread at www.tarotpassages.com/2004aprsprd.htm and thought it looked interesting but that so many cards would be daunting to read. I just wanted to pass on that I did the spread with only one card per position instead of three and got a really nice, clear reading. I was prepared to deal more cards for added clarity but didn't need to.


galadrial -

I agree with you and the quantity of cards in a reading. I like to keep it simple. For some reason, having too many cards muddies up a reading. A reading is supposed to be something special and to have a large percentage of the cards in the spread lessens the impact of the message.

I guess this is a case of more not being better.


*Kiama grins*

That's my spread! :D :D :D

Yep, alot of cards. I tend to prefer smaller spreads, but then when I create spreads like this, they are for big events or for a long timespan. Which is why I use more cards.

It can work with just a single card for each position, though recently the readings I've done using this spread with 3 cards in each position have shown that people tend to have more than one thing on the go at a time.

So, for new beginnings (the Imbolc position), they may have, say, a new degree course starting (Page of Coins maybe?) but they may also be seeing the beginnings of a failing relationship (5 Cups and Lovers maybe?)

The spread would work with 2 cards in each position aswell. I just like the number 3. :D

Please let me know how you get on with using one card in each position.




contrascarpe96 said:
A reading is supposed to be something special and to have a large percentage of the cards in the spread lessens the impact of the message.

I guess this is a case of more not being better.

I agree with this for some readings, but not for all... For some readings, a 3-card spread will not suffice because of many different influences. For cut-and-dried questions, yep: more isn't always better. But for somebody who has a question that has so many twists and turns, I find using more cards can often bring more clarity.

Also, with, say 10-15 cards, you can often see patterns forming. E.g. a predominance of Wands, Coins, Cups, of Swords, Courts, Majors, etc... You can see runs of cards, etc.

So, I think it just depends upon the kind of reading/question you're doing. :D



Hi Kiama,

it's a very cool spread and I can understand that someone with a lot going on in their life would benefit from the "full deal":) My own life, however, tends to stay pretty focused (according to Angeles Arrien's Tarot Workbook I'm on a life path in which I explore one path in depth- this seems to be quite true). Using nine cards so beautifully portrayed the energy that will be ongoing for me this year that I felt no need for more. The largest spread I'm really comfortable with has eleven cards and I think I'm not the only one who just won't use a spread with 27 cards no matter what it's merits. So I wanted to pass on that using your spread with fewer cards works well, as I think it is far too fine a spread to pass up entirely. I hope you don't mind, it isn't meant as criticism:) It is also wonderful to have a spread that works so harmoniously with my Greenwood deck (I'm looking forward to trying my Wheel of Change deck with it as well).


I think the nature of the reading and the question is important. Spreads Like Konraad's Past Lives require more cards, and each card is essential.

Single card readings and three card readings are fine too. It depends on the nature and purpose of the reading.

I will really throw a spanner in the works of accepted wisdom and say that a quick glance over a Celtic Cross can often give you a good idea of the themes likely to present that day, and may be more effective that a simple one card draw.

But each to her own time and method, according to readiness and desire.


Well said, Moongold.
It would, of course, be just as valid to modify a spread by using more cards per position. When I first started out doing tarot I followed spreads exactly- I wouldn't have dreamed of modifying one. But after awhile I started tinkering with them; renaming positions, using more or less than the stated cards per position, adding or subtracting a position as suited the question/occasion, or even making up a spread from scratch. These were big breakthroughs for me as far as feeling confidence in my abilities to have tarot be a tool for me rather than me always trying to follow the "rules". My restriction to eleven or so cards (I usually use fewer) is purely personal; it is simply what works best for me and I rarely read for anyone else. I was thrilled that Kiama's spread worked so well with only 9 cards as I think it is a fantastic and really original spread, and I wanted to share that with anyone else who might not even try a 27 card spread. I'm sure many people will use the spread just as it is, and then there are those who will use 36, or 45, or...:)



Congratulations on your 500th post :)



I often tinker with spreads too, when I'm not out making up my own! I think it can be a good sign about a spread if it is versatile. :D



Kiama said:
I think it can be a good sign about a spread if it is versatile. :D

Absolutely:) And as I keep changing and growing with tarot who knows but that some day 27 cards will feel just right?
It's a wonderful idea to base a spread on the Wheel of the Year; my Celtic Wisdom deck should work exceptionally well with it as well.

Blessings, galadrial