Tarot Reading while Sick


I come up with the oddest topics I know....lol..I'm sitting here literally half delierious with a fever and was curious about using or handling tarot decks while sick......and not just in a delirous state...Right now I'm basically just taking it easy with me and Grasshopper and not handling anything....but was curious if reading while sick could affect the deck in anyway???


Just fyi...

...your eyes may need rest...if you can quietly 'watch' DVDs...with good music.

Hope some aspirin or something can bring your temperature down...and cooling drinks...a coldpack on hot spots behind the neck or on the wrists, near other hot spots...cool shower maybe?

Best wishes on some rest and kind recovery thoughts...as far as I know, as long as you are monitoring your fever from being over-heated (sun exhaustion), cold and flu might have some minor concerns...hope your eyes aren't exhausted as well.

I tend not to read too much--tarot or small text books-- when so tired from sickness or worn out. If you think you have images that relax and energize you, that might be different and be soothing to you. For instance, a Tarot of Mermaids dip might be soothing and you may end up watching the Little Mermaid, which might be exactly what you need...

Blessing and wishes for you!



How are you afraid it will "effect the deck?" I would say, it won't mean you can't read with that deck ever again-unless you accidently vomit on it!-but unless you need to, I would avoid reading when I am sick and feverish. Reading can be very exhausting and energy consuming and you need all your energy to go to making yourself well right now.

IMHO, You would do best if you did as little as possible until you feel your energy return. And that includes reading cards for a while. Instead, follow some of Cerulean's advice and take it easy. (now say yes, Mommy, and go lay down.) ;)


((((((Bladeraven)))))) Do try to keep warm & avoid being chilled. Fever the body's natural way to combat the invasive. A tepid shower or bath for 15 minutes at a time can help cool off the body, but pushing the fluids a must as dehydration can occur easily & quickly in the presence of elevated body temperatures. Also lots of rest; avoid stress (know how that goes). Hope the recovery is speedy.

That said: I have only experienced one instance where the cards told me to not read. Otherwise, being under the weather does not seem to affect reading ability nor the cards from speaking--possibly because I tend to read in a meditative state which apparently not affected by physical conditions.


I have read cards while sick, but it's hard to concentrate for very long when your nose is running and head is aching... ;) Otherwise I haven't noticed any problems.


Dear Bladeraven,

Get better soon!
I have read while under strong painkillers just once (type of opiates). I wanted to see if it would affect me, and I had somebody else shuffling the deck. According to the person receiving the Reading it was very accurate and beautifully done, so I guess it is not wrong to read.
Although, I'm sick a lot, and painkillers form a normal routine for my rheumatics.



Poor Bladeraven, I hope you start feeling better soon. Usually reading the cards tires me out if I do it for too long, so, if it does for you,t ake it easy, get alot of sleep. Sleep is the best medicine for you.


I have fibromyalgia syndrome and hepatitis C ... both of which result in extreme fatigue. For me, it is a matter of pacing myself ... and as Umbrae said on another thread, grounding and hydrating ... but ... if I get some illness on top of these ... I just hit the sack ... no reading.

Take care ... lots of fluids, like Meewah recommended, pain meds to reduce fever ... and rest, rest, rest. No point in adding to the strain your illness is placing on your body already. Be kind to your body ... after all, it is where you live.



*Wills the internet connection to not switch off again this time so she can actually post*

I think it depends on the kind of reading you're doing. I would not, for instance, do a 2 hour Tarot session for a paying client if I was ill in the slightest. Anything over and hour of reading, and I begin to get fatigued and sluggish. I would probably also refuse short readings for friends when ill - though that's usually just an excuse for when I just can't be bothered to read that evening! (Yes, it's true - sometimes I can't be bothered to read Tarot!)

However, I don't mind reading for myself when I'm ill. It takes less concentration and effort for me, since I'm not counselling another person at the same time (which seems to be what fatigues me most in a reading). I find it also provides a fun distraction from the illness - I detest being bored when ill, so need to find things to do!

As for illness affecting the cards... I am of the school of thought that doesn't believe in energies affecting the cards and therefore their usability at a later stage. Just as using a pen when ill won't make that pen write any worse, I don't think using a Tarot deck when ill will make it more difficult to use later. My experience has seemed to back this up so far.




Thank you for all the insights and the advice...taking every single one of them (particularly warm baths with a nice cup of tea.mmmmmmm) to heart...I guess the direction of my question was just as to whether it would be seen as an advisable way to just relax or if it felt it might be too streneous (Imagine getting the tower, devil and death in a row while delerious with a fever..LOL)...

Lol...as soon as I get Grasshopper to bed...I'm pretty much taking my medications and drooling in bed afterwards....lol..Mostly was looking for "non-excitable" things to do and going to the library wasn't a possibility at the moment...Lol

Fever is more or less gone...feel a bit weak but that's expected and there's still the joy of the dreaded sore throat but there's Chloraseptic, lots of tea and lots of V8 Splash and orange juice...

Lol..I apologize for asking the most oddest if not *duh* sounding questions...lol..but it was a spur of the moment, fever induce delerium I suppose...lol

That and a sign that Tarot is too much involve with my life...now only if I can incorporate that into a job...lol...I feel for everyone whom sent me PM or emails...I read over what I sent back and half of them didn't make sense to me...LOL

so for all I sent PM's and emails...blame it on what I had...lol..I was under the influence of cold medications....lol