Tarot Reading & Law of Attraction


Exactly,you shouldnt even question the attainability of what it is you want.if you know,and you're 100% certain,and its for your greater good,put your trust in,and you'll get it,but you've got to want it enough,slightest doubt,whether consciously/unconsciously,and it just aint gonna happen.You need to acknowledge that we create reality with our thoughts,and many of our unconscious thoughts can grow,like weeds,but,with clearly formulated constructive thoughts,we can produce a rose garden.


After reading the cards, sometimes it's one of those cases of which comes first the chicken or the egg. I do know for a fact that after reading for a situation or asking what should be aware of or pay attention to or what's in store sorts of questions that within a few days something will come up and I know that this is the moment the cards were talking about.

I don't think that because I read the cards or asked the question that I drew or attracted the circumstances to me, I got a head's up on something that could become problematic and good advice on what to do about it.

Now the Law of Attraction will work I think when you think really hard about something and concentrate a lot of effort into something... like manifestation. Try it with something simple, like say... a blue feather. Think about it, envision it and then open your eyes and I'll bet within 24 hours you will find a blue feather somewhere, be a real one on the ground or in some photo or something. Since it works so well, it's best to decide to manifest the positive because it works equally well when thinking negatively, in fact it works far too well.

I don't think tarot is what draws things to us, our subconscious desires do. Tarot simply tells us what it is we are doing and what we could do about it or do instead.


owlish said:
If I recall correctly, one of the principles of the Law of Attraction is that thoughts with genuine intent behind them are much more powerful than fears or things we simply think about from time to time. So if a tarot reading reveals an outcome we don't want, we can choose to either dwell on that and manifest what we don't want sort of by default, or we can choose to think more about what we do want and inject that with real intent.
exactly! this is how I meant my post. we have the ability always to change things by keeping our mind set on how we want a situation to play out.


This is a wonderful, helpful discussion. And I think it's important to delve into it, especially for any not familiar with the LOA while working with tarot and other forms of reading.
I suppose -- for someone like me who has the natural tendency to worry (I have to work upstream away from it often) -- let's say I start out hopeful on a situation, but feel a need to do a reading on it, how it's going, if I'm on the track I want to be on. The cards tell me I'm on a track to destruction, changing course (not what I want to see).
The problem starts there -- the seed is planted of the "uh-oh - this may not work out," where before this sudden awareness, I was pretty much the Fool in being unaware. Perhaps this was coming from an underlying subconscious thought, perhaps the cards are just giving a heads up that I need to make some adjustments (picking up on surrounding energies) -- and some further advice reading could give me clues to what adjustments to make to improve on the situation.
So I do agree that if it's something we'd like to manifest -- we can use the cards to help guide us in that manifestion -- but to be careful not to get stuck on a negative outcome. Instead, to use that for our advantage to steer ourselves back on the track we should be on.

That makes me feel better about reading then. As long as I can see it this way and work with it without getting myself stuck!


blueviolet said:
This is a wonderful, helpful discussion. And I think it's important to delve into it, especially for any not familiar with the LOA while working with tarot and other forms of reading.
I suppose -- for someone like me who has the natural tendency to worry (I have to work upstream away from it often) -- let's say I start out hopeful on a situation, but feel a need to do a reading on it, how it's going, if I'm on the track I want to be on. The cards tell me I'm on a track to destruction, changing course (not what I want to see).
The problem starts there -- the seed is planted of the "uh-oh - this may not work out," where before this sudden awareness, I was pretty much the Fool in being unaware. Perhaps this was coming from an underlying subconscious thought, perhaps the cards are just giving a heads up that I need to make some adjustments (picking up on surrounding energies) -- and some further advice reading could give me clues to what adjustments to make to improve on the situation.
So I do agree that if it's something we'd like to manifest -- we can use the cards to help guide us in that manifestion -- but to be careful not to get stuck on a negative outcome. Instead, to use that for our advantage to steer ourselves back on the track we should be on.

That makes me feel better about reading then. As long as I can see it this way and work with it without getting myself stuck!

But the question is if you believe that the future predicted is going to happen. My inner belief is that I can change anything I don't like that the cards predict. If you don't beleive it has to happen I guess it doesn't have to create that kind of unconscious thing. I've used Tarot before to get me out of those kinds of situations so I have faith it can again.

I had a reading like that before wehre it predicted a terrible outcome in my romantic life, it was a real disaster of an outcome. After the initial shock, I asked the cards why we were headed there and what steps I could take to change that future to a happy outcome. Did a long reading on it. Then meticulously took all the advice and followed through on all the steps. Checked on two weeks later and things were better but not as good as I wanted. Got more advice and followed it. But the end in a bit more than a month, I reasked the original question and got a really positive answers. I have changed my future from a really negative one to a very posiitive one. Now we get cards about marriage all the way.

Since then, I have faith that I can do that with predictions that are not to my liking. So I don't feel the kind of worry I used to before when I see a future I don't care for. So I guess that makes me less likely to attract it to me at the same time.

I wonder though, what if someone did an inaccurate reading, and what the reader said was not really intended to happen, if the fears of the querent could not then attract it towards themselves.
